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 Rep: 661 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

monkeychow wrote:

I'm not sure why anyone thinks this is worse than anything they've been doing last couple of years.

Or is that why? BECAUSE they've already done it for 2 years.

The fact that it's threatening to be Chinese songs with a custom list and not ONLY an AFD hits show is actually good considering what the promoters in vegas probably want is a total retro-classic hits show.

These could be cool if they did break out some of the less-peformed stuff. Maybe some of the things from Tokyo 09 era - like catcher, twat, scrapped...things that arn't entirely burnt out. Maybe something like the sailing cover of 06 will happen...lord knows it's overdue that they break back out OMG - it's been in soundcheck for a while....or maybe...big maybe...but something truely surprising like a silkworms or one of the even more unknown songs.

There's potential for these to be very cool. So i think we should give them a fair shot at being good nights before we get too excited that they'll suck for sure.

If they did something even slightly unexpected, then it would make a fitting end to this era. Especially if the band then used the funds to launch a post-chinese democracy released CD2 or something in the future.

 Rep: 386 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

Bono wrote:

It's worse because of how they THEMSELVES are promoting it. Appetite for Democracy................ Makes them all look like a bunch of fukcing washed up hacks. Like anyone on thsi planet has an Appetite for Demcarcy. Dellusional twats is what Axl and management are.  It's one of the lamest things the band has done post 1994. I'm not even joking. For the headmaster to preach to everyone to move on, get over the past, and for all the "Get on board or fuck off"  mindset that's been spewd by this band over the years, how they are promoting this is an absolute farce. Pathetic beyond comprehension.

I just roll my eyes now and accept the fact they are the biggest joke in the Industry.

 Rep: 70 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

Naltav wrote:

I see only one way that this Vegas-thing could be a positive thing for us diehards.

And that is if they use this event to launch the next part of the CD saga.

Example: They play AFD from start to finish. The rest of the setlist contains CD and unheard songs from CDII.

 Rep: 633 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 70 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

Naltav wrote:

Joe Public gets their fix with AFD. Diehards gets their fix with both AFD og CDII.
The band gets the word out that they are infact willing move forward AND honours the past at the same time.

A win-win for EVERYBODY involved!

 Rep: 633 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 70 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

Naltav wrote:
RussTCB wrote:

My point being that I don't think they're (GN'R) doing this for anyone outside of Joe Public.

Well, THAT is my fear. That GNR stop putting on shows that are interesting and worth the effort for us diehards. The last Euro-leg demonstrated that.

In 2006, I traveled to Oslo and saw them because it had been 13 years since I last attended a GNR-gig.

In 2010 I traveled to Bergen and Oslo to see them because I wanted to experience some of the "new" CD-songs live.

If they ONLY focus on Joe Public and don't throw ANYTHING in direction of the diehards, things can only go one way.

My hope is that the title for this Vegas-thing, "Appetite For Democracy", is actually just that. A band that is hungry to take a couple of step forward and in doing so, trying to bring Joe Public along for the ride!

 Rep: 423 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

buzzsaw wrote:

You know there aren't many diehards left.  If they tried to cater to them, Axl couldn't even meet payroll.  As personal as we make this a lot of times, it is a business.

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

johndivney wrote:
BLS-Pride wrote:

I love Vegas too. I actually brought up going to one of these shows to my girlfriend. Her response was not unless she comes and we get hitched... Sorry Axl I will not be attending. 16

best post ever.

 Rep: 70 

Re: 12 GN'R shows in Las Vegas

Naltav wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

You know there aren't many diehards left.  If they tried to cater to them, Axl couldn't even meet payroll.  As personal as we make this a lot of times, it is a business.

I hear you. I'm not under the impression that out of a crowd of 10'000 you got 2 or 3000 diehard-forum-fans. It's prolly such a small number I'd rather not guess! smile

But to cater to us diehards, it's not like they (GNR) need to make the shows totally uninteresting for the avarage rockfan. Rotating two or three new songs would be enough (at least for me). That is, if the plan is to tour off and on for even more years to come with no plans to release a new album.

With so few albums in their backcatalogue, there is a limit for how many world tours they can pull off without alienating the diehards. And as the years go on, even rabid Axlites like me are starting to see the pattern!  smile

And comments from Ashba & Co about awesome new songs, writing new tunes, going into the studio during the next months are worth jack shit. The boys who cried wolf....

My general view of this Vegas-thing is that these sort of shows are what you do if you are Celine Dion or Tom Jones or what ever. From reading the posts in this thread, it might not be totally accurate. I didn't know about Mötley and Prince etc.

So we'll see how it turns out.

But if my fears turn into reality, I'm outta here! At least for the forseeable future....

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