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 Rep: 70 

Re: What's Different this time?

Naltav wrote:
Neemo wrote:

i agree with bono cuz i know that aside from any other band (except gnr) i really have no idea what i am getting into when i go to a concert

i just dont follow any other band with the same gusto that i follow guns...

and when i go to shows i expect to hear the hists with maybe a couple new tunes in there

STP, MEgadeth, Pearljam, INXS, theory of a deadman, tea party, black label society .... some of a few that i bought tickets for with at tiems not even knowing who was even in the band

I can see that...

But then again. The "GNR-without-Slash"-thing is sorta one of kind. It's like Mick Jagger fronting a revamped version of RS without Keith,  James doing Metallica without Lars and Kirk (or maybe Lars doing Metallica with out James and Kirk) smile

Don't see that any of the bands you mentioned would have created headlines the way GNR with only Axl have done for the last 15 years

If we're gonna compare, we should compare to similar situations. And there really aren't, that I know of...

 Rep: 633 

Re: What's Different this time?

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 231 

Re: What's Different this time?

-D- wrote:

If i bought a ticket to see BUSH, I'd have no idea if the other guys around Gavin Rossdale were new or not

I watched that Foo Fighter Documentary Back and Forth and I had no idea they had a new drumer or guitar player from when they started.

 Rep: 194 

Re: What's Different this time?

tejastech08 wrote:
-D- wrote:

If i bought a ticket to see BUSH, I'd have no idea if the other guys around Gavin Rossdale were new or not

I watched that Foo Fighter Documentary Back and Forth and I had no idea they had a new drumer or guitar player from when they started.

Guns is different though. They were the last band that had an iconic lead singer and iconic lead guitarist. Mick/Keith, Page/Plant, Tyler/Perry, Van Halen/Roth, etc. Guns was the last band that had a similar situation. They were a 70's hard rock band stuck in the late 80's/early 90's.

 Rep: 485 

Re: What's Different this time?

Neemo wrote:

guns is no different, its jsut not, if you talk to hardcore fans from other bands they would say its obvious to everyone as well who is intheir fav band and whatever other intricacies that come with that particular band

we follow it, we know, peopel that have been to shows since 2002 know...most people that arent hardcores and havent heard the new album and havent been to new era shows dont know who is in the band, maybe dont even know that Chinese Democracy even exists

 Rep: 108 

Re: What's Different this time?

war wrote:

i dont think were still truly debating that so much as:

how many of the persons that dont know slash is not in the band are at the shows?

and of those people how many are truly affected by his absence?

if the definition of being a non hardcore fan means having no idea who is in the band before you go to a show i'd venture to say most if not all of those people would enjoy the show just the same.

 Rep: 485 

Re: What's Different this time?

Neemo wrote:
war wrote:

if the definition of being a non hardcore fan means having no idea who is in the band before you go to a show i'd venture to say most if not all of those people would enjoy the show just the same.

i would have to agree, but there is bound to be people that are fans of slash's new stuff that may hope for a song or 2 off of the new disk (it got tons of promo and hype) also old school gnr fans that have fallen out of touch that would like a trip down nostalgia lane...and there is always the hecklers that will pick out any little thing to harp on if things arent going perfectly for them

but in times of economic uncertainty when people get a chance to go out all they really wanna do is let loose and forget their troubles for a couple hours ... i think that may play a big part for peoples attitudes as well

 Rep: 194 

Re: What's Different this time?

tejastech08 wrote:
Neemo wrote:

guns is no different, its jsut not, if you talk to hardcore fans from other bands they would say its obvious to everyone as well who is intheir fav band and whatever other intricacies that come with that particular band

we follow it, we know, peopel that have been to shows since 2002 know...most people that arent hardcores and havent heard the new album and havent been to new era shows dont know who is in the band, maybe dont even know that Chinese Democracy even exists

I'm saying at a mainstream level people NEVER gave a shit who the guitarist was in Bush. Guns was different in that regard at the height of their popularity.

 Rep: 485 

Re: What's Different this time?

Neemo wrote:

back in the mid 90's Bush was a huge deal

Nigel Pulford and Gavin Rossdale...Nigel left after the Golden State (2001) album was recorded, not sure if he is back now or not

he had an incredible ability to make his guitar make nonstandard sounds come from it

 Rep: 475 

Re: What's Different this time?

misterID wrote:

Sorry Neemo, no way anyone in Bush (ANYONE) was a household name like Slash was and still is. People know Slash on a much, much bigger scale.

Not even in the same ball park.

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