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#1 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 4 weeks ago

MAHA!!!! Make American Healthy Again! Let's go!!!

#2 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 4 weeks ago

That was the biggest "COPE" in my opinion. This idea that the economy is actually "really good right now!!!!" Yeah I'm paying 2x for food EVERY DAY... groceries expensive as fuck. I don't care if inflation is "slowing"

Not saying anyone here said the economy was good, but I did hear it alot from pundits.

#3 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 4 weeks ago

Other than COVID which even I will admit was handled poorly... I felt like Trump's first term was fine. A lot of media hand ringing and frankly IMHO hoaxes... but no wars, good economy, didn't jail political opponents, etc.

I think this new term will be good God willing. Even if Kamala won I'd be praying for the USA, so let's hope we do well no matter what. Cheers everybody.

#4 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 4 weeks ago

Also... I am not calling it for Trump yet. 2020 looked close until 2AM california time last year... I will reserve my judgement until PA (or WI/MI) is called. Looking great for Trump tho

#5 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 4 weeks ago

James wrote:

Is it too early to ask this....

Should Biden have just stayed in the race? Would his chances really have been any worse?

If Biden was at full health, I think he would have done better (probably.) But as is... probably not. His health was falling too much. His polling was worse than Kamala's was and so far polling is pretty spot on (generally...)

#6 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 4 weeks ago

Trump taking this. Bitcoin at all time highs. Hell yes. May even win the popular vote this time. We'll see.

#7 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 5 weeks ago

If anyone is interested in polling methodology this is a great article. … weighting/

#8 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 6 weeks ago

Trump on Rogan... 3 hours long. Posted an hour ago. I just started watching it and haven't seen any spin yet... so... as a Trump supporter I hope it's good, but judge yourself if you're bored enough to watch.

#9 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 6 weeks ago

If people are interesting in polling, that's the spot to check. Every poll is posted there. … -vs-harris

If you check national polling, (in the link above,) right now Harris is up 0.1%. Essentially a dead tie. At this time in 2016 Clinton was polling 5.1% ahead. In 2020 Biden was up 8%. Therefore, from a national polling perspective, Trump is doing much better than in 2016 and 2020.

That said, there are polling errors which tend to be correlated. Pollsters have to weigh polls according to expected demographic turnout. Which is a guessing game (or an art if we are being generous) for them. If a surprising amount of non-college educated whites vote, then Trump will win by a lot. If an unexpected amount of college educated whites turnout, then Harris should outperform her polls and win. Polling firms do the best they can to account for expected turn out but they can be wrong (Trump out performed polling in 16 and 20, Dems out performed in 22.) BASICALLY it is possible that pollsters have ADJUSTED turnout models from 2016 and 2020 to try to NOT underestimate Trump again in 2024... in which case, the race really is a toss up. But they may have also NOT done a good job of it, so Harris could be way ahead (if they over compensated) or Trump could be way ahead (if they under compensated.)

In addition, state polling in PA, GA, NC, AZ, NV, and other swing states is probably more relevant than national polling numbers. You can find that polling data in the first link I posted.

IMHO if you asked me to go off gut feel, based on the polling and the general sentiment I have been feeling, Trump should win handily. Though he may still lose the popular vote. Trump in 2016 and 2020 was considered an evil threat and a social taboo... I would be extremely careful about telling people where my political opinion stood, I tended NOT to... now in 2024, it seems like most people are over that. Yes, many people still hate Trump as a human being... but I don't think it is a taboo to support him now, nor to be sympathetic to him. Note, I am in California.

I think with people like Elon and other tech people (including crypto people) openly supporting him, he has a shot that he didn't have in 2020.

If Kamala wins I won't be totally surprised but expect it to be bad if it happens 5 days after election day from "new mail in ballots." She may still win that way and it may be 100% legitimate... but a lot of people will suspect shenanigans given how close the polls are right now.

The best outcome is a blowout for either side (including the popular vote win) ON election night, or at most the day after election day. The longer it takes to get results, the worse it will be for the country and for the perceived legitimacy of the election (IMO)

Finally, I am a layperson polls follower... I have done so since Ron Paul's 2008 run... so it is an interest of mine but I am far from a professional. Cheers.

I already voted Trump FYI/full disclosure.

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