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Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:
 Rep: 205 

Re: US Politics Thread

PaSnow wrote:

Not a huge fan of Todd. I had NBC on at first but switched over to Stephanopolous. I usually don't watch the 1030 shows but with big news days I will.  Yeah he's a bit whiny or something, seems to try to make mountains outta molehiles or something.  Seems ok for cable news but I don't think he's fit for national broadcast news.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

Not a huge fan of Todd. I had NBC on at first but switched over to Stephanopolous. I usually don't watch the 1030 shows but with big news days I will.  Yeah he's a bit whiny or something, seems to try to make mountains outta molehiles or something.  Seems ok for cable news but I don't think he's fit for national broadcast news.

I agree..

I agree with you guys that Shawn S. shouldn't have said a damn word about the crowd but I can see why the Trump admin gets pissed with NBC, MSNBC, and CNN.

Re: US Politics Thread

johndivney wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

That's what your take is on that? Not the coining of the term "alternative facts"?! No, don't worry about the outrageous attempt at spin, the anchor is a tool that's what's important here.

Re: US Politics Thread

AtariLegend wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Obama's pic was about 11:30. Trump's pic was 11:04. About an hour before was was sworn in. There is a very big chance more people showed up between 11:04 and 12:00

It was shown live around the world with repeated crowd shots from video feed over the top at the back uptill the speech and in between people walking down the steps. It didn't magically fill up at the back within a few minutes.

It probably looked liked it was packed to the back from where Trump was standing and no one would have cared anyway if Trump didn't send that guy out to berate the media, then have Kellyann talk about "alternative facts".

 Rep: 205 

Re: US Politics Thread

PaSnow wrote:

I saw her get owned by Stephanopolous enough:

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Listen, The press Sec should NOT have called a special briefing for that shit. However, it was something that the media was focused on and they focused on it to diminish Trump and to try to show that nobody likes him. I get it. It was all CNN and MSNBC talked about up until the press briefing. They kept showing one pic from the max crowd for Obama and then showed an early pic from Trump's inauguration. So the media is NOT innocent here. However Trump needs to let that shit go.

Yes the media is innocent, they were reporting what they saw. I was saying it because I was staring at EMPTY STANDS.

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Joy Reid, Lawrence O'Donnel, and Rachel Maddow pretty much lie and exaggerate non stop about Trump where as Chris Matthews, Greta, Stephanie Ruhl, etc seem to be a little more reasonable and fair. But Joy Reid comes off as very unintelligent to me. Matthews and others constantly have to tell her to take a step back and get some perspective. She seems nice and probably is smart but when she exaggerates shit so bad she looks dumb. Trump gives enough ammo alone if you just report the facts. No need to lie.

Show me where they lied. Instances, please.

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

Look at Iraq in 2011 compared to 2003. Look at it now.

In 2011 there was Al-qaeda, so it wasn't all rainbows.

Also, look at our economy in 2017 compared to October 2009. Don't worry, Repubes will manage to F it up again. Just wait.

Our economy is built on a house of cards at the moment built on a zero interest rate over the past 8 years. It is still fragile.  There are still people hurting. We are not back to predepressiom levels.

Why deny reality? The country is doing good. I've been showing you guys for years, literally showing you, and you denied reality. But hey, at least you have a new term with Alternative Facts, aka, Real Big Fucking Lies. A lie wrapped in a lie.

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

Okay, the media was lying, the crowd was awesome. Trump just released the real picture of the ignaguration, so there's no denying it.


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