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#1 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 10 hours ago

So we're a little under a week since Biden's drop out.

All we've gotten so far is Biden with a giant bruise on his face telling why he dropped out. Trump is pretty much who he's always been, ugly.

Is this going to be the most substance less clash of two presidential candidates ever? No debates (which admittedly has become worthless).

What a futile exercise this will all be.

Edit: also, Kamala is just automatically on the ballot.

#2 Re: The Sunset Strip » House of The Dragon » 3 days ago

Interesting take of dragon is the only show my wife and i make it a point to watch these days. A rare shared interest in a tv show that we haven't had since the original game of thrones...we can only watch so many Gordon Ramsey reruns.

Despite the fact that I've always enjoyed the game of thrones series, there have been a number of loose ends that I never really fully understood. But usually, I just brush it off.

One of the things that I do suffer from are these minor characters that seemingly only get introduced for a sex scene later on. I agree, the kiss doesn't seem to make any sense. But being horny and your uncle/husband being gone for an extended and indefinite amount of time might do strange things to you.

I did like the scene wkere food and goods were just randomly showing up on the shores of king landing while their population was starving and poor. All the things that followed basically showed how desperate the citizens of kings landing have become.

The Daemon stuff is also confusing me to some degree. Whatever he's doing in that broken down castle is forcing him to confront his demons. Daemons demons? lol

In my opinion, that's something he had to do in order to bend the knee which is what I expect he's preparring to do.

#3 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 4 days ago

You forgot Nebraska's one congressional district that has been going Dem for awhile. Other than that...I can see it happening...except my home state of Wisconsin would flip to Trump if 10k votes switch to Trump as compared to 2020.

Trump merely has to win one of the three (Wisconsin, Michigan or Pennsylvania) where as Kamala would have to win all 3. As I see it...those are the only states in play that matter as I do not see Georgia or AZ being in play with Kamala as the candidate.

Further cementing my view that Trump will win...midwestern men will not vote for a woman as noted in 2016. I'm talking about margins as high as 8-2 or 7-3 theyll go for Trump. Illinois being the only exception.

So yes...the question becomes how do we hold those 3 states if you you're Kamala.

#4 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 4 days ago

If he said that he'd be a real contender.

As a full day has now passed, and some dust is starting to really does seem like they're just anointing Kamala. All of my text and donation emails from the Dems now all say Kamala. They wasted absolutely no time. This tells me that this was calculated and the decision was likely made some time ago.

We will find out more in the next few days, but I still don't see how this is a good look at all. This is what may cause the red wave. Not that Trump is any different or the MAGAs changed at's because the Dems shot themselves in the foot.

#5 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 5 days ago

Pelosi and Obama prefer an open convention while the Clintons and obviously Biden are kind of anointing Harris.

I do agree with Flagg's assessment on this level most...The Dems need the voting bloc that picks people based on race, gender, color, binary, non-binary....whatever...

If they accept Harris they, maintain that but lose a lot of Midwest voters (ie, Wisconsin, Michigan...maybe even Minnesota). If they reject Harris, they lose that voting bloc.

It's a very curious box they've painted themselves into...

Meanwhile Trump seems like he has unstoppable momentum.

I already made my prediction. President: Rep Senate: Rep House: Dem

Why would we care if Biden goes back into his cave at this point? For all intents and purposes, his party Julius Cesar'd him. What is he supposed to do at this point? The election is 3.5 months away.

The truth is there is no prominent Dem that can beat Trump except maybe RFK and they ran him off.

This all smells of desperation and to Flagg's point, there is no plan here. They Dem elites were really gonna try to weekend at Bernie's this whole thing.

I likely will not vote for Harris...I despise Trump So now what?

#7 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 7 days ago

Aussie wrote:

US politics is soooo crazy!!!! Hahahah … 70795?s=46

Let me tell you something brother!

#8 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 7 days ago

misterID wrote:

Boomers aren’t the problem. Gen Z is so fucked up, their parents, our generation (X), completely fucked up an entire generation.  The only good thing is that they are so apathetic they’re not going to have a real impact on our country.  Millennial progressives have done more harm to this country and politics than the boomers. The good thing is that there seems to be a turn in that generation where they’re returning to tradition (they call it trad) and are turning their backs on woke politics.

I meant in terms of the candidates. This will be the last presidential election involving someone from that era.

#9 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 8 days ago

Aussie, this is some sort of battle between 2 people from a generation most of us don’t understand.

I’m becoming more convinced that this has something to do with the boomers that I’ll never fully grasp.

This feels like the final battle. Hopefully we can move on politically in this country. I’m confident we can. It’s 4 more years of boomer ideas and control and then we reset just like Washington intended when he stepped down after 2 terms.

#10 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 9 days ago

Randall Flagg wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

Adam Schiff is seriously asking for Biden to drop out? It's unbelievable how quickly the Dems are unraveling. The coalition is unraveling daily now. Their only solution? Replace Biden at the 11th hour.

It's a joke.

I'm disgusted that they're offering Americans nothing. The best Dems have to offer is 'wait, let's replace Biden at the last second.'

Not only is it  terrible strategy to go after your own incumbent...they aren't offering anything at all to anyone. What would 4 more years look like? No plan...nothing to offer...

Guess we need to introduce more articles of impeachment.

Welcome to the club, Mitch. Ain't it a lot easier and happier when you call out both sides?

Ha...thanks...I think...

I do have an honest question though...I'm trying to read between the lines. Are the Dems delusional in that they think they got this locked up? Are the privately waving the white flag here? Is it just duck and cover time?

4 years ago on this very day we were all living in some personal version of hell. At least we're not there...but without that hell, Biden doesn't win.

Now what?

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