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Re: The Wrestling thread
Rock winning tonight would be a bigger swerve than a Cena heel turn itself.
Punk won't end the streak and after that crazy Paul Bearer stuff on RAW, that even made me uncomfortable he's not deserving. Really disappointing, but expecting Punk to try to steal the show and it is the streak after all.
The only one that's slightly less predictable from the main events is Triple H/Lesnar II. Obviously logic says Lesnar should win and even if Triple H lost, he wouldn't really retire anyway. History says though, somehow, someway Lesnar gets buried by Triple H.
Still looking forward though, biggest wrestling night of the year.
Re: The Wrestling thread
Rex wrote:I wasn't excited for this Mania at all, which is weird for me. There's usually at least one match that I look forward to, but it was just so predictable this time around.
Yeah, it was a very odd experience for me not to care all that much. Decent show, Rock/Cena was pretty good.
We're growin up!
Re: The Wrestling thread
I'll say nothing on Rock/Cena II . Taker/Punk was easily the best match of the night, very good, but not one of the greatest of all time. Triple H/Lesnar was boring, typical Triple H formula match. There is no reason Triple H should have won this. Rest was just basically TV matches at Wrestlemania
. Ryback/Henry was not that good imo, 8 minutes were nothing happened except Ryback's losing streak going 0-6 on PPV.
Issue isn't that wrestling is predictable, it's that every top match on this card was predicted 4-8 months ago. It's not the worst Wrestlemania of all time, but it is one of the most pointless.
Re: The Wrestling thread
I hope this does lead to Punk/Lesnar teaming up for a new Dangerous Alliance. Once they started doing the bits about Paul Bearer there was no way Punk was going to win. Everyone knew it. And I think that killed some added heat the match would have had.
Re: The Wrestling thread
I hope this does lead to Punk/Lesnar teaming up for a new Dangerous Alliance. Once they started doing the bits about Paul Bearer there was no way Punk was going to win. Everyone knew it. And I think that killed some added heat the match would have had.
I read something last night that said they at one point were considering having CM Punk win, but he has some nagging injuries and is probably going to take some time so there was no reason to give him a bunch of momentum.
Now, that was something that I read about pro wrestling on the internet... so take it with the appropriate grain of salt.
Re: The Wrestling thread
I hope this does lead to Punk/Lesnar teaming up for a new Dangerous Alliance. Once they started doing the bits about Paul Bearer there was no way Punk was going to win. Everyone knew it. And I think that killed some added heat the match would have had.
Taker doesn't lose at WrestleMania. Ever.