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 Rep: 485 

Re: the what instrument do you play and what are you playing now thread

Neemo wrote:

I play guitar as most of you know

and right now i'm learning xmas tunes and iron man by sabbath

favorite songs to play at the moment are nothing else matters by 'tallica, wish you were here by floyd and SCOM by some band

 Rep: 205 

Re: the what instrument do you play and what are you playing now thread

PaSnow wrote:

I play guitar, but just chords & stuff. Can't really solo. Alot of Green Day, Foo & Blink & that style of songs. 4 chord punk. Mostly I get look up the tabs every now & then to learn a new one, but it isn't so often anymore.  My "best"/most challenging songs I know are Plush, Everlong, Drown by Smashing Pumpkins & Soundgardens Rusty Cage & Superunknown. I know a few GnR, SCOM but I have trouble with the intro, especially now that I only have an acoustic. The neck doesn't really go down that far without it becoming awkward.

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