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Re: New Tommy Tune

Sky Dog wrote:

However, on the flip side, it is Guns N' Roses if the song is copyrighted and published under the Guns N' Roses name. Unfortunately, the legal aspect will always trump the spiritual aspect. tongue

The world is very black and white to me. Tommy is not a "member" but he can contribute to and be credited for writing Guns N' Roses songs. wink

 Rep: 227 

Re: New Tommy Tune

Will wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Considering the fact that Guns N' Roses has never had the exact same lineup on ANY of their studio releases completely and totally proves my debate without debating it.

Didn't Niven recently say in an interview that Live Like A Suicide was funded by Geffen Records, released under the name Uzi Suicide for effect, and was 100% recorded in a studio with crowd noise added?

That would mean GNRs first three studio releases all featured the exact same lineup - Suicide, AFD, Lies.

I'm not sure where I fall on this argument of "who is a replacement", but thought I'd throw the above out there as I believe its correct.

Re: New Tommy Tune

Sky Dog wrote:

We know Tommy is a Replacement....:)

 Rep: 768 

Re: New Tommy Tune

Axlin16 wrote:

Well technically Suicide & Lies are both EP's. The only actual LP that was released by that lineup was AFD. One full studio album and that's it. The UYI I & II (which was a double album effort, but still just ONE collective work) wasn't even toured a full year by the lineup that wrote it. TSI lineup did two years of touring before their one and only TSI release. The Sympathy For The Devil single is the only output by that lineup. The Oh My God single is the only output from that lineup. Chinese Democracy was a collective work of years of a revolving door of musicians, and never ever had a set lineup. Four major contributors to CD never got to tour it post it's release, and a Fifth force never got to even perform with the band live (Freese).

That's how I see it and that was my point of that statement. If you go on GNR's LP's, they never had the same lineup on any of their releases and the majority of those releases were OLD band, not new band.

That's why I feel the replacement player thing was in effect from day one.

 Rep: 768 

Re: New Tommy Tune

Axlin16 wrote:

I would call this band Guns N' Roses, IF, they put out studio material, which you have said yourself.

If they just continue to be Axl's touring buddies going around and playing AFD, then no. And it would also cause me to lose ALL respect for CD as an album.

In a nutshell, planned future releases = Guns N' Roses is alive, and thus "One Man Mutiny" is a GN'R song

No-planned future releases = Guns N' Roses ended in 1993, and CD is an Axl Rose solo album, and the current band is Axl Rose solo

That's my feelings, simplified. I just do not feel definitively that there's no chance a GN'R song can be Axl, Slash, Izzy, Duff, Steven-less. I feel GN'R can be other people, but only if Axl allows it (like you). If they remain contract musicians taking orders and being a cover band. Then no, they aren't GN'R.

Re: New Tommy Tune

Sky Dog wrote:

This is how I look at it...two Gnr's...1. Band 87-91  2. Axl 92-??

once Izzy era over.

 Rep: 633 

Re: New Tommy Tune

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 475 

Re: New Tommy Tune

misterID wrote:

If you refuse to accept this GNR as GNR because Slash and the others aren't in there, that's your opinion. It really doesn't matter if you appoint yourself the keeper of original GNR's credibility. That's your decision, not anyone elses. You're not the only one I've heard say that, btw, but it still amounts to the same. Not much. And it does go to what Russ is saying about "holding onto the dream." hmm

IMO, I'd have about as much interest in a Tommy, Ron, DJ ext. version of GNR without Axl as I would a Slash, Duff, Steven GNR without Axl. Not much. Both would be the same level, imo. Especially since Slash would have no problem having Myles Kennedy (or someone like him) front the band. Axl at least got cool replacements who stand apart, made some killer music.

And you know what? There's A LOT of people who start these line up arguments who'd have no problem with a Myles/Slash GNR. You know what the difference is? Those of us who dig the new line up wouldn't be here right now. GNR would be an after throught.

 Rep: 768 

Re: New Tommy Tune

Axlin16 wrote:

Agreed. Alot of the long-standing interest in Axl's circus has remained by the fact that he just gets the right damn people on board, even if they are replacement #16.

Axl's new Guns could've very easily gone the way of a Taime Downe-only Faster Pussycat. A bunch of LA weak asses passing themselves off as GN'R. Instead Axl got a bunch of talented guys, whether 1999, 2001, 2006 or 2010. He's still getting the right people. And for that I respect him for.

I still throw up when I hear Eric Dover & Slash. God damn it sucks.

 Rep: 475 

Re: New Tommy Tune

misterID wrote:

Bono, never take anger managment. We would lose so much joy and harmony from these boards. 16

Not trying to be condescending. It's pretty funny you talk about technicalities because that was my first response to your question and I decided to take it out to make it a broader answer. It was a technical scenerio. And its not about ignoring what you're saying. I was just stating my opinion on this issue of GNR and what makes GNR, and how certain posters opinions would totally flip if things were different.

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