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- monkeychow
- Rep: 661
Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"
history repeating itself..
Yeah which is why i think there's band issues....the whole situation very much reminds me of when slash went off to do Snakepit 1.
I think maybe he doesn't like confrontation and he can't handle doing nothing or he gets into worse drugs etc.
If they can't agree on a singer for years then he had to invent something to do while it happened, and now that invention has become sucessful enough to replicate - while VR without scott is sort of an unknown animal - might go huge or might flop. So at this stage the only sensible thing for slash to do is really Slash 2.
Although I must say - corey would bring a lot of slipknott people to the i'm surprised they're not interested in him more...but then he does have a very particular sound and maybe it just doesnt work for VR.
Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"
^^^^cant agree on singers? how much better does it get than Hagar, Bach, Taylor???? seems more along the lines of slash the dictator to me... dont get me wrong love the guy ...he just seems to have Fu@ked 2 awesome bands... just sayin
- metallex78
- Rep: 194
Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"
^^^Or maybe Corey wrote some some really BLAND lyrics/vocals to what they came up with, that Slash doesn't like...?
Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"
hasnt slash stated that he never really paid attention or cared about lyrics too much? i think he is just more of the type that goes by what it sounds like...corey can get pretty growlly so maybe slash really isnt into creating that style of modern rock/metal music?
- Smoking Guns
- Rep: 330
Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"
Corey doesn't have enough "blues" in his voice. Myles can go there if need be. But I think a guy like Chris Robinson (black crowes) would be awesome with Slash. And though Corey has "range", his voice isn't very dynamic to my ears. Like weiland, he seems repetitive and just has a certain sound.
Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"
not sure what you mean by "dynamic" but he can go from a hardcore metal to a ballad vocal...but yeah hes nothing like an old school blues rock vocalist, he doesnt do screams the likes of axl, tyler, plant et al. his screams are more like phil anselmo
- monkeychow
- Rep: 661
Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"
corey can get pretty growlly so maybe slash really isnt into creating that style of modern rock/metal music?
It's possible if I remember right he wasn't into Josh Todd from Buckcherry as we wasn't "musical" enough - so it's quite possible he likes more of a singer. I mean Axl can scream and go nuts but there's a lot of music behind it - Scott has no range but he's definately musical in terms of his voice and his singing style.
I'm mixed on Corey. Neemo sucessfully got me into Stone Sour - and there's some tracks of theirs I really like - and he's totally got the power in that growl to pull off being a great frontman...however I can also see what Smoking Guns means - in that his clean tone does sound a certain way which is probably a love or hate it thing. I think it's quite radio friendly I must say though for modern rock.
That blues thing myles has - like the alterbridge and slash boots where he starts singing little blues snippets before's very impressive. I know a lot of people dont like myles around here - and I'll grant he's no Axl - but in terms of covering the VR material he's very good at that - and he seemed to write good music with slash too...his gnr takes are a little more suspect - but that's an impossible job. Personally I seriously doubt anyone could cover VR better than Myles does - he seems the perfect fit to me - probably a better fit that scott was in the first place.
Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"
The first time VR was looking for a singer Slash said he wanted a Billy Idol like guy. Maybe he should just go get Billy Idol. Much better than Myles Nickleback lite vocals and lyrics... And NB is bad enough.
- Intercourse
- Rep: 212
Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"
Mmaybe Slash just doesn't like the guys sound. No fights, no fall outs just a difference in taste between him and Duff.
I would prefer that Slash be honest with himself and the boys than record an album with Cory that he's not into, go out on tour and relapse into a drugged out sloppy guitar player who feels he's lost the steering wheel for his career.
Nothing is stopping Duff, Izzy, Matt and Corey getting a band together and dropping an album of their own. Slash does not have to be the key to all future projects for any of the men involved.
Re: COREY TAYLOR: "I Guess It Just Wasn't Working Working For SLASH"
Yeah i think that Slash wants Miles and Duff wants Taylor ... and I think that Matt and Dave just hope that they get somebody
anyway i'd have to side with Mr McKagan on this one
but it appears that Slash has said "fuck you do it my way or just forget it"
Yep spot on mate thats what am thinking