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 Rep: 633 

Re: AXL ROSE Falls On Stage At France's HELLFEST

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: AXL ROSE Falls On Stage At France's HELLFEST

Axlin16 wrote:

I told 'ya. Dude is a legendary heel.

But I bet you the guy who said it, said it with a smile on his face. Not hatred. People LOVE to hate Axl.

He needs to work it.

 Rep: 386 

Re: AXL ROSE Falls On Stage At France's HELLFEST

Bono wrote:
Ali wrote:

Your definition of the word "obvious" is questionable at best, and in this particular case, it's laughable.  If you only knew the volume of bootlegs from the UYI days that I haven't listened to in well over a decade because I can't stand how Axl sounded during the bulk of that tour 16

Perhaps you should stick to talking about GN'R and U2 instead of telling other people what their opinions and thoughts "obviously" are.  Because, frankly, you "blow" at that.


There is noone more obvious than you Ali. How in the fuck are you even a fan of Axl Rose? If you hated how he sounded back in the day when he was on fire and you expect anyone to believe you think his vocals in that "clean" err.... shitty fucking helium voice are badass. You will NEVER say anything bad about Axl in his current state, regardless of the year. The guy could start singing like Chad Kroeger and you'd love it. You're the type that if Axl suddenly went full rasp all the time you'd say how fucking cool it is because he sounds like vinatge Axl. It's more than OBVIOUS what your shtick is dude and you blow at hiding it.

 Rep: 768 

Re: AXL ROSE Falls On Stage At France's HELLFEST

Axlin16 wrote:

That is the dumbest fucking thing I think i've heard Ali say, which is shocking because he (I still think she) is usually pretty smart and sharp regardless of differing opinions. But this time its not even plausible in what they just said.

How can you HATE how Axl Rose sounded on "those songs" during the UYI tour, when he sounded MORE ACCURATE to the STUDIO ORIGINALS that POPULARIZED -- "those songs".

Are you serious? You shot your argument in the fuckin' head before it even got out the gate. Good job.

 Rep: 231 

Re: AXL ROSE Falls On Stage At France's HELLFEST

-D- wrote:

I think he misquoted himself.

 Rep: 475 

Re: AXL ROSE Falls On Stage At France's HELLFEST

misterID wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

That is the dumbest fucking thing I think i've heard Ali say, which is shocking because he (I still think she) is usually pretty smart and sharp regardless of differing opinions. But this time its not even plausible in what they just said.

How can you HATE how Axl Rose sounded on "those songs" during the UYI tour, when he sounded MORE ACCURATE to the STUDIO ORIGINALS that POPULARIZED -- "those songs".

Are you serious? You shot your argument in the fuckin' head before it even got out the gate. Good job.

He is saying there are boots he can't listen to because he didn't like his voice on that tour. 92 was definitely not my favorite Axl voice.

The shows in 93 his voice was great, though. So there might have been something going on there.

 Rep: 633 

Re: AXL ROSE Falls On Stage At France's HELLFEST

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 70 

Re: AXL ROSE Falls On Stage At France's HELLFEST

That's cool that the guy was able to make the show by driving that long of a distance. My friend's maximum limit to drive to a concert is about 4 hours which is what happened when my party went to see Van Halen a few months back. Totally worth it! Glad his fiancee had an excellent time!

 Rep: 768 

Re: AXL ROSE Falls On Stage At France's HELLFEST

Axlin16 wrote:

Yeah i'll only drive so far for a show.

Now a GN'R reunion show... all bets are off.

 Rep: 41 

Re: AXL ROSE Falls On Stage At France's HELLFEST

Ali wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

That is the dumbest fucking thing I think i've heard Ali say, which is shocking because he (I still think she) is usually pretty smart and sharp regardless of differing opinions. But this time its not even plausible in what they just said.

How can you HATE how Axl Rose sounded on "those songs" during the UYI tour, when he sounded MORE ACCURATE to the STUDIO ORIGINALS that POPULARIZED -- "those songs".

Are you serious? You shot your argument in the fuckin' head before it even got out the gate. Good job.

No, he.  For the last time, he.

I don't like Axl's incredibly hoarse or "raspy" voice during the UYI days.  It sounds like he's in pain singing and that, besides just the unpleasant tone, makes it hard for me to listen to. 

Maybe it's because I know what's going on in my throat when my voice sounds like that I have a natural aversion to that sound.  But, I don't like that, just like I don't like the way he sings the first verse of "Street of Dreams" on the album version.

I think that for much of the UYI tours, he sounded raspier/more hoarse than he did on the studio versions.  I still like his tone on the UYI records, but I prefer how he sounded on AFD.

It's just a preference in tonality, nothing more, nothing less.  The only one "shooting (their) argument in the head" is the person trying to make an argument when there is none, and there's only a difference in taste - you.


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