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 Rep: 423 

Re: Marc Canter Talks on MyGnR

buzzsaw wrote:

Gilby did say something about Axl being crazy when I saw him a couple weeks ago...I'm not sure how much they really made up.  I wish I could remember exactly what he said.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Marc Canter Talks on MyGnR

-D- wrote:

In Axl's defense though

Dealing with a bunch of drug addicts and alcoholics when u are clean is a fucking chore. So I can sympathize with what he had to endure

 Rep: 423 

Re: Marc Canter Talks on MyGnR

buzzsaw wrote:
-D- wrote:

In Axl's defense though

Dealing with a bunch of drug addicts and alcoholics when u are clean is a fucking chore. So I can sympathize with what he had to endure

Was Axl really clean?  I know he wasn't as fucked up as everybody else was, but I don't recall him being a saint either.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Marc Canter Talks on MyGnR

Olorin wrote:

Axl managed to keep his drug and alcohol use "recreational" and never became an addict. I dare say there was a fair bit of charlie floating around backstage and he would have helped himself when the notion took him, but I dont think he ever fell into the addiction trap of taking cocaine on waking etc.
I remember reading how in the early days the only time he would take downers would be to help him sleep if he was really struggling to settle down.
I dont even remember reading about Axl being drunk back in the day, no doubt he would have partied hearty with the best of them but I think he kept himself in check for the most part.
I agree with D, I've been there myself and its no fun hanging out with alcoholics and druggies day in day out when you are straight and sober. I was at the end of my tether years ago with some of the guys I grew up with, and it was only when I cleaned up we drifted apart, it was buds for life beforehand.
I think Axl is still partial to the odd upper, the pictures from the London after show accoustic performance showed him with pupils like saucers, I think he was on speed or something. Thats a bastard of a come down off that shit and sure enough he never finished the next show, he became ill with "low blood pressure". tongue

 Rep: 231 

Re: Marc Canter Talks on MyGnR

-D- wrote:

Ive been in a few bands in my day and I've always been sober

I was in one last year that was a drink/drug fest and it was a pain in the ass to the point i quit.

Final straw was when our drummer got high and hitchiked to NY........

We were a damn good band though but u couldn't get shit accomplished cause they'd want to play for 30 minutes and sit around and drink and get high for an hour.

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