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 Rep: 475 

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

misterID wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

You're right. Total brain fart on my part.

Got me, too. 16

The email thing is pretty interesting. Sounds familiar...

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

johndivney wrote:
madagas wrote:

"You figure out after a while what battles are worth fighting for. That's the big thing. A lot of times, whether it's Axl or Paul or just about anyone, they'll tell you they want to hear 
what you have to say, but they really don't."


tho by this stage i think we're more than entitled to call into question tommy's motives for being in this band. what is the battle that he deems worth fighting on for? it's obv not to produce new music or for a desire to conquer the world.

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

Sky Dog wrote:

Don't want to fight in order to keep 13 year friendships in tact? Don't want to fight because you actually enjoy playing, touring and travelling? Don't want to fight because you realize you are not the boss and you need a job to pay for the two kids that you have to support?

He is a professional musician who has to support himself. It is not in any way "sad". Tommy is very open and honest about his role in Gnr. What more do you want? I would think you would appreciate that by now. neutral

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

johndivney wrote:

what was sad was that it's 20-odd years down the line & Axl's still behaving like the petty brat he was when he had bandmembers whacked out on dope. he has less excuse for being such a humongous asshat when he has a band of professional session men raring to go.

re: tommy, he is somewhat open & slightly honest about his role in GnR - relatively speaking he's an open book compared to diz/4tus or the BS spouted by Ashba & Axl.
but he hasn't been as open & forthright about conditions in GnR & what visions/ambitions he wants to impose/chase with GnR (if any) as he could be. i want the whole truth, that's all.
i appreciate he actually talks about GnR from time to time, finally (he was just as culpable for the silent years as BH/Finck/4tus/whoever the fuck), but with still so much left unsaid & unfulfilled i gotta question the motivation of the guy & whether his desire is genuine or merely fiscal.

it's nearly 4 years on from CD's actual physical release & yet none of the band know what's happening next save a few South American dates & if they do know they're not willing to divulge any info incase Axl throws a strop & plans change. it's about time tommy/bumble & whoever else started shouldering more responsibility to move this band forward. tommy is now the longest serving GnR member ever not called Axl or Dizzy & yet he seems to have little or no influence in the running of things.

let me ask then, what battles has he actually fought for, or won? by the looks of it (& the sounds of the eventual CD mix) he has swallowed a whole heap of shit during his time in GnR.

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

Sky Dog wrote:

of course he has swallowed a lot of shit and of course he is in it for the money. I don't know what he does behind the scenes, and it really is none of our business.

Between Tommy-Dizzy-Mother Goose, they have kept new Gnr alive since 1998...I would say that is a battle that he has fought for. However, there are quite a few who wish the new band would go away forever so they are not happy with that fight. wink

 Rep: 217 

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

Mikkamakka wrote:

I absolutely understand Tommy. I'm in the same situation. I like my job, it's what I wanted and still want to to, I enjoy it when I can do it in my own terms, yet there are things that are really disturbing, things that are limiting our potential, things I fought against and things I realized I cannot change. So it's like seeing the glass half full or half empty.

I'm sure that Tommy is disappointed. This GN'R is not what he wanted. I think he joined to create something new. Unfortunately Axl is Axl. Yet Tommy has friends in the band, he enjoys playing with them and has to pay his bills and doesn't have a better option. As soon as he'll have one, he'll leave.

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

Sky Dog wrote:

well put.....

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

johndivney wrote:

that doesn't mean he isn't in the wrong, or it isn't a tragic/depressing situation.

if GnR can't be all it should be, it shouldn't be at all.
if anything, tommy is doing more harm than good. if he has kept axl from dissolving the band maybe he's actually one of the bad guys......

 Rep: 212 

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

Intercourse wrote:

Axl is unfixable and as he gets older, like most people, he will get more difficult, opinionated and stuck in his ways.

Tommy probably went in there to realise a destiny he caught a glimpse of in the Replacements. It didn't happen and I'm sure he's saddened by that but he's probably well paid, gets his music out to those that care and gets a laugh with the other guys.

Its the best situation all of us can hope for; a few greenbacks, a bit of love, a few beers, a smoke and some good music with friends.
Good luck to Tommy, I was hostile to him in the early days but I respect his honesty, in as much as he is probably contractually allowed to be.

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

johndivney wrote:

no the best situation we could have/can hope for is for axl to stop shitting on the legacy of what was once one of the greatest rock n roll bands in history.

tommy, by his longevity, has some power in helping axl one way or the other (either close shop or do something) but he seems incapable of exercising it.

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