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Re: The General and Monsters

imsorry wrote:

Ihavent read all but Darknemus is a legend and nothing besides respect to him is allowed.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The General and Monsters

misterID wrote:
dave-gnfnr wrote:
misterID wrote:
dave-gnfnr wrote:

What other songs do you think are the BH ones
I thoght D Tune is clearly a BH song too even if the members of the band added their stuff to it.

Tonto, Dummy, Prom Violence, Mustache, Billionaire, real Doll, have to look back for others.

I’d say Devious Bastard might predate him and he jumped on it, but not sure. Would love to hear a mashup mix with Dummy and Inside Out

Ok so we pretty much agree on most of the songs except for D tune and Zodiac so putting those two songs aside that was my point about how  BH brought some of his solo out takes to the band to work on and for Axl to put vocals on.

Shackler’s was pieced together from other Bucket demos like Dr. Frankenstein. I don’t think anything was brought in ready to go. Sorry had the only real structure that was ready for vocals and I think that was made while he was in the band.

Bill Brasky
 Rep: 0 

Re: The General and Monsters

Bill Brasky wrote:
dave-gnfnr wrote:
Bill Brasky wrote:
dave-gnfnr wrote:

You still show how bad your comprehension problem is. And yes I am basing it on what Dark said when he clarified what he said to Axl S. 
But sure lets ignore what Dark actually said and what he clarified what he meant but instead keep going with the false narrative. 

I also love your projection about Dark being a hoarder when it's you who is hoarding songs and selling them  for money

but suuure pretend its some other person selling them that you know about and can put people into contact with.

Its you who should be grilled about what songs you have or know about. You are such a fraud

Oh Dave you're a fool.
Where did I ever state i could put anyone in contact with anyone  ?
Please qoute me saying that.

Also Dave you are ignoring that 3 people told the same story and choose to defend Darknemus who in the past boasted about using deception and tricking people to acquire songs.

How are you blind to this ?

Here is the quote and we can all see through your BS line "Full legal disclosure i do not have said songs nor am i accusing any individuals of having said songs." You are just covering your ass legally but saying that but want everyone to know you are the person who can get unheard songs. We know your game.

And why do you keep brining up the story.Dark already clarified this and I even gave an analogy of what I take it he meant by it.
Ill give you the TLTR.

Its just like with the closing in on you leak.
If I played that clip for Dark  over the phone and said its a new GNR leak
He would said oh Dave played me a new GNR leak over the phone but then say but I have not seen any empirical evidence that its legit or there is anything actually out there.

There are tons of fakes out there so what Dark seems to be saying is, he himself could not confirm if what he heard was legit or not. 
That is what I am talking about, not if he heard anything or not.

Bill Brasky wrote:
Pepe666 wrote:

At least we are pretty sure Zodiac had vocals recorded. In CD#2 from the Village Leaks is listed as "Zodiac 13 (no vox)"

I'm sure for the right price and funds put in escrow the songs are available.

Full legal disclosure i do not have said songs nor am i accusing any individuals of having said songs.
Just hypothetically stating they are out there and exchanged for some sort of currency.

No Darknemus didn't answer the questions i posted and have made sure to repost them the last few days.
Your post lack any logic and basic reasoning.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The General and Monsters

misterID wrote:

Dark will more than likely try and sniff out if you legit have music, then figure out a way to get that music. That’s really all we can say because this argument is going nowhere

I tried to get music but couldn’t get them to bite. Anyone who has managed to get music from hoarders like dark has, and who are a million times worse than however awful you think dark is, gets my respect

 Rep: 16 

Re: The General and Monsters

dave-gnfnr wrote:
misterID wrote:

Dark will more than likely try and sniff out if you legit have music, then figure out a way to get that music. That’s really all we can say because this argument is going nowhere

I tried to get music but couldn’t get them to bite. Anyone who has managed to get music from hoarders like dark has, and who are a million times worse than however awful you think dark is, gets my respect

Yeah its sad that dark is getting this treatment when he has always shared the songs he gets from hoarders and never hoarders anything yet people like MSL and Walker who we know have hoarded stuff in the past are are probably still doing it now are getting off scott free.

 Rep: -2 

Re: The General and Monsters

Derko wrote:

The General is maybe the biggest disappointment of CD so far. I mean, even absurd is far superior.

Beltramis intro is epic and the song itself is like:

'Ok, here is Beltramis epic intro, Caram. Can you make 'My World part 2' out of it?'

And yeah, Caram did a great job on it.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The General and Monsters

misterID wrote:

No disappointment will ever match Dave’s disappointment over Prostitute 16

 Rep: 14 

Re: The General and Monsters

misterID wrote:

No disappointment will ever match Dave’s disappointment over Prostitute 16

Perhaps he should have spent more... the cheap one's always disappoint. or so i hear

Are you all still arguing? Or is that 17 page deviation over yet?

 Rep: 0 

Re: The General and Monsters

Clear wrote:
misterID wrote:

Tonto, Dummy, Prom Violence, Mustache, Billionaire, real Doll, have to look back for others.

I’d say Devious Bastard might predate him and he jumped on it, but not sure. Would love to hear a mashup mix with Dummy and Inside Out

I read that Prom Violence, together with shankler and D Tune were combined into shacklers, so I would guess those three are BH songs

 Rep: 16 

Re: The General and Monsters

dave-gnfnr wrote:
misterID wrote:

No disappointment will ever match Dave’s disappointment over Prostitute 16

ha ha
I still was way more disappointed with this I love

But after hearing Sorry and Prostitute I knew not to listen to Baz anymore

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