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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » What happened to Axl's voice? » 65 weeks ago

polluxlm wrote:
Miguelox26 wrote:

From his reappearance in house of blues and rock in rio onwards he appeared with that vocal timbre, sharp, angry, powerful and with a lot of control, but it was different, what really happened?

80s/90s rasp ruined his voice. Just listen to this SCOM intro:

In 1986 his voice is much more delicate, a unique swirl in his throat.

Now take 1991 in comparison:

In 1999 Axl hadn't sung for years. Probably to try and heal the damage. 00s comes around he is no longer using the rasp like he used to. He said in an interview this was a conscious choice.

Already in 1988 his voice was damaged to the point he could no longer fully replicate his AFD sound. The You're Crazy version from the Late Show in 88 is the last time we hear the classic Axl voice. In 1991 he's struggling to sing, has to cancel shows. In 1992 he has regained control and he sounds better, but with much less texture to his rasp. Again in 1993 his voice is starting to thin out, and he pretty much only sings on Sympathy and the Springsteen Come Together until laying down vocals for Live Era and CD in 99. His vocals here are good, but live he doesn't use the rasp almost at all.

Likely AC/DC shattered much of what was left.

I loved your analysis. Do you have a link for that interview where "he said in an interview this was a conscious choice"?

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » Prom Violence Leak » 280 weeks ago

My mail is on my profile.... just in case

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Ion U » 281 weeks ago

Vale wrote:

is the Discord down, or did I get kicked out, because I was due to work inactive for 5 days? In either case I'd be happy for a PM...

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » Ion U » 281 weeks ago

thank you stranger

keep em coming

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » Best song so far? » 282 weeks ago

yea all my downloads are in the same folder and I accidentally opened yesterday kohd's leak instaed of "as it begins" which btw is just piano and wind sounds

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » Drain the Swamp? » 282 weeks ago

000000000000 wrote:

Perhaps check other threads

its just kohd acoustic that leaked yesterday and better instrumental dude.

got something unheard to share?

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