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Reputation of the user slcpunk  [+181 / -32]  

From user For topic Reason Estimation Date
buzzsaw Current Events Thread

once a cunt, and you\'re still a cunt.

- 197 weeks ago
IRISH OS1R1S Current Events Thread


+ 197 weeks ago
buzzsaw Current Events Thread

Just returning the favor bitch.

- 197 weeks ago
slashsfro Current Events Thread

I agree it\'s pathetic on their part as usual.

+ 197 weeks ago
IRISH OS1R1S Current Events Thread

Damn, that\'s not good.

+ 215 weeks ago
Rocky Buzzsaw

You have a man crush on Flagg?  I bet you imagine you\'re Trump and he is Putin in your profile pic

- 215 weeks ago
Rocky Buzzsaw

Your site down to 0 visits because your 9/11 nonsense or did your husband take your gimp mask off?

- 216 weeks ago
Rocky Current Events Thread

Is your profile pic a fantasy come true?  I bet it is.

- 216 weeks ago
Rocky Current Events Thread

Collusion didn\'t happen.  9/11 wasn\'t an inside job.  You\'re a nutjob.

- 216 weeks ago
buzzsaw The new and God willing improved politics thread

logged in just too gift you back.

- 217 weeks ago
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