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 Rep: 212 

Re: The Walking Dead

BLS-Pride wrote:
misterID wrote:

If they had just focused on Daryl and the blonde girl it would have been realy good. There are just too many characters. And Carol just shows up in the woods to save the day?

I'm skipping through big portions of the show on my DVR.

Yeah that's kinda bullshit. And she meets up with the two girls she bonded with and the guy who's lover she killed? I wish that little girl did the deed on the little one. That would have been great risk taking TV.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Walking Dead

Axlin16 wrote:

That little psychopathic girl is the most interesting character on the show right now. Earlier in the season in the fall I called that she was "off and weird", and I personally think she killed/murdered her parents.

Maybe i'm wrong, but there it is.

And I agree, there's FAR TOO MANY characters on the show, and I gotta be honest... most of the old cast i'm kinda over, other than Daryl, the best and most likable character on the show. I know this show is based on the comics, but they are already reaching TV series "reinvention" territory 4 seasons in, despite having the biggest ratings ever. I don't get it. The show is in it's worst state, and the viewership is through the roof.

I seriously think the show needs a complete reinvention before this season wraps in order to save it artistically. They need to blow the whole thing up and kill the cast, with maybe the exception of Daryl and just reboot it elsewhere with a new cast.

I don't find Michonne near as interesting as everyone else does. They've waiting too long to reveal her motivations that I simply don't care anymore, and simply swashing a katana around ain't enough. At least Highlander had substance to it.

Re: The Walking Dead

johndivney wrote:

everything that's good & bad w/this show this week
action was funny & even tense
when it slowed down it was boring shite
rick's cool. the glen thing was kinda dopey, the kinda stupid soap opera shit that drags it into adolescent melodrama. michonne & ricks son (esp ricks cheesy son) are treading a fine line, saved only by the fact michonne is p neat. it's a good idea of emphasis her character this term round. but it's like more than enough already about her dead kid. get to the killing.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Walking Dead

misterID wrote:

Michonne is boring now.

They need to focus on Daryl and the Blonde chick.

The scene in the house with Rick was awesome.

The only good thing about Glenn was the introduction of the hot Spanish chick in daisy dukes. Otherwise, I hate Short & Round episodes almost as bad Carl.

And for all that is holy, kill off Carl already. He should've died before his voice cracked.

Re: The Walking Dead

AtariLegend wrote:

Still enjoying the show and character development episodes sometimes are a necessity. However after a break and there being only 4 episodes left, it shows the flaw with US mid season breaks.

The problem I have with this series is it's obvious how the season ends, even without comic knowledge and you know now certain characters are not going to be randomly zombie-fied.

Re: The Walking Dead

johndivney wrote:

This is what happens when u focus on daryl & the blonde bit. This is a show for teenage girls. As if there wasn't enough of those rebellious types already they have to turn this funny zombie show into a snoozefest.

The best thing about this ep was the first 7mins before anyone spoke. Lameass shit. Start killing the cast & focus on rick him & michonne are only two characters worth bothering with.

But the show has so many problems. Chief being too many episodes in a season they don't have enough material to carry it off.

Re: The Walking Dead

johndivney wrote:

Daryl can suck my wang. What a puss.

This show used to be funny. Wth classic case of dropping the ball.

Re: The Walking Dead

AtariLegend wrote:

They are not going to kill half the core cast in a season, meaning Daryl/Michonne/Rick/Carl/Glenn or Carol. Everyone else is expendable bit by bit in non season finales when ever the writers run out of ideas for them.

It's the issue all series run into, especially ones with a high body count. The only exception I can think of is Game of Thrones and that's more, because they have books to follow for at least another 2 (hopefully 3) seasons.

At least it's not as bad as Heroes was though when it came to main characters not dying.

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Walking Dead

AtariLegend wrote:

Still enjoying the show and character development episodes sometimes are a necessity. However after a break and there being only 4 episodes left, it shows the flaw with US mid season breaks.

The problem I have with this series is it's obvious how the season ends, even without comic knowledge and you know now certain characters are not going to be randomly zombie-fied.

Yeah I kind of wish the show eventually will go back to a 13/14 episode pace which would be able to pack into the right amount of story, action, and character development content necessary. I admit that the mid season breaks can be jarring and it hurt alot of the momentum in the later half of S3 which ended on a disappointing low point. Right now I'm happy with how this season is progressing. Gimple I think was left in a position to recon alot of these characters from Season 2&3 that were still around and not given much growth from previous scripts. So yeah the pacing and certain dialogue can be a little weird here & there. Which I can understand and these characters that he decides he wants to keep around when they all meet up in the Safe Zone or another similar location at S4's end, will tie into where the series will go from there. Probably a new villain or team of antagonists will be introduced and stakes will be raised. I actually liked that explored Daryl's character abit more and not just make him the badass tank all the time. It's alright to take a step back. It was a shame what they did to Andrea and some of the other characters in previous seasons and that they either written poorly or made completely unlikeable and one-dimensional. Andrew Lincoln (Rick) says he wants his character to go back to being the sheriff and a leader again; so we were getting small doses of that coming back earlier this season which will probably return when they all meet up in the Sanctuary /Safe Zone area that most of the groups are leading to. I'm glad they brought in Abraham from the comics. When they start using him more, he will be alot of fun. Would like to see more of Tyreese and his dynamic with some of the lead cast. I'm glad it's going back to what it's all about, SURVIVAL and they are leaving the south.

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Walking Dead

AtariLegend wrote:

They are not going to kill half the core cast in a season, meaning Daryl/Michonne/Rick/Carl/Glenn or Carol. Everyone else is expendable bit by bit in non season finales when ever the writers run out of ideas for them.

It's the issue all series run into, especially ones with a high body count. The only exception I can think of is Game of Thrones and that's more, because they have books to follow for at least another 2 (hopefully 3) seasons.

At least it's not as bad as Heroes was though when it came to main characters not dying.

I agree. Those guys are going to be safe for a long while. Heroes just had alot of bad writers towards the last few seasons. Zack Quinto even wanted to leave in the third or fourth season because he didn't want to be type casted as Sylar and this was when Star Trek was in pre-production. and certain ideas going back and forth led to him still being on there. American Horror Story and other shows suffer this problem. When someone dies, it should have consequence and go with the story. Not just a gag that serves no purpose.

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