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#1 Re: The Garden » Cooking » 33 weeks ago

Is there anyone here who enjoys baking bread, crafting pie crusts, or whipping up homemade bryllupskaker or pizzas? I personally struggle with these skills and feel a bit apprehensive about diving into practice.

I plan to give kombucha brewing a try next, and then I'll attempt some sourdough for my family.

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » Question about Pisser » 49 weeks ago

Oh, I remember that poster! It was such a clever play with gun and definitely brought a smile to my face. I don't personally have it, but I hope someone out there saved it. It would be awesome to see it again and have a good laugh.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Moscow Russia 2010 Private Gig Pro Shot Footage » 49 weeks ago

Wow, that sounds like quite an extraordinary event! It's fascinating how certain moments can capture our attention and become the talk of the town. The fact that footage of this exclusive show has now come to light adds an air of intrigue to the story. It's always interesting to catch a glimpse into the lives of the uber rich and witness their extravagant experiences.

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