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 Rep: 475 

Re: What's Different this time?

misterID wrote:
Bono wrote:
misterID wrote:

Bono, you keep going on about how people don't do research... As I've said to you many times, if they have a computer with internet access or read a music magazine, then they probably have a slight idea about what's going on with GN'R in the last 10-15 years. GN'R has been a trending topic and on the front page of yahoo several times over the years. If anyone, at any point, was a big enough fan of GN'R to blindly buy a ticket to a show or purchase an album, you would think, at the very least, that at some point in the last 15 years they would have read SOMETHING about GN'R that would have updated them, just a little, about what's happened after 1996 with the band.

You can stop using the reasearch line already an acting like it's some big ordeal to click a link, or type Guns N' Roses or even Axl in a search engine, or read an article in a magazine or on a website that mentions them. There have been MANY articles on MANY websites and in MANY magazines and TV shows that have talked about the current line up of GN'R, Axl and has mentioned Chinese Democracy.

You can stop with he average  person cares as much as we do bullshit. Most people hear the band is coming to town on  the radio and buy tickets then show up the night of the show. MOST people do not care to read about the band online despite how often they are trending topic.  And no shit I'm sure in 15 years someone has read or heard something about them but the average person doesn't give a fraction of a shit the way we do. You guys seriously overestimate the general publics interest or effort to find things out about a band that for the most part they just like when it comes on radio. The fact you seriously believe the average Joe is typeing their name into a serach engine on a  regular basis to find shit out is hilarious. Like I said online fan forum bubble. have at it.

misterID wrote:

I'll buy that. There probably are a few.

Way more than a  few.



I didn't say ANYTHING about the average person caring as much as we do. Never said that. You made that shit up. And I didn't say anything about everyone doing research, but it HAS become pretty common knowledge and has been written, talked about, broadcast enough, that even the average person, not a GN'R fan, has probably just happened upon some sliver of info while surfing the net, reading a magazine, watching TV, heard it on the radio, even overheared it from a friend, in the lst 15 years that Slash isn't in the band. And you figure that if someone heard about a show on the radio, you'd figure the DJ's would say something about the "new" band and Axl ebing the only original member. Uh, if you didn't know, Axl and Slash's feud is kind of a known thing...

You're the one twisting words, bro. I gave several examples (like I did above) of how someone might have heard about the band in the LAST 15 YEARS and you chose to go with the search engine thing. Nice. But again, if people are texting you asking if Slash is in the band, that says that they have probably heard something about it at some point, even if they needed a refresher. And then, you told them right? So, now they know. I'm sure you've told other people the deal about the band over the last 15 years before now, too. Right?

And we're not talking about an average Joe, we are talking about avergae, casual GN'R fans. Who will buy a ticket or buy an album.

I said there probably are people like that who don't know, but not on any kind of significant scale. And yeah, I'm sure someone is going to bring their mother up in their next argument that she couldn't tell you who was in GN'R. 16

And Axl and Slash are icons. End of story. Some of you are trying to compare bands and musicians to them who nowhere near on their level, not in the slightest.

 Rep: 485 

Re: What's Different this time?

Neemo wrote:
misterID wrote:

Sorry Neemo, no way anyone in Bush (ANYONE) was a household name like Slash was and still is. People know Slash on a much, much bigger scale.

Not even in the same ball park.

Ummmm Gavin Rossdale and Gwen Stefane were THE poster child of Alternative rock for a couple years it seemed they were on every single mag cover that you could come across...

and Gavin and Nigel had more than their fair share of MTV and Guitar Mag interviews back when Razorblade Suitcase was in full swing

they had 10 singles from 94 to 97 and 8 of them hit the top 5 on US billboard alternative main charts including 3 #1's...i understand that they werent so popular in the UK but in north america they were fucking huge dude(s) 22

i would say that Rossdale hit about as high of profile as you can for a rockstar in the heyday...granted they havent had staying power but you still hear Machinehead, Littlethings, Glycerine and Come Down on regular rotation on the radio..they even have a new album and i understand that it is doing not to badly...i havent heard it myself yet though

 Rep: 475 

Re: What's Different this time?

misterID wrote:

I'm not saying they weren't popular, weren't huge. Not at all.

But they were never on Axl and Slash's level, just as public figures. Not then and defintiely not now.

Re: What's Different this time?

AtariLegend wrote:

Internationally in the UK, Gwen wasn't that well known during the No Doubt years, though "Don't Speak" did get played alot. Was alot bigger with her solo career.

Bush were the kind of thing the English indie NME kids would be into, but honestly I don't remember that much about seeing their music get played on the music TV channels and have never seen one of there fans in real life.

I agree with Neemo though about the other bands listed.

 Rep: 475 

Re: What's Different this time?

misterID wrote:

Maybe we should do an experiment.

Lets find some average Joes, hold up pictures of the guitarists of Pearl Jam, STP, Megadeth, Theory Of A Deadman, BLS, and lets add Bush, Oasis, Nickleback and Creed to the list, as being the big bands of their era, and then hold up a picture of Slash and ask them to name them.

Who do you think would win?

 Rep: 108 

Re: What's Different this time?

war wrote:
Neemo wrote:

i would have to agree, but there is bound to be people that are fans of slash's new stuff that may hope for a song or 2 off of the new disk (it got tons of promo and hype)

well, if they are fans of slash and his new stuff i'd say they know he's not in the band and, therefore, don't object if they are still attending the gnr show

Neemo wrote:

also old school gnr fans that have fallen out of touch that would like a trip down nostalgia lane...

yes, very similar comment to one of mine a page or two back. the old schoolers that sorta lost touch with gnr when they bought houses, had kids, etc.

my take on that is if gnr became less of a priority at that point and they are now going to take a night in of gnr nostalgia after all these years of being clueless to his existence.  they can still do so. initial response will be "wheres slash?" or "who the fuck is this dude?" but if they did fine without slash for over a decade they will be fine with just axl.

Neemo wrote:

...and there is always the hecklers that will pick out any little thing to harp on if things arent going perfectly for them

let's leave buzz out of this  16

just kidding buzz  19

very true about the hecklers but if slash where there they'd still be there heckling about something else.

 Rep: 194 

Re: What's Different this time?

tejastech08 wrote:
misterID wrote:

Sorry Neemo, no way anyone in Bush (ANYONE) was a household name like Slash was and still is. People know Slash on a much, much bigger scale.

Not even in the same ball park.

misterID wrote:

Maybe we should do an experiment.

Lets find some average Joes, hold up pictures of the guitarists of Pearl Jam, STP, Megadeth, Theory Of A Deadman, BLS, and lets add Bush, Oasis, Nickleback and Creed to the list, as being the big bands of their era, and then hold up a picture of Slash and ask them to name them.

Who do you think would win?

Exactly. 16

 Rep: 768 

Re: What's Different this time?

Axlin16 wrote:

Who in the hell is Bush?

I rest my case

 Rep: 108 

Re: What's Different this time?

war wrote:

i like bush  smile


are we still talking about musicians?

 Rep: 661 

Re: What's Different this time?

monkeychow wrote:

I think it comes down to personality of the punter.

Some people are going to assume it means there's been a reunion while they were watching rap on MTV and it's the same band as their youth.

Some people are going to be more aware of what's happened in the past 15 years.

Some people will google a band before purchasing tickets to see who's in it these days - some won't.

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