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#1 Re: The Garden » Skype » 838 weeks ago

Its like calling someone through your computer. And its free.
Also, if you have a decent microphone, you can supposedly get audio thats clearer than through your mobile.

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » There Was A Time (Lyrics) Fantastic » 840 weeks ago

I can't tell any apart from a few changes at the end.
I think it might just be the lyrics from a newer leak of the song.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Axl Rose reality show proposed » 840 weeks ago

Lol, there is just no way axl would agree to this!

buzzsaw wrote:

This would be the dumbest idea for a reality show ever.  A reality show about how to not release an album wouldn't exactly be most people's idea of entertainment.  How long can they show Axl sitting at a piano doing nothing anyway?

Since when are reality TV shows anyones idea of entertainment? If people watch other people sit in a room all day, I'm sure they would watch Axl Rose sit on his ass and play with the mixers.
But yeah, I dont really think it will go ahead.

#4 Re: The Garden » Dreams » 840 weeks ago

I am also very interested in dreams and have been for a while.
On the subject of lucid dreaming; it is actually possible to learn how to get lucid dreams to the point where one can become lucid every night. Quite amazing really.

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » There Was A Time (Lyrics) Fantastic » 840 weeks ago

Sorry I'm a little late - I realise this is an old topic but I was personally unimpressed by the song.
I agree with buzzsaw that, it was the solo that made the song what it is, but the song on the whole was a little bit of a disapointment.

Maybe I'm just an Appetite fan, and maybe the song will grow on me - time will tell.

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