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 Rep: 57 

Re: For the record.....

supaplex wrote:

i said i won't buy it now. maybe in a few months i will.

i stopped waiting a long time ago. and i don't consider my time spent on gnr boards wasted because i didn't buy the album the first day. "it's just another album".

as far as "the cool thing to do" monkeychow, let's not get into what's cool as far as gnr go.

axl likes to show up late at the shows to build the excitement, i like to buy his albums late to build the excitement.

 Rep: 194 

Re: For the record.....

metallex78 wrote:

I kinda relate to you Bono, but it's more that the leaks spoiled allot of the surprise, and made it an anticlimax, which I guess is my own fault.
But fuck man, we needed, (or I at least needed) to hear those leaks, which again served as a justification for how long we'd all been waiting for this album, and to hear a glimpse of what we were waiting for, and that it wasn't just a huge waste of time.

Walking into JB Hi-Fi last Saturday to buy Chinese Demcracy, there off the shelf, walking up to the counter to pay for it, it was strange.
I wasn't giddy with excitement, I wasn't even in a hurry to get back to my car to listen to it. And only a few days later, I'm not really listening to it that much either. Maybe it's because I've heard 90% music already for the last 2 years and I'm already over it?

 Rep: 286 

Re: For the record.....

Aussie wrote:

Having bought the album - I think it's money well spent.  Yeah sure for me, to get nit picky in details there's things I don't like and wish weren't there.  But aside from that, there is a shit load of cool sutff that I really enjoy.  I'm glad this bitch finally got put out to pasture.

 Rep: 423 

Re: For the record.....

buzzsaw wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

You hesistated. You did all that shit, who's end game was the release of - Chinese fucking Democracy.

And you hesistated to pull the trigger. What does it say about you as a GN'R fan? Are you really that interested in the band? Or did all of those experiences you had, just add up to an almost robotic existance of - "me must go see Axl".

What a load of crap.  If you don't go out and buy CD, you're not a fan of GnR?  Who the fuck are you to make that call?  I am and will always be a fan of GnR.  I don't consider this to be GnR.  There is no band.  There is no anything other than Axl Rose and a revolving lineup of session and touring players.  That isn't GnR.  Nor is Axl Rose, and 2 keyboard guys.

History will not view this as a GnR record - you know that, don't you?  When people talk about GnR 20 years from now, it will be "AFD, UYI, and Lies were all awesome, and remember how long it took to release that joke that was CD - and it wasn't even Guns N' Roses!"  And people will STILL have a good laugh at the expense of CD.  It has been, is, and always will be the butt of jokes.  Nothing can change that now that it's out.  The best thing Axl could have done if this was the album he was going to put out is to keep it mythical.  Now it doesn't even have that to hang it's hat on.

I didn't buy CD.  I had it in my hands and put it down.  I have no interest in the CD and the vinyl is overpriced.  I'll wait until it comes down, or I'll just never buy it.  That doesn't mean I'm not a fan of GnR, that means I don't care for CD.  If Axl could release a quality album as fake Guns N' Roses, I'd buy it in a second, but not this crap.  All these years and they couldn't get it properly produced or have the booklet accurate and with proper spelling?  Inexcusable and an embarrassment to the name Guns N' Roses.

 Rep: 661 

Re: For the record.....

monkeychow wrote:

Well that's your opinion Buzz and I can accept that as you clearly arn't a fan of the new why should you buy it? For my part I agree about the naming issue that it isn't the same band, yet I dearly love many of these songs and for that reason am a fan of the new music and the old.

I don't think people who don't buy the records arn't fans. And it makes sence to me that people like buzz who hate nuGNR don't buy it. But what I think is strange are people who DID like CD, and who DO listen to the songs and enjoy them, yet don't go purchase the record legally.

 Rep: 423 

Re: For the record.....

buzzsaw wrote:

I don't hate new GnR.  I don't care for the quality of the songs.

 Rep: 33 

Re: For the record.....

skippy wrote:

Chinese Democracy = Van Halen 3

 Rep: 633 

Re: For the record.....

RussTCB wrote:


Re: For the record.....

Aussie wrote:

Having bought the album - I think it's money well spent.  Yeah sure for me, to get nit picky in details there's things I don't like and wish weren't there.  But aside from that, there is a shit load of cool sutff that I really enjoy.  I'm glad this bitch finally got put out to pasture.

Well said.   

There are going to be people not buying this or hating it due to the fact they cannot get past that this is not old GNR.   That's fine doesn't make them not being fans of GNR but those of you cannot argue the fact that you aren't really fans of what GNR has become otherwise, the album would be bought and the songs would be enjoyed.  So when someone says you're not a fan, that's kind of half true in a sense if you fall into the catagory of not liking anything about Chinese Democracy at all, then one can't blame another for saying that.

Re: For the record.....

monkeychow wrote:

I mean, bullshit aside, a lot of dollars and effort has gone into this music. Right or Wrong Axl has spent the better part of his working life on it...

Well you would think with all of the time and money spent to make this album Axl would have at least made a good album instead of dicking around with the music. tongue

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