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 Rep: -7 

Re: Mar. 12th, 2012 - House of Blues, Los Angeles, CA

bobo wrote:
BLS-Pride wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
bobo wrote:

better is driven by robin's guitar. this i love is driven by robin's guitar. there was a time is driven by robin's guitar. street of dreams is driven by robin's guitar. irs is driven by robin's guitar. catcher is driven by robin's guitar. i could go on and on how robin drives chinese democracy with a guitar

I think we're not talking about the same thing. Better is admittedly a possible exception. But the other songs you list have GREAT guitar in them - but they are not guitar LED songs.

For example - what happens if you take "Street of Dreams" and remove the guitars - you still have a functional song with the piano parts. All you loose is some background chording and the solo.

Same with TWAT - there's the 99 demo that's the verses with all synth...the guitar only becomes important to twat in the second half. Those songs are led by the other instruments and robin comes in and does some great guitar. But you could have the song without those guitar parts and it could still function.

But what happens if you take away the guitar parts from Jungle? Or ISE? or out to get me? You can't. There's no song left other than the lyrics. Those songs are led by the guitar lines in them as the key element.

Thus, it's more important on a song like Jungle who is behind your guitar than it is on a song like street of dreams.

AFD is a guitar driven album, chinese is a great album but it is more of a mult-instrumental piece.

bobo wrote:

robin does all the big solos on chinese democracy like slash does on appetite and illusions. what big solos does bumble do? buckethead does prostitute. what does bumble do

chinese democracy is robin. furthermore, robin is the lead guitarist of the record. not buckethead or bumblefoot


CHINESE DEMOCRACY - Robin Finck, Buckethead
BETTER - Buckethead, Robin Finck
STREET OF DREAMS - Robin Finck, Buckethead
IF THE WORLD - Buckethead
THERE WAS A TIME - Robin Finck, Buckethead
CATCHER IN THE RYE - Bumblefoot, Robin Finck, Bumblefoot
SCRAPED - Bumblefoot, Buckethead
RIAD N THE BEDOUINS - Bumblefoot, Buckethead
SORRY - Buckethead
IRS - Robin Finck, Buckethead
MADAGASCAR - Buckethead
THIS I LOVE - Robin Finck
PROSTITUTE - Buckethead

Robin plays a lead guitar line on 7 tracks.
Bucket plays a lead guitar line on 11 tracks
Bumblefoot plays a lead guitar line on 3 tracks

If that isn't sharing I don't know what is.

Thanks for doing that, Saved me the time.

Oh and Robin Finck is not to GnR what Slash was, you are nuts to think so. Slash's work will be immortal while Robin's will be forgotten to those outside the fanbase.

robin's work on chinese democracy is what makes chinese democracy the best rock record. it's not a multi instrumental. it's rock guitar driven. when i listen to the songs, i don't hear dizzy or chris. i don't notice bumblefoot. tommy or richard. what stands out to me in the chinese songs is the lead guitar of robin finck. like slash stands out to me on appetite. i don't notice adler. or duff. or izzy. i notice slash. on chinese, i don't notice piano...i notice big solos by robin. if you were to ask the common person on the street...what stands out to them more in songs like streets of dreams and this i love....piano or guitar...they would say the guitar. the guitar is by mr. robin finck.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Mar. 12th, 2012 - House of Blues, Los Angeles, CA

monkeychow wrote:

Ok I'm going to agree to disagree.

For the record I like Robin's guitar parts of CD too. But clearly I don't feel they're as fundamental to the structure of the songs as you seem to.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Mar. 12th, 2012 - House of Blues, Los Angeles, CA

BLS-Pride wrote:

You must be listening to a differnt chinese democracy and afd.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Mar. 12th, 2012 - House of Blues, Los Angeles, CA

metallex78 wrote:

Damn Bobo, you speak like you actually know things about DJ more than DJ knows himself. For all we know DJ IS writing new music, with as much speculation that he isn't. So don't state that he isn't as a fact, when no-one but DJ really knows.

And these few things:

Better is driven by robin's guitar


This I Love is driven by robin's guitar

Disagreed. Aside from his solo spot, it's a piano/orchestral piece with no guitar.

There was a time is driven by robin's guitar.

Disagreed. Robin has a nice solo, but most people praise this song for Bucket's work, not his.

street of dreams is driven by robin's guitar

Disagreed, aside from his nice solo, it's a piano ballad.

irs is driven by robin's guitar

Agreed, but it's an average song at best. The highlight is Bucket's solo spot

catcher is driven by robin's guitar

Disagreed. Again, it's mostly a piano driven song, with guitar on top.

i could go on and on how robin drives chinese democracy with a guitar

And I could go on and on, just like Monkey said, that CD isn't a guitar-driven album.

Anyway, keep this blind Robin talk up, and you'll find your way to my 'ignore' list. And I haven't done that to anyone on this site.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Mar. 12th, 2012 - House of Blues, Los Angeles, CA

-D- wrote:

Ok, thanks to Bobo i take back what i said

Robin sucks again

 Rep: 341 

Re: Mar. 12th, 2012 - House of Blues, Los Angeles, CA

bigbri wrote:

I'm just gonna say it: Robin is a terrible guitar player. Sorry, seeing him live was painful. There were audible groans and gasps at stuff he played at my show. Old stuff  of course, because no one knew how the new stuff was supposed to sound. We all knew how the old stuff was supposed to sound.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Mar. 12th, 2012 - House of Blues, Los Angeles, CA

misterID wrote:

Whatever happened to Jim Bob?

 Rep: 386 

Re: Mar. 12th, 2012 - House of Blues, Los Angeles, CA

Bono wrote:
bobo wrote:

robin finck is to guns n roses what slash was to guns n roses

That ^ sums it all up.

Bobo = 100% troll. Seriously this shit is hilarious and pathetic. Obviously posting to stir shit up and get a rise out of people......

someone had to say it.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Mar. 12th, 2012 - House of Blues, Los Angeles, CA

Smoking Guns wrote:

Jim bob.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Mar. 12th, 2012 - House of Blues, Los Angeles, CA

-D- wrote:

those solo spots Robin did before SCOM had to be to purposely troll GNR fans.

worst shit ever.

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