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 Rep: 57 

Re: A Random Forum Post about Finck

supaplex wrote:
Communist China wrote:

He is "the" guy in NIN. The fanbase and the band itself recognize Robin as the real, true, lead guitarist for NIN. In GN'R this is obviously not the case.

NIN is a different thing to rehearse and perform. It can't be reproduced live without a lot of work coming from band members, and Robin creatively found ways to make computer-laced noise from TDS and extremely layered, weird-ass instrumental arranged songs from The Fragile work live. Work really really well. Look at what the new NIN bassist has said about their tour. A lot of work goes into doing that live beyond what replicating slash's work entails (not a knock to Slash, it's just a one-guitar standard rock set-up).

To a person like bigbri who thinks he just lacks talent, watch the new NIN rehearsal videos. He owns those three tracks. No question about it. I know it doesn't have a solo but being that good at a thing that difficult shows he could've clearly replicated Slash's work flawlessly after being in the band for a decade.

because of that reasons one has to ask himself: "if he's that good, does that mean he didn't want to play the gnr songs the way they were meant to be played in the first place?"

because if he's that talented and such a good player it means he can play some songs previously written by someone else just like the original. he's a professional so he should be able to do so.

to me, there are two possible explanations to his playing:

1. he tried to give the solos a personal touch but the fans didn't dig it because he was way out of the main song

2. he deliberately played the songs sloppy as a dig at slash, and, if that is true, i think it is a childish thing to do at the level they're at. you don't only take a dig at slash but you're disrespecting the whole fan-base. i really hope this second point is not true.

maybe there should have been a 3rd point here that said he just plain sucks but i refuse to think that because of what cc said and because on his own songs he is good.

 Rep: 661 

Re: A Random Forum Post about Finck

monkeychow wrote:

I think sorum suggested him as the replacment for Gilby not Slash however. He would have been ok on rhythm.

 Rep: 39 

Re: A Random Forum Post about Finck

-Jack- wrote:

I think to say Robin plays the songs different as a dig at Slash or GNR fans is looking into it way too much.

I think he just wants to put his own style on the songs and Axl probably likes it/approved of it.

I've always thought his guitar tone was bad live, but I respect him alot for sticking around as long as he has and making some great new music with GNR.

 Rep: 485 

Re: A Random Forum Post about Finck

Neemo wrote:

the robin solo starting at 2:25 - 2:46 in Rhiad is especially terrible...i finally noticed how bad it was yesterday...that solo is a fuckign disgrace to guns music IMO...without getting into a big Robin bash fest its jsut terrible :sick: and there is a similar turd @ 3:06 - 3:21 on Chinese Democracy sometimes i wonder why he throws all these awfuls sounding bends in there

but as for old music he definately put his spin on the tunes cuz sometimes hes in a completely different tuning, IE KOHD he uses Drop obviously he has done some work to try and move away from Slash's and has tried to rearrange the old material to some extent so i applaud him for that ... that being said he still butchers the fuck outta the patience solo 17

 Rep: 485 

Re: A Random Forum Post about Finck

Neemo wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

I think sorum suggested him as the replacment for Gilby not Slash however. He would have been ok on rhythm.

yeah Robin was suggested by Matt as a player to play with Slash and lure slash back i beleive ... sic will be able to confirm i'm sure

I think duff mentioned it at some point

Arcade Roses
 Rep: 5 

Re: A Random Forum Post about Finck

Arcade Roses wrote:

My God.

It is like now Finck has semi-reverted back to him "old look" everyone is saying he 'sucks' again, like they did in 2001-early 2006.

My God.

(I'm not necessarily aiming this at you guys: just elements of the fanbase in general.)

Re: A Random Forum Post about Finck

Sky Dog wrote:

Personally, I just don't think he is a blues based rock guitarist and doesn't have that type of skill. He is a more industrial heavy riff guitar player. Slash wouldn't sound too good playing NIN stuff either. Both are talented at what they came up doing. CC, Robin definitely looks more comfortable in those NIN videos and he is kicking some ass. He just always looked awkward to me playing the AFD material.

 Rep: 485 

Re: A Random Forum Post about Finck

Neemo wrote:
madagas wrote:

Personally, I just don't think he is a blues based rock guitarist and doesn't have that type of skill. He is a more industrial heavy riff guitar player. Slash wouldn't sound too good playing NIN stuff either. Both are talented at what they came up doing.

awesome post

arcade roses...i do think he has some strengths but he also has weaknesses... i dunno i think he's ok but being a guitar player myself and being a fan of "the guitar gods" i just cannot in good conscious pretend that he is anywhere near the likes of Slash, Wylde, Dimebag, Page, Iommi, Mustaine, Hetfeild .... etc etc

know what i'm sayin'? I dont expect robin to be that good....cuz obviously everyone can't ... and maybe robin doesnt even want his name associated with those guys but GnR was a guitar driven outfit...and i think for Axl to bring in BH and BBF after most of the material had already been written says something ... that must've been a bit of a slasp in the face to robin...

"oh thanks for your imput robin, but, now we are gonna bring in a real lead player to elevate your tunes a bit and bring them to a new level"

can you say AKWARD!

 Rep: 423 

Re: A Random Forum Post about Finck

buzzsaw wrote:
Arcade Roses wrote:

My God.

It is like now Finck has semi-reverted back to him "old look" everyone is saying he 'sucks' again, like they did in 2001-early 2006.

My God.

(I'm not necessarily aiming this at you guys: just elements of the fanbase in general.)

Most people accepted him more because A) he didn't look like a freak anymore; B) he played the old material a little better; C) the leaks had come out and we could hear what he could do on his own songs. 

The guy has talent, but his talent isn't geared towrds what GnR was, and I'm not sure it's geared towards what it is now either.  As I said in another thread about him: he's where he belongs. 

He's not good enough to be a lead guitarist in a band like GnR - he never was.  He might have been much better in an Izzy role of writing the riffs and song structures and leaving the solos to others that could handle that style better than he can.

 Rep: 485 

Re: A Random Forum Post about Finck

Neemo wrote:

the first blues solo stinks too :sick:

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