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Re: Bring Back Robin Finck "Tank"
Regarding song writing, Bono is absolutely correct.
I have three words for people who do not buy into the idea that massively popular and highly crafted albums cannot be fronted by people with no talent once the budget is right...
The Spice Girls.Those bitches are at the far end of the spectrum but believe me there are many "real" bands who draft in teams of writers and musicians to craft every second of their songs.
Axl was no exception, with Gary Sunshine (Aerosmith writer) hauled in listen and evaluate the tunes he had for CD. By all accounts he wasn't a fan.To me, "Better" is the only song that really looked like a move away from the Slash era and that sounded great. (I'm referring to the early demo version I first heard).
All the piano songs on CD are "Illusions for the New Millenium" tunes that are really not much of a stretch from the old sound (just a bit more modern with some nods to Radiohead type atmospherics in the background etc). I think Slash could have poured much more emotion into them than the players did on CD.
Axl's style, no matter how hard he tries to escape it, is more Elton John than Trent Reznor. I just don’t think he rubs up well with the harsh landscape of that style of music. I like parts of Shacklers for sure, but that’s as far down that road I can go with Axl.
So, what am I saying? Well, to me CD wasn’t worth the hassle Axl has put himself, his old bandmates, his fans and all of the replacement players through. None of it was beyond the old band to deliver just as well if not better than the replacements did. Scrapped, Riad, Sorry, Maddy all have their moments but ultimately I find myself putting on Breakdown, You Could be Mine and Estranged and thinking to myself “why the fuck did he walk away from this band?”
good post ^
Re: Bring Back Robin Finck "Tank"
Regarding song writing, Bono is absolutely correct.
I have three words for people who do not buy into the idea that massively popular and highly crafted albums cannot be fronted by people with no talent once the budget is right...
The Spice Girls.Those bitches are at the far end of the spectrum but believe me there are many "real" bands who draft in teams of writers and musicians to craft every second of their songs.
Axl was no exception, with Gary Sunshine (Aerosmith writer) hauled in listen and evaluate the tunes he had for CD. By all accounts he wasn't a fan.To me, "Better" is the only song that really looked like a move away from the Slash era and that sounded great. (I'm referring to the early demo version I first heard).
All the piano songs on CD are "Illusions for the New Millenium" tunes that are really not much of a stretch from the old sound (just a bit more modern with some nods to Radiohead type atmospherics in the background etc). I think Slash could have poured much more emotion into them than the players did on CD.
Axl's style, no matter how hard he tries to escape it, is more Elton John than Trent Reznor. I just don’t think he rubs up well with the harsh landscape of that style of music. I like parts of Shacklers for sure, but that’s as far down that road I can go with Axl.
So, what am I saying? Well, to me CD wasn’t worth the hassle Axl has put himself, his old bandmates, his fans and all of the replacement players through. None of it was beyond the old band to deliver just as well if not better than the replacements did. Scrapped, Riad, Sorry, Maddy all have their moments but ultimately I find myself putting on Breakdown, You Could be Mine and Estranged and thinking to myself “why the fuck did he walk away from this band?”
How can you compare a fifty year old rocker with a manufactured group of young hot women, whose songs and images are a result of maketing professionals geared to the pop market, like boy bands. That is a terrible comparison. At the end of the day, whether people want to admit it or not, even the Spice Girls had talent for what they were, and they had a wide and very broad demographic they were aiming at.
How many songs did Gary Sunshine write for CD? As far as I'm aware, his main contribution was being Axl's guitar teacher and played on Oh My God. By "all accounts" the songs were written by the band and Paul Huge.
The only songs on CD that sound like they came from UYI III are The Blues and TIL. And those are Axl songs, he's not going to change his style... That is his style. More of his style than Slash's, actually. And again, this is who Axl is now. He's not going to change or change back. Like I don't see Duff moving in a synth rock direction. Or Slash making music he doesn't want to make.
And the main point is this: Slash could not have poured more emotion into the songs on CD because they wouldn't have existed without the players on CD. Slash wouldn't have written them. Outside TIL, I couldn't see him playing on any of them as that was written by Axl a long time ago, most likely with Slash in mind. And Axl is a synth rock guy now. That's not changing.
CD was worth it to ME. As a fan of the album, I love what's there.
I have a lot of what ifs, but it's totally meaningless. If DJ penned a great song with Ron I could sit here and say all day Bucket could have done that solo better. Robin could have written a better song. What good does that do? Take it for what it is, if you don't like it move on from it. If I get a sub par DJ Ron GN'R album I'm certainly not going to wallow in what ifs. You won't see me on the main boards all that much and you sure as hell won't see me posting reunion posts there. I will always be interested in what Axl does. I think he's blown several opportunities to make great music with specific people. But he's still responsible for some of my favorite songs, from AFD to CD, so I'll never count him out, even if I'm not thrilled about the players surrounding him.
I can ask why did he walk away from that band, too. Why did he squander the 2002 line up? Hell, you an ask that about the 2006 line up and momentum he had. But he did... And it's over with. All we have are these wishful thinking threads. Robin isn't coming back just like Slash isn't. It sucks, but it is what it is.
Re: Bring Back Robin Finck "Tank"
it never crossed my mind either that this should be in the old members section. it just seemed a natural enough place to discuss it, probably given the dearth of actual GnR news.
& in fact i'd say if the debate about Slash re-joining came up i'd prefer to see it in the main section too.
the discussions obv do belong in this section but it's really nitpicking & pedantic to get it moved, especially relatively soon after the debate was sparked. & more than that it's worrisome some use it as an excuse to bait others by alluding to shit that doesn't even exist except in the minds of those trying to troll a bit. so what we discussed robin possibly re-joining, people see it as some kind of agenda? fucking hell. some of you need to step away from the keyboard sometimes.. like, how fucking important is it to your life that a thread is in the wrong section of a message board? get a fucking grip, y'know? god forbid some accidentally posts about a film or tv show in the sports section!! bono's head might explode!
Re: Bring Back Robin Finck "Tank"
it never crossed my mind either that this should be in the old members section. it just seemed a natural enough place to discuss it, probably given the dearth of actual GnR news.
& in fact i'd say if the debate about Slash re-joining came up i'd prefer to see it in the main section too.
the discussions obv do belong in this section but it's really nitpicking & pedantic to get it moved, especially relatively soon after the debate was sparked. & more than that it's worrisome some use it as an excuse to bait others by alluding to shit that doesn't even exist except in the minds of those trying to troll a bit. so what we discussed robin possibly re-joining, people see it as some kind of agenda? fucking hell. some of you need to step away from the keyboard sometimes.. like, how fucking important is it to your life that a thread is in the wrong section of a message board? get a fucking grip, y'know? god forbid some accidentally posts about a film or tv show in the sports section!! bono's head might explode!
Holy fuck dude are you serious. You honestly think my main objective was to have the thread moved because it was burning my ass so much that it was in the wrong section? Unreal. I seriously do question the intelligence level of people somtimes. Did you not see my comment about how I don't really care where this thread was because it's all Guns N' Roses to me. My point wasn't about where this thread was. That was such a minor detail of the post I made making a bigger point. Do I actually care where this thread is located? Fuck no. I'm not even gonna explain it to you. Go back and read it and figure it out yourself. Honestly dude pull your head out and at least TRY to grasp what was being said.
- metallex78
- Rep: 194
Re: Bring Back Robin Finck "Tank"
...Here's my what if/would have:
Slash would have sounded better on "This I Love" than Axl would have on "Fall To Pieces."
No way, musically Fall To Pieces is an absolute classic GN'R ballad. With Axl's vocals on top it would've been a bigger hit than it already was.
Recently I even had one of my mates (who is just a casual music fan) outright tell me, that FTP has GN'R written all over it and how fucked it is that both Axl and Slash's egos got in the way of it being a GN'R song.
That said, I agree that a Slash solo(s) would've improved TIL.
But FTP is definitely the winner.
- metallex78
- Rep: 194
Re: Bring Back Robin Finck "Tank"
We've gone all kinds of crazy here. Robin is the gift that keeps on giving to the GN'R world.
Axl would have sounded better on "By The Sword" than Slash would have on "Chinese Democracy" (song).
Definitely agree here. I couldn't imagine Slash playing such a stock power chord riff that is the main riff of CD.
Which isn't to say Slash hasn't got his own stock riffs, but CD doesn't sound like something Slash would play.