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1) Frankenseuss Laboratories (4:33)
2) Stun Pike and the Jack in the Box Head (4:12)
3) Music Box Innards (3:46)
4) Breakfast Cyborg (4:22)
5) Bronze Bat (0:38)
6) Last Ride of the Bozomobile (2:03)
7) Rack Maintenance (4:35)
8) Sticker on Hallucinogens (1:41)
9) Pylon Shift (4:32)
10) Citadel (3:29)
11) The Slunk, The Gutter and the Candlestick Maker (4:18)
12) Android of Notre Dame (3:39)
13 She Sells Sea Shells by the Slaughterhouse (11:43)


Release Date: xx/xx/2005

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