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 Rep: 661 

Re: Vince Neil: "Axl Rose Let His Fans Down"

monkeychow wrote:
downliner wrote:

I agree with the headline hmm My interest in GNR is at an all time low and whilst it may perk up temporarily for possible new leaks I've learnt to accept that quiet periods are run-of-the-mill for this dysfunctional brand.

Yeah i think it's sad it's happened this way. I mean if CD had come out...been promoted differently, and if a full on tour had happened with DJ and whoever else....i think we'd be in a very different it's regrettable it's worked out this way.

But that said, Axl's always done things his own way, I think the price you pay for his genius at musical ability is that there's cancellations, delays and whatever else. Just how it goes and I think how it always will be. But he makes up for it when he does surface I find.

 Rep: 28 

Re: Vince Neil: "Axl Rose Let His Fans Down"

emcitymisfit wrote:
FlashFlood wrote:

i'd consider this letting down my fans

christ get in shape and hold the notes. nothing is worse then when a singer holds the mic up to the crowd to bail himself out.

that said GNR still has no excuse for how this was handled.

Dude, really?

Listen to Better from Rock Am Ring, watch Axl fuck up the end of Paradise City at Download.

Neither of our aging rock star heroes are faring much better than the other. Like it or not, Vince is touring, and his voice isn't perfect.

Axl's voice isn't perfect, and he isn't touring.

 Rep: 28 

Re: Vince Neil: "Axl Rose Let His Fans Down"

emcitymisfit wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

Whatever the case...i still disagree that the fans have given up.

Depends on who you define as fans and what you define as giving up. I haven't "given up" in that I still visit this site nearly every day.

But, if you look at the number of fans visiting the gnr boards at its peak, or even before the july/nov peak, and look at that number now...yeah, I'd say most of them/us have given up.

As for people who don't visit the boards, most of them didn't care about Chinese Democracy, and even fewer care about a tour.

I have no idea why Axl insists on shooting himself in the foot every time he turns around.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Vince Neil: "Axl Rose Let His Fans Down"

PaSnow wrote:
faldor wrote:

Vince may have just assumed (like we all did) that a tour was imminent since DJ was added to the lineup.  That doesn't necessarily mean a tour was booked, then cancelled.  It could be as simple as Axl telling the guys to get ready for a possible summer tour.  Then things didn't work out, so rehearsals wrapped up in early May.

I think you're missing the bigger point. Axl pretty much NEVER showed up! In fact, Vince says he never did show up, but that just may be him exagerrating, but I think it's probably safe to say he rarely showed up for rehearsals. Who knows, myb DJ never did actually rehearse with Axl.

We talkin' bout "practice"

One thing I wonder (and I've wondered this for a few weeks now), is why DJ joined the band. You would think he would call people like BBF, Brain, Fortus, Robyn, Freese etc before joining to ask 'What's it like' and for recommendations or not to join. Did people say "Dude it's awesome you get paid good money for nothing" or did they say "It sucks. You can't write, you can't contribute, you're just stuck in this band with no ability to put stuff out". Of all people, I would think Tommy has to start being fed up with it all, wanting to get out & advising others not to take the gig.

Although, now I'm wondering if DJ used the GnR gig to boost himself & his name in the way Axl claimed BH had. If DJ forms a new band in the LA Club circuit after it he can have "Feat Ex members of Guns N Roses"

 Rep: 28 

Re: Vince Neil: "Axl Rose Let His Fans Down"

emcitymisfit wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

I would think Tommy has to start being fed up with it all, wanting to get out & advising others not to take the gig.

Nah, no way dude, why would Tommy be fed up? He'll get royalties from Chidem, he's made untold amount of money in tours and recording fees...all for Riad.

Tommy's probably made out like a bandit in all this. He can still pursue his solo project, still do whatever he wants, and his job duties are probably less than that of a WalMart greeter. Talk about a sweet retirement gig.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Vince Neil: "Axl Rose Let His Fans Down"

metallex78 wrote:

God damn, Vince can't sing at all anymore. I heard something about he blew his voice out a few years back and it never recovered, but at least Axl sings much better than Vince these days.

Unfortunate that most of the stuff he said about GN'R is true though. It is hard to be a fan of a band you can't see.

 Rep: 20 

Re: Vince Neil: "Axl Rose Let His Fans Down"

Brett wrote:

I think Axl is better than Vince, but I don't think that's Vince being out of shape and shit... that's how he's always been live, really. I always assumed this was why there's never been any Crue live albums or DVDs until the other year there.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Vince Neil: "Axl Rose Let His Fans Down"

PaSnow wrote:
mygnrsucks wrote:

Nah, no way dude, why would Tommy be fed up? He'll get royalties from Chidem, he's made untold amount of money in tours and recording fees...all for Riad.

Maybe not fed up, but I would wonder if someone (DJ) called him to ask advice on whether or not they should join, what his response would be. It worked out well for him, I suppose. But others (BH, Robyn, Brain) just upped & left for something more fulfilling.

You sure Tommy can do a solo thing?? I'd think they had something in their contracts that they can't.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Vince Neil: "Axl Rose Let His Fans Down"

PaSnow wrote:
metallex78 wrote:

God damn, Vince can't sing at all anymore. I heard something about he blew his voice out a few years back and it never recovered, but at least Axl sings much better than Vince these days.

I think Axl S hit the nail on the head when he said "Motley shows are all about the fun". Rock, chicks, fire & reliving your youth. That's what people go for. Sure they notice his voice is off, a bit of a downer, but people go to relive the old times. Then go home to the kids, pay off the babysitter, and wake up to goto work the next morning.

 Rep: 58 

Re: Vince Neil: "Axl Rose Let His Fans Down"

Stepvhen wrote:

I am so depressed I lost all faith in this outfit. I loved nu-gnr once now its over for me. bye

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