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 Rep: 33 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

Scabbie wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
Scabbie wrote:

To sign up something like this to give the band support is also the worst thing you can do. Were all grown up now and a couple of tshirts and an old belt buckle ain't gonna cut the mustard.

But that's exactly why I did it.

I don't give a shit about a belt buckle or whatever - if I want one I can probably get it cheaper on ebay...what I'd like is the band to survive and make new recordings and stuff.

My way of looking at it is that if the fan club income means Axl isn't working at wall-mart, or is less reliant on making a deal with some label suits, then he's more likely to get to a place where he wants to share his songs with us again.

For a normal band I think the opposite is true. Take away their income, they'd get desperate, compromise, do stuff. But I'm not sure for Axl. He seems to be into the death before reunion and so on. I think if it gets too hard to release music again he'll just make it privately and not share it. So I'm doing what I can to crowd fund it and show some love.

That just reinforces the behaviour. If they genuinely believe that's a good deal they need to know it isn't. If they're pulling a fast one they need to know people aren't prepared to put up with it.

 Rep: 633 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 661 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

monkeychow wrote:

Hmm...I'm not too worried by the old line up factor...I mean AFD is always going to be an integral part of GNR history....just look at the live gigs!

But I think what is suspect is the suggestion it was *exclusive* merch - you'd think that would mean the fan club shirt was in some way not a normal shirt - either it said fan club 2012 or something like some bands do, or like it's a design not available anywhere or something...but the AFD shirt looks to be the stock standard AFD shirt u see all over the net and all over the world in any store.

 Rep: 485 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

Neemo wrote:

if it says gnr fan club or something on the back then it becomes exclusinve no?

i dunno why you guys are getting so bent out of shape...par for the course if you ask me

 Rep: 633 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 281 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

faldor wrote:
Bono wrote:
Cramer wrote:
Aussie wrote:

14 real exclusive content.

What a piece of shit.  Appetite shirt anybody.

Showing up for an AFD lineup reunion for a few hours = bad.

Selling AFD t shirts from the "new" band = good.

16 so true. the hypocrisy in it is hilarious. Just a clear case of Axl wanting to cash in on the old guys legacy yet have nothing to do with them. Anyone who refuses to see this isn't paying attention.

How is that cashing in though when nobody wants the shirt?  It's madness on the official forum.  People are pissed and want nothing to do with the shirt.  They're asking for their money back, offering to give the shirt away to someone that actually wants it.  As far as I can see, they're not "cashing in" on anything.  Quite the opposite.

I can't fathom who thought that it would be a good idea to include an AFD t-shirt.

Hold that thought though.  Let's enter fantasyland for a moment.  What if, on the back of the shirt there's a recreation of the AFD cross with the current members and some sort of saying on it?  Maybe they're just fucking with us.

Alright, I'm back to reality now.  As neemo said though, par for the course.  Nothing should surprise us at this point.

 Rep: 475 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

misterID wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Everyone went ape shit on the GN'R forum and this is the response given thus far:

In the GN'R universe that's like a Mother Teresa response. Cool stuff.

Watch out getting in contact with GN'R managment asking what the deal is with the merch... Beta might call you an idiot.

 Rep: 281 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

faldor wrote:

Someone over on HTGTH said they received their package today and all the items were the ones in that picture.  Someone else said they heard from Fernando on facebook that the AFD shirt was a mistake.  Not sure that "mistake" will be rectified.  It should, but you never know with this band.

 Rep: 633 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 231 

Re: (Merch store now open, SALE!)

-D- wrote:

Nice to see my post still get deleted over there

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