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Re: DJ on MY GNR

AtariLegend wrote:
Axl S wrote:

He is being bombarded with questions and has only posted twice. I reckon he'll get scared off. If it's him.

One of the high-ranking mods, said they were still waiting for confirmation... This would be disastrous if it wasn't him.

Re: DJ on MY GNR

AtariLegend wrote:

It's been deleted.

 Rep: 5 

Re: DJ on MY GNR

PGER83 wrote:


 Rep: 286 

Re: DJ on MY GNR

Aussie wrote:

Mwwwhahaha - very funny.  Us poor GNR fans are usually so starved for news and contact that everybody jumps when it looks like the band may actually be acknowledging our existance.  That said I don't understand why peanuts bother registering just to try and impersonate somebody else.

It's also funny watching the "suckathon" as people drool over the guy when I am sure half of them were probably bashing him just minutes before in another thread.  Ahh the fickle nature of fans.

Regarding any of the members coming here - I think we are too small a membership for them to bother.  That said they definitely know we exist and I imagine check the site.  Quite honestly if they want a barometer of what the general fan and general public actually think of an issue or the band at a particular time, I believe this site will give them a pretty realistic view.  There is no propoganda, no unnecessay wand polishing, less juevenile fighting and bitching from both critics and fans and generally a more mature poster. 

I think this site gives a pretty objective, real world view of GNR.  I would imagine that could also be a bit threatening if any of them do post here because the mods aren't in anybody's pocket, they are simply here to ensure civil discussion is maintained.

Re: DJ on MY GNR

AtariLegend wrote:

I guess Beta couldn't reach DJs cellphone. It was the admin at  a "Motely Crue" board who confirmed it as an imposter.

 Rep: 268 

Re: DJ on MY GNR

Olorin wrote:

It was probably that little runt otis.

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