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 Rep: 200 

Re: When's Album?

apex-twin wrote:
BBF Fan question wrote:

Don't you miss composing in band context? Wouldn't you like to create new material with GNR guys? Did you record anything yet?

Bumblefoot wrote:

Yes, I miss writing as a band. My wish was that the band would get together for one week before every part of a tour would begin, and we write a song, record it, release it, play it on that leg of the tour, and keep doing this every time we start a new leg of a tour. If we did that, this band would have a brand new album done by now. When this tour ends, Frank (drums) and Tommy (bass) and I plan to get together and start writing some new music. Hopefully nothing will get in the way of doing that.

BBF, 06/07/12

Re: When's Album?

johndivney wrote:


do you think there'll ever be a new GnR album?
Or, can you see that possibility? That there wont be another one?

 Rep: 200 

Re: When's Album?

apex-twin wrote:

If the years have taught us anything, it would be that Axl is pretty much as hair trigger a person as we've been led to believe. Anything Guns have released after Sympathy for the Devil has either been unfinished in some way or done without his consent.

The best bet to get the new music will be by leaks. There are tracks out there, somewhere, and they will arise eventually. Don't ask me about the details, as I wouldn't know them.

As for the new album, the first thing you'll notice is that there hasn't been any buzz around it aside some offhand comments by band members, who do want to be a part of it. And why wouldn't they - a writing credit on a Guns album is good for business.

The rest of the world is snoozing as far as the topic goes, CD's botched release did manage to kill the idea off for a while. One thing that would help would the introduction of some Guns alumni, like Izzy and/or Duff contributing.

Can't see Slash guesting on a track, even if that would guarantee them a hit single for the curiosity factor alone.

Fernando did tweet back to a fan on CD2 recently.

27 Jul
Agustin Axel ‏@AgustinAxel
@FLebeis we want cd 2

28 Jul
Fernando Lebeis ‏@FLebeis
@AgustinAxel working on it!

Hence, you could say the band and the Lebeis are into the idea. But this reverts us back to the head of the company, and he doesn't like being rushed.

 Rep: 661 

Re: When's Album?

monkeychow wrote:

I get the impression Axl's quite sensitive about certain things.

Even though he's famous he seems quite human in the sense that he seems to care what unknowns think of him, it seems to genuinely hurt or anger him when people say stuff about him in the media, or on forums or whatever, and, conversely I it seems that when people are positive and so on it helps him.

I'd guess he realised with the last album he made a rod for his back by talking about it in advance. As because of his nature and that of the business, shit changes a lot with GNR, and then when stuff doesn't happen as planned wea and the media get pissy and say things that probably derail stuff even more.

So the smart thing for him to do would be to not raise any expectations then drop something when it's ready...without us knowing stuff like "it's like fire and ice" or expected timelines and so on.

 Rep: 200 

Re: When's Album?

apex-twin wrote:

Ten to one, he was demolished after the CD release, partially because of the reception.

If he cites a bad review on stage, imagine how he responds to someone tearing apart his labor of love.

Re: When's Album?

johndivney wrote:

well, CD was already wrecked upon release before the lukewarm reception - the booklet for one, the promo for another. the farting around/merkiness etc.

what's stranger is how he has clung onto it still, 5 yrs down the line. instead of just writing it off, he just cannot let go.

it is akin to 17

 Rep: 200 

Re: When's Album?

apex-twin wrote:

To Axl, CD is a great album, apparently.

Despite everything, I wouldn't be surprised to learn he's doing this to keep it alive, instead of retreating to a second album, which may or may not get an all-around warmer reception.

Not talking about sales figures, rather than the mixed bag reviews CD got as opposed to earlier albums.

 Rep: 661 

Re: When's Album?

monkeychow wrote:

I always get bashed for this but I think it's a great album too.

Obviously it's a post slash album so it's not going to be the same as the old stuff, but as long as people are open minded about that, I think it's great. There's some stuff I'd have wished would have been different - things like the release lack of promo, and I'm not even real jazzed about about the mastering/mixing in places...

But songwriting wise and performance wise I think it's an artistic and thoughtful piece. The politics of the name is a shame as I think it's a great musical achievement in a lot of ways.

Re: When's Album?

johndivney wrote:

As a album it's a hodge-podge collection of songs w/o any real cohesion.
I don't think there is a real CD album per se, a finished definitive track list/vision. I think that, along w/the quality of a few songs, scuppers the potential of the album.

 Rep: 200 

Re: When's Album?

apex-twin wrote:

To me, the problem of CD is this.

This sounds like a band to me, as in, people recording in the same room and the same headspace. They sound a bit clunky together, perhaps, and perhaps a bit unsure of themselves. They are staying true to their roots, tho.

Had they released an album and toured with it, they would've grown into a very interesting band.

Granted, their distinct problem was the lack of Brian May on a permanent basis. Imagine May doing the TWAT outro. It wouldn't be Bucket, but it would potentially be cool.

Instead, we got the umpteenth revision (by other people) of several songs the band and Sean Beavan created a decade prior.

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