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Reputation of the user jimmythegent  [+30 / -0]  

From user For topic Reason Estimation Date
James Free download of my debut album

album links....

+ 766 weeks ago
PaSnow Pearl Jam "The Fixer"

PJ. I'm the same way. I tried to really like their last album. It was good, but just not epic.

+ 783 weeks ago
monkeychow First song from my forthcoming album

awesome. thanks for tips.

+ 791 weeks ago
tejastech08 Chinese Democracy Official Tracklist

provided working link for CD track listing.

+ 823 weeks ago
alexh0618 Song #2 (Prostitute) is the biggest gun of all IMO

hell yea dude!!! Song #2 (Prostitute) kicks ass!

+ 832 weeks ago
Neemo A Random Forum Post about Finck

couldnt agree more with your assesment of Robin's playing on Patience

+ 837 weeks ago
Neemo Where are the AFD on Steroids songs

i agree

+ 839 weeks ago
James Where are the AFD on Steroids songs

excellent point

+ 839 weeks ago
Gunslinger GNR issue statement about Robin

"the only difficult parts are BH's parts on a technical,perhaps more importantly emotional level "

+ 848 weeks ago
James Questions

great post, and good to see you again.

+ 865 weeks ago
Reputation system for PunBB

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