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Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

I can tell you this.... Business people I know want Trump... Period. They feel the economy needs a shot in the arm and he would give it that. They know Hilary is the same old same old.

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

johndivney wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I can tell you this.... Business people I know want Trump... Period. They feel the economy needs a shot in the arm and he would give it that. They know Hilary is the same old same old.

Do ever listen to yourself?
Can I ask you, do you not see how divisive he is? How hurtful and nasty he is to people? Do you not have any empathy or sympathy with them, at all?

I guess you'll not be happy til all the monkeys are in their cages and there's a wall put up to keep the spics away.
Next it'll be putting women back in the kitchen.
Who will you get to blame then..??

& what shot in the arm is he going to give these business people? Advice on how to manipulate bankruptcy laws? Probably to plaster his name on things he really has nothing to do with so sorry fools like you will buy into the brand..?? What a load of fuckin horseshit.

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

AtariLegend wrote:
johndivney wrote:

Who will you get to blame then..??

Obama, Hillary or the lizard people.

Not necessarily in that order though.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

Listen dipshits, I don't critique yor mindset in the UK, so I don't understand your attacks here. Obama is a nice guy and likeable but over all has had a poor presidency. I am not a "Trump" guy but between him and Hilary TRUMP all the way.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Listen dipshits, I don't critique yor mindset in the UK, so I don't understand your attacks here. Obama is a nice guy and likeable but over all has had a poor presidency. I am not a "Trump" guy but between him and Hilary TRUMP all the way.

Obama has had a very good presidency, especially considering what he walked into... Remember the other guy? The one who refused to a acknowledge or even say the word recession ... And that whole war he started.

And there are business people who would vote for Hitler if he promised to lower taxes... But don't think they are all in line with Trump:

"What a joke. He's gone into bankruptcy three times. OK, he's never done a minute of public service. But his success as a "shrewd businessman"? It's due to good luck with the US bankruptcy code, allowing him to put his toe into any new business he wants and then if it has troubles, he can junk it and walk away scot free.

I admire Mitt Romney as a businessman. I loathe Donald Trump as a shyster dishonest deal huckster. He deserves no respect in the business community unless you want to deal with him to make money off him."

And you do blame Obama for everything, SG. I'm sure that's going to switch to Hilary now. And you pretty much follow right wing talking points, especially those conservative websites. You're a good dude, though, but easily swayed by elephants. You're much more sympathetic to immigrants than most people you follow and listen to.

 Rep: 423 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

buzzsaw wrote:

The stupidity level of some people is amazing. The blame bush for everything crowd is now mad Obama is getting blamed for things?  Priceless.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

misterID wrote:

I'm hoping Hilary picks Tim Kaine. If she does, its a big sign saying, "Sorry, Left Wing, I know you thought you were pushing me way to the left and had me over a barrel, but I'm going back to the center now."

 Rep: 475 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

misterID wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

The stupidity level of some people is amazing. The blame bush for everything crowd is now mad Obama is getting blamed for things?  Priceless.

I already showed you the stats how good Obama has done did and you decided you don't like facts.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

misterID wrote:

Again, from Fact Check, non part is on group:


Since President Barack Obama first took office:
Homicides have dropped 13 percent, but gun sales have surged.
The economy has added more than 9 million jobs, and the jobless rate has dropped to below the historical median.
The number of long-term unemployed Americans has dropped by 614,000 under Obama, but it is still 761,000 higher than at the start of the Great Recession.
Corporate profits are up 166 percent; real weekly wages are up 3.4 percent.
There are 15 million fewer people who lack health insurance.
Wind and solar power have nearly tripled, and now account for more than 5 percent of U.S. electricity.
The federal debt has more than doubled — rising 116 percent — and big annual deficits have continued.
Those are just some of our findings in our latest installment of Obama’s Numbers.


 Rep: 205 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

PaSnow wrote:

I watched a good amount of it, then went to bed & put it on the radio.  Damn if it wasn't effective.  I think he re-aligned himself and his candidacy, trying to project himself as more Presidential & finally trying to take it seriously. I admit he seemed to do a really good job, he's a good public speaker and motivator.

By contrast, I'm interested to see but wondering if Hillary will be Hillary, and by that I just mean same old same old.  She's been campaigning for this for basically 4+ years now, and people are likely a bit bored of her speaking.  She really needs a great speech and to reinvigorate herself, to match Trumps great RNC. IMHO he totally threw whatever happened with Cruz to the dust and took over the news cycle back onto him. Which he loves lol.

I can't deny he didn't do well, at times tho, hate to say it, but I felt glimpses of Hitlerism coming thru, sorry to say it.  I agree picking Tim Kaine will likely not be a great VP choice, just too lackluster but maybe it's a smart move for his military background both because it can make up for attacks on Hillarys military messups (Benghazi), and also Trump/Pence's lack of it. I liked him in the past but he just reminds me of just that, the past. They both have to come out with great speeches imho.

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