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 Rep: 281 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

faldor wrote:
DCK wrote:

I don't see it as an easy fix at all. But it's either doing something or just let it go on like this.

The argument that one needs to look at peoples mental illnesses instead of guns is like saying the States have more loonies and dumb people than the rest of us, which clearly is extremely silly thing to say.

Yeah I understand that, and I think I agree at this point.  Changes HAVE to be made.  What those changes are, I have no idea.  But I also agree with ID and Buzz, that you can't really compare the US with other countries that don't have these problems at this magnitude.  Others make it sound simple, "ban guns, ban bullets, etc".  We've gotten ourselves into this mess, and we have to somehow dig ourselves out of it.  And I do believe too that it's more of a cultural problem than it is a gun issue.  People have had guns in this country since its inception, but gun violence has gotten much worse over time.  I mean it's bad enough when there are murders or shootings in inner cities, or high crime areas, but it's gotten to the point where these types of things can literally happen ANYWHERE.  And these mass killings are happening in what are considered "safe" places because it's easy to go in and kill a bunch of people when security is low and people aren't expecting it.

So I don't know where to start, but the time is now.  In fact, the time is overdue, but we can't let this go on any longer.  People get in an uproar whenever something like this happens, then it's slowly forgotten until the next tragedy.  That certainly isn't the way to handle things.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

Axlin16 wrote:

This guy killed 20 kids, at close range with HANDGUNS.

He could've did the same thing with a machete.

If anything this incident has actually re-inforced gun control is a silly battle. First it was ASSAULT RIFLES in Aurora. Then everyone found out it was a semi-auto. Suddenly their argument got negated, and they shut up.

The unconscious mind and catching the signs is what we need to get better at. I refuse to believe there were not warning signs with this psycho. He should've never had access to a gun. Taking the gun away from him is not the problem.

And that's all i'm going to say on this subject out of respect for those babies.

One more thing, and then i'll be nice...

FUCK YOU Mike Huckabee. FUCK YOU YOU PATHETIC FUCKING PRICK. Using this incident to try to make some sort of political statement to get your fucking Baptist doctrine cock sucking agenda in the press about "more God in schools would've solved this".


*end rant and back to memorial*

 Rep: 475 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

misterID wrote:
A Private Eye wrote:

I didn't copy and paste anything.

So plenty of tragedies have been prevented by noticing people on the brink, that's great (genuinely) but it didn't save anyone yesterday, nobody noticed this guy going off the rails. Had he not been able to get his hands on 2 handguns and an automatic rifle then yesterday doesn't happen. I can't put it more simply than that, nothing will completely stop this happening but if you combine careful monitoring of those that are a potential risk along with reducing everybodies access AK47s then these kind of events and the numbers that die are bound to reduce.

Maybe your right and they won't change the constitution although I suspect if some senators son gets shot dead in a situation like this they might look at it closer.

I was talking about DCK on the c&p.

And a stricter gun law wouldn't have prevented what happened yesterday. It just came out he tried to buy a gun earlier in the week but was turned away. He stole the guns he used from his mother.

No, they are not going to change the constitution, period. If they want stiffer gun control, go ahead, limit who can get certain guns.

I am glad that the majority of reporting on American televison is more about mental health and not video games, movies and music like Columbine.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

Axlin16 wrote:

The Columbine thing was an embarassment, that had a HUGE influence on my world view as a kid. I was right at that age when it happened.

It changed me and how I see these things forever after that. How many years the media tried to propagandize the "Trenchcoat Mafia" thing and 10 years later it came out that it never even existed. It was just a media creation to try to sell an image of "goths" shooting up a school, because it sold newspapers. Saying it was "just some normal kids that decided to kill" apparently wasn't sexy enough for the press.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

-D- wrote:

If something isnt done, all these kids like the rest of victims in these senseless tragedies, die in vain.

2nd amendment is the example of giving someone an inch and they taking a mile.

Im sure semi\fully automatic weapons wasnt what they had in mind. A shotgun to hunt and a six shooter for protection ahould suffice. Boggles my mind why civilians need weapons that spray

 Rep: 768 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

Axlin16 wrote:

I do agree that when the 2nd amendment was wrote, alot was different and it might need amending. Private citizens deserve nothing past a 6-shot revolver pistol and basic rifles and shotguns. It's enough for self-protection and hunting. That's all they need.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

buzzsaw wrote:
Cramer wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
Cramer wrote:

So if we enacted gun laws that stopped the sale of guns that spray out 50 bullets at a time that would not make a difference?

If we enacted laws that required stricter mental health evaluation that wouldn't make a difference?

Surely even you could understand these simple ideas.

Understand?  Yes.  See any impact?  No.  Less kids accidents maybe.  That's it.  The bad/crazy guy will always get the gun.  Well, maybe in 100 years or so it will become more difficult, but it will take that long at the very least to impact the amount of guns out on the street just illegally (not even counting the legal ones).

You are either stupid, stubborn or both.

Do you also think that making seatbelts mandatory did nothing? Yes people still die in car wrecks, but how many more lives did seat belts save in the meantime?

LOL - you're really comparing a gun to seatbelts and you call me stupid?

 Rep: 423 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

buzzsaw wrote:
Cramer wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

They are going to get a gun no matter what.  It's not like the illegal ones are hard to find.  Clearly you have no clue as to the situation in the US.  You guys want these things that work great in theory, but do not work at all in practice.

Want proof?  Let me know how the war on drugs is going.

You didn't answer my question.

Name one instance where somebody with a weapon, other than a gun, walked into a public place and murdered 20-30 people.

OKC bombing.  Done.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

buzzsaw wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

I do agree that when the 2nd amendment was wrote, alot was different and it might need amending. Private citizens deserve nothing past a 6-shot revolver pistol and basic rifles and shotguns. It's enough for self-protection and hunting. That's all they need.

I agree with that 100%.  Having said that, even if this is the law, sadly it will not prevent what happened yesterday from happening in the future.

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