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#1 Re: The Sunset Strip » Most Recent Movie You've Seen » 2 weeks ago

Barry - Amazon documentary about Barry Sanders.

It's really fucked up how his career played out and how it had to be on such a shitty team.

I had forgotten about how the Lions had first crack at signing Joe Montana in 92-93. Montana called them wanting to sign with the Lions because he knew he could do something on a team with Sanders, head coach starts doing cartwheels down the street in excitement, and then the GM/owner immediately shit cans the idea because Montana is old/over the hill. Just unbelievable stupidity.

Sanders wasn't even told about the offer at the time. Montana should've called him instead of the coach.

I used to be shocked by his early retirement. I'm not anymore. That organization killed his love for the game.

Space Cadet - Ugh. Emma Roberts has hit a brick wall. She's too old for these types of roles now but she'll keep riding the gravy train til the wheels finally come off because she literally can't do anything else.

Her name is the only reason she continues to get work. If her name is Emma Jones, it's already over.

This is the second new movie of hers I've watched the past couple years. It's probably the last. It's too awkward. It takes me out of the story.

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » UFO Cover Album » 2 weeks ago

Scabbie wrote:
James wrote:

Finally a release date.

It's telling that Axl and Slash are on different songs.

What does it tell you?

That they really don't give a flying fuck.

Their fans have wanted an actual new track where present day Axl and Slash are on it for years.

The chance falls in their lap....and it's different songs.

#3 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 2 weeks ago

Good to see you back, Flagg.

In 2016 republicans such as myself hoped and prayed Trump would be replaced at the convention, this couldn’t be our nominee. The convention came and went and the majority got on the Trump train.

I wish we got the alternate timeline where Kasich gets the nomination and then the presidency.

Kasich or some other normal politician getting the presidency in 2016 is probably the only thing that MIGHT have saved us.

This is what is happening with Biden now. Half the party wants someone else, and over half thinks he should step aside because he’s not a serious candidate. Sound familiar?

Unfortunately yes.

It's another aspect of our hyper-partisan, psychotic culture war that's eventually going to destroy the West.

Wish I had predicted it. My prediction after Trump world ended was one Biden term with someone like The Rock or Oprah entering the picture and becoming the Trump for the left and they'd run against Ivanka. Obviously I was wrong.

It could still happen (2028?) but the West is going down the tubes fast.

Quite the opposite in fact, he’s shutting the fuck up about it. The same media the ran Covid numbers on every inch of our screens for 10 months is now doing to Biden what it did to Trump, and Trump is letting it eat Biden.

Yeah instead of Trump insanity, it's Biden senility.

Instead of Covid, it's Ukraine, Gaza, and other hotspots.

Instead of Agenda 30 or whatever it was that was going to send us over the cliff, it's now project 2025.

Different but the same as Cheech would say.

It's all by design. TPTB know exactly what they are doing. I don't know why they want us to collapse but they clearly do.

I have serious concerns for this nation early next year.

So do I.

Extremism has taken over both sides. We're fucked either way. A corporate hellish dystopia that has morphed into an Idiocracy.

Because I do think Trump will win

It's a lock.

Trump having a heart attack, stroke, dying in his sleep, etc is the only thing that could prevent a second term.

Just like I said 4 years ago, if the left refused to move on from him and made 2020-24 a constant Trump commercial like they did in 2015-16, they were going to force us to endure it all over again.

They didn't and now look.

Trump World 2.0 is on the horizon.

Thanks.   :(      :bs:

. Or did we all forget that every newspaper in the country and leading Democrats called for the electoral college to vacate Trump in January of 17?

I didn't forget.

#NotMyPresident trended for God knows how long.

It'll happen again in January.

I wonder if fighting for men to swim in the women’s Olympics or passing heart beat bills will seem like hills to die on in the coming years.

Our culture wars in the 2010s-20s were our ruination.

Building statues to honor criminals who like to rob pregnant women, political trench warfare during pandemics, school shootings or grocery store massacres only relevant depending on who the shooters voted for,  cocks are female and you're a fascist who makes Hitler look like Mother Teresa if you disagree, anything white is demonic and if you don't agree you're the grand wizard of the KKK, the abortion madness, movies now commercials for agendas, list goes on.

I still can't hardly believe millions of people believe a man standing in a locker room nude with a huge, throbbing erection getting off on standing in a sea of nude women should not only be categorized as a woman but that there's no difference at all.

We deserve our coming collapse just on that nonsense alone.

Sex work is the new feminism (wtf???)

Feminism was turned into a men's rights movement  in the 2010s with the trans craze used as the Trojan horse. As the gender critical feminists (actual feminists) said 5-6 years ago, they can't believe they were stupid enough to fall for it. By the time they realized what was happening, it was too late to save it.

It was super easy for the takeover. Deploy the Trojan horse, the right sees through the madness and calls it out and thanks to our hyper-partisan culture, anything the right hates requires 10000% support from the left come hell or high water.

Voila! Feminism destroyed.

They were so focused on what Republicans were doing with their various agendas such as abortion,  they allowed the left to waltz in and burn the whole thing to the ground. Feminism has been set back decades. IMO it's never going to recover.

Feminism today:

Porn addicted, mentally ill men are now women
Men shattering women's records is a grand achievement
Porn is great
Prostitution is empowering
Mindless hookups are empowering
Divorce is awesome
If divorce not an option, affairs are the cat's meow

They also fell for all the woketastic nonsense.

I feel so sorry for the few real feminists who still exist. They weren't even allowed to have online communities once they realized how they had been bamboozled. Their communities not only destroyed but archives were removed as well. Why? Hate speech.

What was the "hate speech"? Believing that a man in a dress jerking off in the women's restroom while sucking on a used tampon isn't a woman.

Yes this really happened. They posted screenshots and links to the accounts of these degenerates. Then poof...their communities went up in smoke.

Like I said to Flagg above, we deserve everything that's coming. We allowed it all to happen and the chickens are now heading home to roost.

#4 Re: The Sunset Strip » Most Recent Movie You've Seen » 5 weeks ago

Capturing the Friedmans - Saw it many years ago. An amazing documentary. Such a dysfunctional family.

Did they do it or not has always been the big question.

IMO the answer is yes.

I think a LOT of the stories from the students was false memories and part of the sex abuse hysteria from those times...but it's obvious it wasn't just pulled out of thin air. A couple students were probably molested, the dad gets in trouble for those magazines, and then everything spirals from there.

Watched that on YouTube and I got recommended this...

Abducted In Plain Sight - This has to be the biggest mind fuck of a kidnapping story in history. I was shocked I had never heard about it before. I think the fact no one died is why this case has flown under the radar.

If you like crime documentaries, check it out. I won't mention any spoilers so you can go into it blind.

#5 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 5 weeks ago

That is pretty good. Other than a few songs, not much of an Alice Cooper fan.

oh god...the missing 90s years leading up to Slash quitting (and Duff). Slash needed something to do. Found it.

I want the timeline where he doesn't do all this stuff and instead uses his brain like Keith Richards and refuses to leave the band under any circumstances.

Him bailing so quickly with so little effort put into staying robbed the music world of so much.

#6 Re: The Garden » The Space thread » 5 weeks ago

mitchejw wrote:

What's LEO?

I'd like to hear more about where we drifted off into alternative 1985. or whatever alternate line we're on now.

Where did we go wrong? Is there anyone out there that doesn't want to explore space?

I've always wondered what exactly happened that sent us into this dystopic madness.

One part of it is definitely the Internet. In the 2000s when they truly realized how they could essentially control our lives with it, the corporations took it over  and turned it into a cesspool.

Now it's even worse....a social and memetic engineering monster that pushes you into echo chambers, tells you what to think, decides what gets to trend each day/hour, and mines your data while beating you over the head with ads. On top of that, anywhere between 60-80% of the Internet, including people you talk to, .are bots and our adversaries use bots to sow division.

It's about to get even worse...AI is about to get behind the steering wheel.

This isn't what the Internet was supposed to be. Go look at the mid-late 90s internet and/or read articles from back then about it.

Smartphones never should've been invented.

ALL of our culture has regressed.

The world also has an entirely different feel to what it was in the 20th century. It's hard to explain...other people feel it to.

I know I'm veering into conspiracy territory but I wonder if some sort of accident happened while TPTB were testing some sort of exotic tech and this caused some sort of alternate timeline/shift and there's simply no way of ever fixing it so we just continue down this alternate path.

Looking at the futuristic stuff from the 20th century is depressing. They had no idea it would turn into this.

Check out retro futurism...

#7 Re: Dust N' Bones & Cyborg Slunks » Buckethead - Crime Slunk Scene ($3 Sale!!) » 5 weeks ago

-Jack- wrote:

Watching Buckethead live rn at the wiltern. Amazing! Just wishing everyone on the forum happiness and success. Don’t post a lot now but thanks for always being there and being around for great music. Cheers.

Good to see you're still alive.

Hard to believe it's been 13 years since I saw Buckethead in Frisco. Where does the time go?!?

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » 2024 “Taking Off” » 5 weeks ago

Watt coming in and squeezing out one final album from these guys would be a nice alternate timeline but I think we've already passed the point of anything of substance occuring.

We're going to be really lucky if we can even get one or two more leftovers.

It's a travesty that it had to all play out like this.

They really could've done something great in 2016-17 had they actually gave a shit.

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 5 weeks ago

Tortilla_Man wrote:

Is a New Single
with "Monsters" on it
coming very soon?

The GN'R website has a New 2024 Nightrain Mystery Merch package announced as "coming soon",
and the only picture on the page is the Yellow Bullet Logo from "The General'" artwork

The General & Monsters
         7" Vinyl ????

It's more than likely going to be them unloading all the unsold singles on the fan club members to get rid of them just like they did with Hard School.

I don't think it's a long shot.

Everything but touring is a long shot...

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » UFO Cover Album » 5 weeks ago

Finally a release date.

It's telling that Axl and Slash are on different songs.

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