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 Rep: 287 

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

Aussie wrote:

Yeah cheers axlin and Russ for updating

 Rep: 50 

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

Gagarin wrote:

The Short
Great, great show.  Who cares about setlists, vocal rasp, new songs, a record. It was a great show.
My second time seeing GNR, the first time I've ever been at 'the rail' for a show.

The Long
After getting someone to go with me bombed, and stuck with 2 GA tickets, I decided to go balls out and say "what the hell" and try to get to the front rail. When I'm older I can puss out and sit in nosebleeds. And since it was 2006 the last time he came, well, I didn't want to be 30 and standing for the first time.

So I stood by the door starting around 5:00 PM. There was plenty of confusion about *what* door to use and what would happen when they opened. I had a feeling that the East entrance was the one to be at, and I had a feeling I'd have to book to where the wristbands were as I couldn't see any wristband stations near the door I was at. Well, they opened our door *3rd*, and I had to run to the East entrance to get a wristband. Once that happened, onto the floor. Run!  "WALK!" Run! And...  boom, at the rail, stage left. I'm ecstatic. And then whoa! The two guys I was standing next to outside...the guys who LITERALLY right in front of me when we went through the turnstile. I didn't even see them run with me. They must have been right behind me.

I made sure I had enough room to last me the night and we were pretty much fine the whole night. Only mild pushing during last 4 songs. The barrier kept being pushed back, though.

So, after picking THE WRONG door, on the WRONG entrance, I still made it to the rail.

Best thing ever.

*Facial expressions.
*See body movements
*Feel the pyro
*Nobody in front of you...I felt like *I* had all the room in the world.
*License to go crazy
*You can applaud the LCD screen guy as he's setting up during changeover.
*They really do work their ass off during the hour changeover. Stage was only calm for ~10 minutes before Dexter started.
*Bass. OMG. The bass.
*Axl throws the piss out of that microphone stand.

Being so close, I can't tell you HOW the show really sounded for everyone else. We're standing right next to what I guess are the woofers. There's a wedge speaker that gave the rest of the house mix for us. From my experience, it sounded good. Axl sounded good. The guitars sounded good. The crowd was loud when it should have been. People sang along to Chinese Democracy songs.

I'm not sure what to make of different tales people have of DJ or Bumblefoot interacting with them. It's hard to tell. I think I did have a moment or two with DJ and I think Fortus responded once to my "4" hand gesture. Maybe. But you gotta keep rocking even when they're not in front of you!

There's SO many things going on in the stage show. Fortus is jumping doing windmills. DJ is hanging his body on the railing, and dropping cigarettes onto a security guard or two, Bumble is teasing the front row, Axl's doing his thing... and there's movies on in the background. It's an entertaining show. All the songs sounded great to me. Review them on YouTube, steal a soundboard, maybe not. But they sounded great in the moment. These guitarists are exciting live performers. They do compete with Axl for attention up there.

This band enjoyed themselves and they were comfortable together on stage. Axl chasing Tommy. Axl chasing Tommy with his fingers as little pretend bull horns. Bumble doing the "which one is it" switch-a-roo game with his and DJ's liquor. You didn't get that vibe in 2006 (my opinion), and 2002 was like watching a band with each person in their own bubble.  Not so with this.

Why does Axl do the ACDC covers? Because he kicks their ass. The crowd likes it. And he gets off on it. He can sing the hell out of them.

Fun facts:
*The two Asian women who came with the happy birthday tarp for Mother Goose? They were immediately to my left (two gentleman left and they moved up next to me).
*Axl: "It's your birthday.....?  You asshole!"
*The women security/event staff that DJ messed with a little, she was visibly tired 1/2 through the show. Event staff passed along word that there were "2" (songs left?) and they rolled their eyes/looked relieved to see the light at the tunnel. There were 3 songs left, though. smile
*Getting a setlist was harder this time. I didn't manage it and neither did anyone I could see.
*The screens for video are actually all...LEDs. Maybe I'm an idiot and I should have realized this.
*Those boxes Axl and the guys stand on? They move. A lot.
*Axl has maracas on stage, just in case.
*GNR crew/staff have T-shirts that have "FYCN" on the back. ...what's that?
*Axl told a story about being in a truckstop. In addition to the 'he can be a little snot' comment, the waitress was also pissed because she had to work that night instead of seeing Guns N' Roses.

Oddly, Madagascar. Whole Lot Of Rosie. And Estranged.

 Rep: 485 

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

Neemo wrote:

thanks for the review gagarin! 9

 Rep: 30 

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

sandman wrote:

sounds like a kick-ass show! 4 more nights til i see them in WB, PA! can't freakin wait. this set list is incredible.

Axlin08 - i believe November Rain was played and total songs should be 24.

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

Sky Dog wrote: … 8429.story

great review...nails what Axl means to us Axl-ites.

"Yet Rose's dramatic deliveries turned several sweeping ballads into poignant meditations on unrequited love ("November Rain"), anguished loss ("This I Love") and antagonistic relationships ("Sorry"). A cathartic reading of "Estranged," a 1991 epic dusted off for this tour, presented in intimate fashion the emotional dichotomies, illusory perceptions and inward struggles that have seemingly consumed Rose throughout his career. In opting for vulnerability over anger, and sentimentality over menace, the less-reckless Guns N' Roses reticently hinted at redemption. Too bad it's taken so long."

 Rep: 70 

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

Naltav wrote:




 Rep: 70 

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

Naltav wrote:

A pic a buddy of a guy from htgth took:  smile


 Rep: 108 

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

war wrote:
madagas wrote: … 8429.story

great review...nails what Axl means to us Axl-ites.

"Yet Rose's dramatic deliveries turned several sweeping ballads into poignant meditations on unrequited love ("November Rain"), anguished loss ("This I Love") and antagonistic relationships ("Sorry"). A cathartic reading of "Estranged," a 1991 epic dusted off for this tour, presented in intimate fashion the emotional dichotomies, illusory perceptions and inward struggles that have seemingly consumed Rose throughout his career. In opting for vulnerability over anger, and sentimentality over menace, the less-reckless Guns N' Roses reticently hinted at redemption. Too bad it's taken so long."

I can read 9 words in that review!

 Rep: 633 

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

RussTCB wrote:


Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

Sky Dog wrote:


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