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Reputation of the user IRISH OS1R1S  [+67 / -8]  

From user For topic Reason Estimation Date
monkeychow Current Events Thread


+ 184 weeks ago
slcpunk Current Events Thread

haha, walls don\'t work

+ 185 weeks ago
slcpunk Current Events Thread

He always says he\'s leaving, lol, never does.

+ 185 weeks ago
slcpunk Covid 19

\"It\'s just old people\" they say.

+ 198 weeks ago
Randall Flagg Current Events Thread

You’re so smart!

+ 198 weeks ago
misterID Current Events Thread


+ 202 weeks ago
misterID Current Events Thread

You understood

+ 203 weeks ago
Rocky Current Events Thread

Put down the bottle, it\'s affecting your brain cells.

- 204 weeks ago
Rocky Current Events Thread

Karma abuse is against the rules. Please stop.

- 204 weeks ago
slcpunk Buzzsaw

Agree. What took so long?

+ 204 weeks ago
Reputation system for PunBB

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