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 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Axlin16 wrote:

Just so everything is clear. I'm not out for an argument, just a debate. Here goes...

bigbri wrote:

I think it is pathetic that fans want the old band back together and will beat that drum all the time at a web site devoted to the new version
of the band.

This is gonna sound cliche, but this site wouldn't exist to dedicate to the new band, if it wasn't for the old band. I don't find it pathetic at all that people like the old band, and want to see them return. What's wrong with that? Nothing. Granted, they are not allowed to shit on Axl or the new guys, but there's nothing wrong with that. I like both.

How many horror franchises out there have seen remakes and new franchises? They move on. Go on, but there's still plenty of people that like the new films, that think the older ones are classics, that shit all over the newer ones. GN'R, old vs. new, is no different. And this is coming from a man who thinks CD is the best album since AFD, so i'm giving due to everyone.

bigbri wrote:

I think it's very pathetic, and nothing anyone says will change my mind of that. I do not want BH back in the band, I'm very clear on that.

Boy, I do. Probably more than Slash.

bigbri wrote:

He's better solo. I heard him on CD, and it wasn't the Bucket I know and love, but do you see my pining for his return. No. Some, maybe. But that's for them.

Kind of a bit hypocritical, don't you think? CD didn't feature the Bucket you know and love, and you're not pining for another GN'R outing from Bucket... no different than old GN'R fans who experienced an Axl that they don't know and love, and are not interested in new Guns.

bigbri wrote:

I could give two shits about how much a reunion album would sell. I want to see the band evolve. If that means, it's just Axl and a computer, so be it. Let's hear it. Bucket plays with just himself and an iPod all the time and it owns.

Agreed. But Axl's caught in a catch-22. To pull off a "Bucket-esque" career, he'd have to become a cult icon catering to his fanbase and the underground, but he's still attached to "Guns N' Roses". A brand name that expects a certain business level and marketing. This isn't an attack, this is just where he's at. He's caught between two worlds, imo. If he'd went Mike Patton, and just fucked off and did his own thing, alot of people wouldn't have the hang ups they have. But granted you'd still have some diehard 'reuniters', no different than the diehard Faith No More reunion folks, that just won't give it up.

bigbri wrote:

Axl tries to slam the door shut on a reunion whenever he "talks" publicly, but some are too thickheaded to take it in. He's trying to tell us all something, but we don't listen. Or we don't choose to listen. Go on and keep preaching how old GNR was better, how this would be so much better with Slash, how GNR will never be as successful as it once was. You know what? You're mostly right.

No, they're all right. Old band fans are just as entitled to their right to like old Guns, as new Guns fans are entitled to like CD.

As I said after Axl's forum posts, and this most recent interview with Billboard - the reunion isn't going to happen. He's made that clear. Lord Rose has spoken, he makes the call, and it's not going to happen, and that's his decision. It's also the fans decisions that liked GN'R to walk too.

Fair is fair.

The only reason i've stuck with new Guns is because i'm an AXL ROSE fan. Was back in the day, am now. Wherever he's at, i'll be. Musically, I love the guy. Former members Izzy & Bucket, are the only other artists I follow solo work.

bigbri wrote:

The difference is, I chose to move on. Others cannot, will not or simply do not want to. Good for you. Like I said. I think it's pathetic they hang out here for the sole purpose of denigrating Axl and this band. It's like a badge of honor to hate Axl and GNR, it's a badge of honor to only like two songs on the album, it's a badge of honor to think CD sucks.

I sadly agree with this. I try as much as possible to provide 'constructive criticism', but we all have our days. To walk around like your fuckin' cool because you like CD, is fuckin' lame. The irony of it all is, the coolest fuckin' rebels, are the ones GOING AGAINST the crowd, and praising CD. If that's the war they want, then sign me up for the "Fuck Slash" campaign. But I think that's pretty lame too.

bigbri wrote:

Hooray for you. You've made it effectively impossible to have a positive conversation about GNR. Not just here, I understand that James, but everywhere. You guys have made a difference.

The problem is - what GN'R? James alluded to this. There's so many splintered factions within the fan camp as to what GN'R is, that even LA Guns fans are calling it a mindfuck, lol.

You have old Guns fans. You have new Guns fans. You have old AND new Guns fans (me). You have old Guns w/ Steven fans. You have old Guns w/ Matt, Dizzy & Izzy fans, but not Gilby. You have old Guns w/ Gilby fans. You have old Guns w/ Paul fans. You have new Guns w/ Robin & Paul, but no Bucket fans. You have new Guns fans w/ Robin, Bucket & Paul, but no Richard. You have new Guns fans w/ Robin, Bucket & Richard fans. You have new Guns fans w/o Bucket w/ Ron w/ Brain fans. You have new Guns fans w/o Bucket w/o Brain w/ Frank fans. And now you have new Guns fans that are cheering on Robin's "departure".

Even for those of us that try to stay cool, and "let's all be friends", and do that shit, it gets a bit much to sift through. It's like trying to find the car keys, after the fuckin' car wreck.

bigbri wrote:

It certainly says something about GNR "fans" that the best conversation I can have about CD is over at, a place that HATES, absolutely HATES, Axl and GNR. But guess what? They talk about the music. About the present. Not about the past. And that's fucking refreshing.

And if that's cool for you, then that's great. Some people don't want to just talk about music. Some of us want to talk about the business entity GN'R, and Axl's next chess move. Where I draw the line is the psychoanalysis of Axl, that's when i'm "oh god no". But hell, there's a group that even enjoy doing that.

What can I say? Take the good with the bad I guess...

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Smoking Guns wrote:

I swear, I think I am the poster he is talking about.  I posed that fucking question and called his ass a pussy in the same post I think.  I vividly remember asking that question.  Holy shit, Smoking Guns got to Axl.  That response was so classless and lame.  Pisses me off.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Smoking Guns wrote:

Guys, I am sick to my stomach with this whole thing.  What a big fucking Baby he is.  He has a fucking excuse for every fucking thing.  Does the high road or accountability ever enter his brain?  Such a brilliant singer, such a badass front man, such a total twat sometimes.  Its a shame.  He isn't grounded at all.

 Rep: 4 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

axlcrazy wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Guys, I am sick to my stomach with this whole thing.  What a big fucking Baby he is.  He has a fucking excuse for every fucking thing.  Does the high road or accountability ever enter his brain?  Such a brilliant singer, such a badass front man, such a total twat sometimes.  Its a shame.  He isn't grounded at all.

True, But isn't that what makes him so great?
That's what my fascination with AXL was in the first place. He was a totally unhinged, unpredictible lunatic. Things appear to not have changed very much.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

slashsfro wrote:

Why is Axl so bitter towards only Slash though?

What did Slash do so bad that the others haven't?

Izzy talked just as much shit about Axl in that Classic Rock interview.

One could presume that Axl may be jealous of Slash.

I think Axl thought that Slash would fall off the face of the earth without Guns N Roses and Axl was insecure and thought he HAD to have the GNR name.

Slash without Axl is a global icon, well liked, respected by his peers and formed a brand new band and went double platinum and won a grammy while CD has been a bomb and Axl is one of the most hated musicians of all time.

What else could it be?

I like how people try to demonize Slash for wanting to "Take Over The Band" but its perfectly ok for Axl to take it over?

That's the fascinating part about this article, you can still feel the hostility towards Slash, especially during this line:

There are acts that, once committed between individuals, they are what they are. To add insult to injury almost day after day, lapsing into year after year, for more than a decade, is a nightmare.

Is he speaking about the constant lawsuits filed by Slash?  His usage of language during the last sentence is particularly striking.  He still can't get past whatever issues led to the breakup as those events still haunt him.  I think the jealously thing might have some legs to it.  Remember when MSL gave an interview last year where he said the Guns camp was still obsessed with Slash?

Look I'll admit it Slash is a media whore who gives interviews like once every month.  He knows how to play the game and is quite good at it.  If Axl would change his ways the media would portray him in a better light.  His problem in staying silent for so long following original Guns breakup was that it allowed him to be defined by those negative stories told by Slash, Duff, Gilby etc.  Had he simply stated the reasons why he and the original band went their own separate ways in like 1998 or 1999 the media would have been kinder.  Think of this as sort of political theatre.  Axl failed to punch back for whatever reason.  Now the entire clusterfuck in the making of Chinese Democracy was self-inflicted and had zero to do with Slash.

Now the stuff he says about possibly working with Duff makes sense as I never got that he hated Duff as much as Slash.  I think his issues with Duff were because a)he was a Slash defender b)the legal issues --lawsuits etc c)musical differences during making of Illusions.  Duff stayed around a year after Slash left so its not like those two are joined at the hip.

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Sky Dog wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Guys, I am sick to my stomach with this whole thing.  What a big fucking Baby he is.  He has a fucking excuse for every fucking thing.  Does the high road or accountability ever enter his brain?  Such a brilliant singer, such a badass front man, such a total twat sometimes.  Its a shame.  He isn't grounded at all.

Dude, it's over. Nothing left to say.........Robbie Robertson kicks a whole lotta ass though....The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down. 19

 Rep: 287 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Aussie wrote:

Like Smoking Guns I'm kinda over hearing how difficult his life has been and how tremendously lucky we are that he has been able to overcome such adversity.  How all these obstacles and challenges have been put in his way by people, and this person is out to get him, and the record company is fucking him around, the press hate him and the shooter on the grassy knoll is trying to get him etc etc etc.  Everything is somebody elses fault, but I see one common denominator - AXL! 

Besides everyone has fucken challenges, I wonder at the moment where my next $ is coming from at work because of this fucken recession - it's the realities of life.  But I don't make myself out to be a martyr over the daily issues I have to face.

Look it's really cool the guy is speaking (from my unqualified position) it sounds like he needs to talk.  Plus I genuinely want to hear what the guy has to say.  I'm hoping he might actually tell us what his plan is, what will the lineup for a tour be, what are his thoughts after that, another album with that lineup or another direction?  etc etc.  If he is going to talk in articles and essentially dwell on things like how evil Slash is and how poor Axl doesn't get a fair go then please tell us exactly what it is that Slash has done, enlighten us.  Did Slash sleep with his sister or something or give him aids??? 

I get that he has no interest in a reunion, but FUCK let go of some of the resentment and bitterness then.  Besides you forgive somone not so they can feel better, but you do it for yourself - so you feel better.  It doesn't mean he has to have the guy around for beers and a BBQ every weekend but Jesus Christ be the bigger man and put this silly feud to rest once and for all. For someone that wants to move forward in a world without Slash he sure seems to still be consumed by the guy.

As for the press giving him a fair go, I think that to a certain degree it's a bit like getting respect.  People can't give you respect you need to earn it.  Same goes here, positive actions are his best chance of winning over the press, media dot coms etc.  I wish him luck with this because at the moment he certainly has his work cut out for him.

I'm willing to move forward with Axl because the guys got a shitload of talent.  I just wish he would stop looking over his shoulder.  It's hard to go in a new direction when you are continually looking in the rearview mirror.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Smoking Guns wrote:

He may be the most insecure front man ever.  Its a shame, because Slash, who isn't the most talented player ever, is very secure in who he is.  Maybe that is what pisses Axl off.  Look, Slash will accept Axl.  Axl comes off as a cock, yet again.  Slash is ready to make things work and has been.  Axl is not.  Sounds like Axl's problem to me, not Slash's.  Duff gets a free ride some how.  Its amazing. Everyone from Sorum to Adler to Duff to Izzy apprently are cool again with Axl, except Slash.  None of those guys would ever reform with out Slash.  I know Axl is famous for being a nut, but at some point he has to grow up.  Look at Slash, he has a family, he flies a dying kid out to LA to jam for a final wish, he does meet and greets... He is a fantastic lovable guy that most people like.  Axl is a bitter old man like Mr. Scrooge that sits in his house, never comes out, never hangs with fans, and when he gets his chance to tell his story, he rags on Slash... again.  He seems still hung up on Stephanie... So you tell me who seems emotionally unbalanced... If it walks like a duck...... 

Was this Axl's "round 2"...... LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Rep: 53 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

slashsfro wrote:

Axl is a bitter old man like Mr. Scrooge that sits in his house, never comes out, never hangs with fans, and when he gets his chance to tell his story, he rags on Slash... again

I think he is more like Mr. Burns of the Simpsons.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Axl Rose Speaks to Billboard

Bono wrote:

My fucking God. I stopped reading after the part about not having a support from the record company.  What a jerkoff coment and it only tooka  few paragraphs to get the first "blame  it on someone else typical Axl comment" .  Who funded this project? Oh right the recod label. The guy is a walking excuse.  Pathetic.

Smoking Guns wrote:

He may be the most insecure front man ever.  Its a shame, because Slash, who isn't the most talented player ever, is very secure in who he is.  Maybe that is what pisses Axl off.  Look, Slash will accept Axl.  Axl comes off as a cock, yet again.  Slash is ready to make things work and has been.  Axl is not.  Sounds like Axl's problem to me, not Slash's.  Duff gets a free ride some how.  Its amazing. Everyone from Sorum to Adler to Duff to Izzy apprently are cool again with Axl, except Slash.  None of those guys would ever reform with out Slash.  I know Axl is famous for being a nut, but at some point he has to grow up.  Look at Slash, he has a family, he flies a dying kid out to LA to jam for a final wish, he does meet and greets... He is a fantastic lovable guy that most people like.  Axl is a bitter old man like Mr. Scrooge that sits in his house, never comes out, never hangs with fans, and when he gets his chance to tell his story, he rags on Slash... again.  He seems still hung up on Stephanie... So you tell me who seems emotionally unbalanced... If it walks like a duck...... 

Was this Axl's "round 2"...... LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I swear Axl is 100% jealous of Slash's popularity. It really doesn't have to be anymore compicated than that and likley isn't .

Axl Rose is the BJ Penn of the music world. His fans are sick of him and his endless list fo excuses and "poor me" attitude and are becoming increasingly embarassed for him. He's a bitch and people have had enough.

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