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 Rep: 423 

Re: Racial Discussion

buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:
Axl S wrote:

That said, perhaps it would be better to tackle these issues along class lines and racial lines at the same time. So that no one is left behind.

This, 1000X

I am staying out of commenting for a bit so as not to dominate the conversation, but this is what I mean when I am talking about the socioeconomic situation.  Some of this is likely racism, but it also has to do with keeping the poor down and not a specific race (or races). I believe there are blurred lines.  This is where the discussion could start getting political and while I think that has something to do with this, let's hold off on that for will distract from the overall topic.  It will inevitably come up and that's fine, but let's not lose focus on the purpose of this discussion.

I appreciate the dialog so far.  This is a very sensitive subject (especially now) and I know there are strong feelings on different sides.  We're not going to make progress by riots or even peaceful protests.  Meaningful conversations need to happen.  We can't make good decisions on how to solve a problem until we better understand it.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Racial Discussion

bigbri wrote:

I know I've said this, as has Buzz, several times. In this country, it's rich vs. poor. Full stop. The rest is just a means to ensure that the divide exists and grows between the two. Yes, the current protests are related to this exact topic. It's why you're hearing about "defunding" the police, which is just reallocating some of those resources to where they are needed. But doing that would aid those at disadvantages and help them climb the ladder. The powers that be don't want that.

Can't write more right now, but this is the stuff a master's thesis.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Racial Discussion

buzzsaw wrote:
bigbri wrote:

I know I've said this, as has Buzz, several times. In this country, it's rich vs. poor. Full stop. The rest is just a means to ensure that the divide exists and grows between the two. Yes, the current protests are related to this exact topic. It's why you're hearing about "defunding" the police, which is just reallocating some of those resources to where they are needed. But doing that would aid those at disadvantages and help them climb the ladder. The powers that be don't want that.

Can't write more right now, but this is the stuff a master's thesis.

I think that's the general gist of that Flagg is saying as well as others.  So far that seems to be a general consensus, but I'd like to hear other thoughts before accepting it as the premise.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Racial Discussion

Neemo wrote:

This is probably going to be taken the wrong way, but the fact that there are stats for Individual minorities is in itself racist IMO

Using labels like Asian, African American, Caucasian, latino,  male, female, gay, straight, bi, etc etc Is kinda messed up if u think about it

Until the world can function and treat people as people regardless of race and sex,  then everything is gonna be fucked up

I dont colour what u are, cops shouldn't be killing folks,  and they should know wtf theh are doing so they dont accidentially (or purposefully) another human unless in defense of theirs (or civilian) lives

Why not have on-going weekly defense training for officers like jujitsu or some shit? And if an officer turns out to be a dickhead then they are no longer allowed to be a cop...period

How many complaints has this asshat had against him before he killed Floyd?

In short, im all about blanket equality...treat people like u wanna be treated...the golden rule and all that shit

 Rep: 475 

Re: Racial Discussion

misterID wrote:

If they reformed police unions, who make a lot of these guys feel untouchable, that will go a long way.

I think we've gone way past not labeling folks because people are too invested in the label. I remember when it was Lgb... Now it's LGBTQU and I honestly don't know the difference in Q or what U is. But I know if I don't add TQU people will lose their shit.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Racial Discussion

Neemo wrote:

Thats another thing...why the fuck do cops need a Union? Like i said if u fuck up ur occupation where there should be absolutely zero 'bad apples'

I think u is Unidentified or undetermined something...dunno, don't care,  what someone else does in their private life has absolutely nothing to do with me

And for some reason i feel like the q-word is along the same lines as the n-word

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: Racial Discussion

Axl S wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

I am staying out of commenting for a bit so as not to dominate the conversation, but this is what I mean when I am talking about the socioeconomic situation.  Some of this is likely racism, but it also has to do with keeping the poor down and not a specific race (or races). I believe there are blurred lines.

Yeah, like I think the reason the socioeconomic situation for many BAME people in western countries is on average poorer than the average white person is because of historical factors rooted in racism. The solution to fix that however probably involves helping lift people across the board out of poor conditions AND some affirmative action type measures to rebalance the scales. Got to come up with some measures and schemes in that vein and stick to it for a generation and hopefully see some improvement - the fix to these issues properly is gonna take a long time.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Racial Discussion

buzzsaw wrote:
Neemo wrote:

Thats another thing...why the fuck do cops need a Union? Like i said if u fuck up ur occupation where there should be absolutely zero 'bad apples'

I think u is Unidentified or undetermined something...dunno, don't care,  what someone else does in their private life has absolutely nothing to do with me

And for some reason i feel like the q-word is along the same lines as the n-word

Probably more of a discussion for the politics thread, but there are a lot of things in the US that have unions and don't need one (grocery stores for example where high school kids are forced to join a union and pay dues for a part time job of maybe 20 hours/wk bagging groceries).

I've seen some discussion about raising the qualifications to be a police officer (and the pay along with it).  While I don't think that's a bad idea, I'm not sure it solves the problem either.  I'd be interested in seeing where the current police staff comes many are ex-military?  How many college educated in criminal justice? 

A LOT of things are ass backwards - people that do important things (police/fire/teachers not in big unions like Chicago) aren't compensated well and entertainers and politicians make a fortune.  Now many of those roles not compensated well do have really nice benefits that people in private industries would kill for.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Racial Discussion

buzzsaw wrote:

So this thread hasn't had a ton of participation.  I'm not terribly surprised for a bunch of reasons, but I am disappointed.  I'm disappointed more people haven't entered the discussion.  I think the little bit of discussion so far has been good.  I don't think we've scratched the surface of what needs to be discussed, but now may not be the bast time for that anyway given the over sensitivity.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Racial Discussion

bigbri wrote:

I have a ton of thoughts, but where to begin and where is the time. I attended a demonstration in my small town outside Chicago the other night, and one of the speakers said something that I’ve thought a lot about and posted about: redlining and housing and how it has affected the upward mobility of predominantly minorities, but also poor folks.

I will follow up but just wanted to chime in and say I’m not ignoring this thread.

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