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Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:
polluxlm wrote:
bigbri wrote:

I could flood this thread with videos and stories of people being "roughed up" at Trump rallies, and that's a term he himself used.

Of course you are going to get roughed up going to a Trump rally shouting anti slogans. That would happen anywhere. The videos I saw on youtube were certainly primitive, but nothing disturbing. I didn't exactly get a white supremacist vibe from it. I mostly saw extremely enthusiastic Americans cheering Trump like he was the second coming.

If Trump was really a racist he would not get the significant minority support he is getting right now. He is leading the polls, not because of "hate", but because he manages to present himself as real. Trump is at heart liberal, I don't think that has changed. He is appealing to something else. Something more primal.

Trump and many of his supporters scare me, literally. He wants to throw out immigrants, encourages violence against people who disagree with him, hell he even wants to go after my profession, journalism (that's what North Korea does).  I'm seriously afraid of what would happen if he's president.

Tell me why I shouldn't be? And that's a serious question. Tell me how I can overlook all the hate just to accept someone who's not a politician, who is not establishment.

Trump is pandering, but he's no fool. Being President would not make him an untouchable dictator. He would need to deal with the facts on the ground. Millions of immigrants are not being thrown out because the economy couldn't handle it. If he gets the job I'm not sure what type of President he would be, but I'm not at all worried he's going to do anything incredibly stupid. Likely he would do his best to be remembered as a good President, and that would mostly entail doing reasonable things.

Nice imput from our Scandanavian friend.

 Rep: 221 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

polluxlm wrote:

If Trump was a career politician, then I would be scared. If he was a fundamentalist Christian, I would be scared. Because then you never know if they are going to abandon reason because one of their ideological bibles say so.

Trump is just a business man. All he ever cared about was money, attention and females. He doesn't have any warped or extremist ideas in the political sense, because he never had time or need to develop them. Likely he's just a regular American, albeit smarter than most. I wouldn't worry about him at all. When the establishment are scared, I am perfectly tranquil.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

misterID wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Perot was ahead of his time. In 1992 the country wasn't ready for someone other than a career politician to run the country. Like I said, we're ready now.

The election isn't over yet. You don't know what approach he will take once the primaries are over.

Funny you harp on Trump as a racist and rave on Perot when Perot had identical accusations thrown his way. In a roomful of black people he kept saying "You people". I saw it on live TV and it was a bit of a controversy until it finally went away. But I guess since he had a "real plan" we'll give him a free pass.

I never backed Perot or raved about him. I see similarities with Trump.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

misterID wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

Trump reveals health care plan

Completely repeal Obamacare.

Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines.

Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system.

Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate.

Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals.

Block-grant Medicaid to the states. Nearly every state already offers benefits beyond what is required in the current Medicaid structure.

Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products. … are-reform

The same site where he basically admits he can't do anything he says he can, where he said it was all on congress to pass... A congress he has completely alienated?

 Rep: 475 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

misterID wrote:
bigbri wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

You think we're not divided now?  The great Obama has done more to divide this country than any president that I can remember. Trump exists politically as a response to what's going on now.

I'm not a trump supporter btw. But I b do understand why we're where we are at. People are finally getting fed up. This is a good thing. I wish it had a better face right now, but regardless I'm glad someone is shaking things up.

You do know the constant vilification of him by the GOP contributed to that, right?

Besides, the question I asked in all seriousness, is how do I look past the hate?

And you are ok with the blatant hate coming along for the ride?

Trump is the chickens coming home to roost for republicans. Eight years of dog whistling appeals to the racist tendencies of an entire segment of the population, no one can be surprised when the dogs bark and the racists actually feel confident enough to not only endorse but appear at rallies, and the Trump campaign can feign stupidity that they invite white supremacy groups to rallies to broadcast their radio shows and give them interviews.

The country is better than it was in 08. Romney can go after Trump all he wants BTW, but Obama has done better on unemployment, the stock market, gas prices and manufacturing than what Romney said he could do.

And I don't know where the stats are that Trump is doing great with minorities. Hillary nearly got 90% of the black vote in her primaries, better than Obama did.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Black Lives Matter is the biggest fucking sham going right now. "Fry a big", "Burn this mother fucker down", on and on. They caused a lot of shit at university of Missouri too.

The KKK are some sick fuckers too.

No Trump is not some damn Klan member.

Black Lives Matter is a joke. They had the opportunity to have a political presence when Hillary agreed to meet with them, but being the spoiled college kids that they are, they decided to insult and disrespect her. Fuck them.

In their defense, though, there is no leadership in that group or real organization, so there's a bunch of splinter groups who call themselves Black Lives Matter who are more militant and stupid. Jaimie Fox explained BLM that his interpretation was not anti white, only that black kids lives should have the same value as white kids, and I agree with that.

 Rep: 221 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

polluxlm wrote:

He's getting much better numbers of the minority vote than Romney did, and he's leading compared to most of the other candidates as well. For a republican candidate he's not doing bad at all.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

misterID wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

He's getting much better numbers of the minority vote than Romney did, and he's leading compared to most of the other candidates as well. For a republican candidate he's not doing bad at all.

But that's not a very big demographic, either...

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:
misterID wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

He's getting much better numbers of the minority vote than Romney did, and he's leading compared to most of the other candidates as well. For a republican candidate he's not doing bad at all.

But that's not a very big demographic, either...

You can't keep moving the goal posts all you want ID, it doesn't mean what Trump is doing isn't remarkable. 

Your savior, Hilary, is winning for one reason only. BLACK PEOPLE.  She is appealing to them and that is the only reason. She is using her "race" relations and parlaying the Obama doctrine to win this race because she can't even beat a socialist straight up.  Without the Black Lives Matter pro Hilary movement, she would be fucked.   But when 95% of all democrats in South Carolina are black and she averages 80% + in black communities it very clear to see. 

With whites you have reps and DEMS. With blacks it is almost all DEMS, except with Trump. Trump is too attracting some democratic blacks sick of the bullshit. Sick of the excuses. They know Obama didn't do fuck for them so some are willing to give Trump a chance.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:
misterID wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

He's getting much better numbers of the minority vote than Romney did, and he's leading compared to most of the other candidates as well. For a republican candidate he's not doing bad at all.

But that's not a very big demographic, either...

You can't keep moving the goal posts all you want ID, it doesn't mean what Trump is doing isn't remarkable. 

Your savior, Hilary, is winning for one reason only. BLACK PEOPLE.  She is appealing to them and that is the only reason. She is using her "race" relations and parlaying the Obama doctrine to win this race because she can't even beat a socialist straight up.  Without the Black Lives Matter pro Hilary movement, she would be fucked.   But when 95% of all democrats in South Carolina are black and she averages 80% + in black communities it very clear to see. 

With whites you have reps and DEMS. With blacks it is almost all DEMS, except with Trump. Trump is too attracting some democratic blacks sick of the bullshit. Sick of the excuses. They know Obama didn't do fuck for them so some are willing to give Trump a chance.

You're being petty and silly now 16

Hillary is not my savior, and I do not go on about her like some of you guys do about Trump. I didn't move the goal post, but saying he's doing great with minorities is disingenuous when you take it within its context.

And how is it a bad thing she has supports of "BLACK PEOPLE?" Black Lives Matter are not supporting her, dude, they're protesting her!

Of course there are black republicans, but Hillary has worked with the black community since the sixties when she and Bill were in the south fighting for civil rights. You're acting like she doesn't deserve that support, or dismissing it that it doesn't count?

She also does well with +45 crowds and women, too. Much better than Sanders.

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