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 Rep: 475 

Re: Covid 19

misterID wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Sure, but you don't know what either 1 stands for.  Could just as easily be herd immunity + virus running its course.  You don't know.

Wear a condom, you most likely won't get aids. Sitting back years later and saying, "man, all these years and I never caught aids. Why the fuck did I ever wear a rubber for?"

New Orleans decided not to social distance when everyone else did, had Mardi Gras, and now they're headed to be worse with infections than New York. Places where citizens didn't listen did worse than those who did. South Korea vs Italy.

WDW shut down without being ordered to. They shut down all their properties, losing millions everyday, because they weighed the risks and long term damage that would be caused to guests and employees between staying open and closing. They have people whose only job is to decide these things. Disney NEVER shuts down. They're still not open.

If you don't believe it, fuck it, go out. Don't stay home, don't wash your hands.

Did you ever take a science class?  This is beyond backwards thinking and not at all how science works.

Buzz, go outside. Have fun. This isn't about science, you're not talking science. You don't think there's a problem, it's all exaggerated. Go to it.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Covid 19

misterID wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

^^ More people died from the flu, yes!  However, we shut down for 45 days from the near start of Covid (March 15?).  Undo that & it isn't even close, Covid blows the flu away. Factor in we shut down NBA, NHL, MLB, weddings, concerts etc.  This thing was ripe to be massive!!

I'm with you on re-opening. Likely, semi-optional in May, albeit few people rush out shopping. Moreso after Memorial Day.

I'm gonna take a break from here. I've possibly been a bit of a D & this forum just becomes a political forum unfortunately (not saying I'm not a part of that).  Anyway I gotta spend my time elsewhere. (arguing with FB friends, j/k)

Be in touch, I won't be gone long myb just the weekend or smt.

Start posting in the movie thread. Let's talk movies!

 Rep: 205 

Re: Covid 19

PaSnow wrote:
misterID wrote:

Start posting in the movie thread. Let's talk movies!

Saw this Google Trick, Google search your first name & add 'glamour shot' to the end of it. This is what you will look like at the end of the quarantine.

(Actually is pretty funny. It's unreal)

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: Covid 19

Sweden will be interesting I think to see how things pan out there. They seem to be the only ones committing to the heard immunity theory, hard not if that would apply to other nations anyway as Sweden is pretty remote and unpopulated in the main. Certainly not got a London/New York type metropolis to like for like comparison.

If nothing else we will learn a lot on how to respond to this kind of thing in the future should it happen again.

Buzz do you have an English translation to that Italian article you keep citing? 40 of 60 quarantined people is interesting but it's pretty meaningless without the who/what/when and where.

Not sure about your flu statement Randall, in Italy more people have died of Covid in 2 months than have died of Flu in the last 10 years combined. They seem to think when all is done it will be around1% fatality rate, which is x10 worse than seasonal flu. Covid is also killing healthy 30 and 40 year olds, not in statistically large numbers but flu doesn't tend to do that. It will be interesting to know why one 35 year old catches it and is asymptomatic whereas another healthy 35 year old ends up on ITU or worse.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Covid 19

buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:

Wear a condom, you most likely won't get aids. Sitting back years later and saying, "man, all these years and I never caught aids. Why the fuck did I ever wear a rubber for?"

New Orleans decided not to social distance when everyone else did, had Mardi Gras, and now they're headed to be worse with infections than New York. Places where citizens didn't listen did worse than those who did. South Korea vs Italy.

WDW shut down without being ordered to. They shut down all their properties, losing millions everyday, because they weighed the risks and long term damage that would be caused to guests and employees between staying open and closing. They have people whose only job is to decide these things. Disney NEVER shuts down. They're still not open.

If you don't believe it, fuck it, go out. Don't stay home, don't wash your hands.

Did you ever take a science class?  This is beyond backwards thinking and not at all how science works.

Buzz, go outside. Have fun. This isn't about science, you're not talking science. You don't think there's a problem, it's all exaggerated. Go to it.

I know you're not talking about science, but I am.  You're taking something completely unrelated and trying to equate it to this.  There is no condom equivalent here...not even a mask.  Science is easy after the fact, but not so easy or clear when things are actually happening.

You're talking out of your ass like some others here assuming that just because I can see that the science doesn't back the reaction that I'm reckless and think we should just sit there and do nothing.  I invite you to post anywhere that I said it.  I'll be waiting...for a while.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Covid 19

buzzsaw wrote:
A Private Eye wrote:

Sweden will be interesting I think to see how things pan out there. They seem to be the only ones committing to the heard immunity theory, hard not if that would apply to other nations anyway as Sweden is pretty remote and unpopulated in the main. Certainly not got a London/New York type metropolis to like for like comparison.

If nothing else we will learn a lot on how to respond to this kind of thing in the future should it happen again.

Buzz do you have an English translation to that Italian article you keep citing? 40 of 60 quarantined people is interesting but it's pretty meaningless without the who/what/when and where.

Not sure about your flu statement Randall, in Italy more people have died of Covid in 2 months than have died of Flu in the last 10 years combined. They seem to think when all is done it will be around1% fatality rate, which is x10 worse than seasonal flu. Covid is also killing healthy 30 and 40 year olds, not in statistically large numbers but flu doesn't tend to do that. It will be interesting to know why one 35 year old catches it and is asymptomatic whereas another healthy 35 year old ends up on ITU or worse.

I have seen parts of it translated...I'll see if I can find the whole article.

So far the numbers in Sweden look good.  That doesn't mean they will in 2 weeks, but for now results are favorable.  Yes, Sweden doesn't have a NYC, but that doesn't mean you ignore the results.  It means you may have to handle big cities differently, but that still doesn't necessarily mean what we did/are doing is the right answer there either. 

There's so much we don't know and they keep changing the rules as we go along, yet everyone wants to act like there's no other path...if that was true, they wouldn't keep changing as they learn more.  That's what's driving me nuts about this...all these keyboard warriors acting like they have all the answers because CDC said so.  Well, CDC said don't use masks a week ago and changed that this week.  NOBODY has all the answers yet.  NOBODY.

 Rep: 59 

Re: Covid 19

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Buzz you were claiming isolation has no effect on this virus that can be transmitted from human to human. You are flat out wrong. Is it the only way it is transmitted? Maybe, maybe not but is clearly having an effect. Nobody is agreeing with you and you know it was a dumb statement but somehow your ego is not allowing you to admit this.

Move on already.

I think a good idea may be to have certain categories of people return back to work slowly and manage the surge from those blocks at a time. This would result in a more manageable number while turning those blocks to herd immunity.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Covid 19

buzzsaw wrote:
IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Buzz you were claiming isolation has no effect on this virus that can be transmitted from human to human. You are flat out wrong. Is it the only way it is transmitted? Maybe, maybe not but is clearly having an effect. Nobody is agreeing with you and you know it was a dumb statement but somehow your ego is not allowing you to admit this.

Move on already.

I think a good idea may be to have certain categories of people return back to work slowly and manage the surge from those blocks at a time. This would result in a more manageable number while turning those blocks to herd immunity.

Where?  Show me the post.  My stance has and will always be the destruction we've done to the economy isn't worth it.  Never said isolation does nothing.  You guys are so idiotic.  Don't repeat what you think I wrote...if you don't understand, feel free to ask.  I am way, way, way less black and white than almost anyone here, so it's safe to assume I'm not on either extreme.  If you *think* that's what I said, you got it wrong.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Covid 19

buzzsaw wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

Buzzsaw, explain Italy. Why did they not see an increase in deaths until Feb/March?  Was the US Media in on that hoax?  Why did the UK shutdown also in March? Was that the US Media?  Boris Johnson goes to ICU in April?  Why did Tom Hanks obtain 'the flu' in the summertime in Australia??

You have to disconnect this from your twisted political thoughts.  Not everything is black and white.  I never have said it wasn't real; nor have I said to ignore it.  I said what we're doing isn't worth the price being paid...and so far nothing has happened that makes that any less true.  It should have been handled better by protecting the at risk instead of quarantining everyone; given that in ITALY (since you brought it up) 40/60 that had been quarantined and never showed any symptoms tested positive, it basically confirms what I've been saying.  Protect the at risk, let the rest develop herd immunity.  I didn't come up with that; scientists and doctors did. 

You're such a tool that you think everything is all or nothing and there's nothing in-between.  It's why nobody can talk to you or mitch in the political thread anymore and it's why you guys are now talking to yourselves there for the most part.  You don't have the ability to understand anything other than what you've been led to believe.  It's sad.

For idea even has people being isolated; just not everyone.  So...what else you got?

 Rep: 59 

Re: Covid 19

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Lol...the quarantine accomplished nothing...what's so hard to understand about that?  People already spread it.  It's too late. Quarantine the at risk.  Nothing is being accomplished with anything else they are doing.

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