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Reputation of the user mitchejw  [+135 / -5]  

From user For topic Reason Estimation Date
monkeychow Current Events...


+ 48 weeks ago
polluxlm A personal matter I could use advice with...

Sorry to hear all of that. Hope you come out okay eventually.

+ 112 weeks ago
misterID Current Events Thread


+ 173 weeks ago
IRISH OS1R1S Current Events Thread

Wasting your time

+ 181 weeks ago
IRISH OS1R1S Covid 19

Hear no evil.

+ 181 weeks ago
IRISH OS1R1S Current Events Thread


+ 182 weeks ago
IRISH OS1R1S Current Events Thread

Just to annoy someone

+ 182 weeks ago
IRISH OS1R1S Current Events Thread


+ 182 weeks ago
IRISH OS1R1S Current Events Thread

Fox news 14

+ 182 weeks ago
IRISH OS1R1S Current Events Thread

Utube link

+ 183 weeks ago
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