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Reputation of the user IRISH OS1R1S  [+67 / -8]  

From user For topic Reason Estimation Date
Randall Flagg Current Events Thread

For being my #1 fan and reading all of my post even if you try to claim you didn\'t!

+ 182 weeks ago
mitchejw Current Events Thread


+ 182 weeks ago
FlashFlood Current Events Thread

Thanks. Don’t know why I decided to get in this cesspool.

+ 183 weeks ago
mitchejw Current Events Thread

good post

+ 184 weeks ago
slcpunk Current Events Thread


+ 184 weeks ago
slashsfro Current Events Thread

Correct on buzz and his constant verbal diarrhea

+ 184 weeks ago
jimmythegent Current Events Thread

Good on you standing up to those 2

+ 184 weeks ago
buzzsaw Current Events Thread

you\'re welcome susan

- 184 weeks ago
mitchejw Current Events Thread

man you nailed it

+ 184 weeks ago
buzzsaw Current Events Thread

Thanks for the negative karma Susan.

- 184 weeks ago
Reputation system for PunBB

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