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 Rep: 768 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

Axlin16 wrote:

Judge: Casey Anthony must serve check fraud probation in Florida
by Mike Schneider / AP


ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Casey Anthony must return to Orlando within two weeks to serve a year's probation for check fraud, a Florida judge ruled Friday.

Judge Belvin Perry said that Anthony must follow a probation order issued by another judge and report to an Orange County probation officer no later than Aug. 26 at noon, although she could report earlier.

The other judge had ordered Anthony to report to Florida last week for her one-year probation. But that judge later recused himself and turned the case over to Perry, who presided over the murder trial that ended last month with Anthony's acquittal.

Anthony's attorneys had argued that she served her probation while in jail awaiting trial in her murder case and requiring her to do so again would be double jeopardy. They also argued that her life would be in danger if her location were known, given that she has received death threats.

Perry said he would authorize the Department of Corrections to make an exception and keep Anthony's address private during her probation.

"It is clear the court stated the defendant's probation was to start once she was released from jail," Perry said in his order.

Anthony has been out of the public eye since she was acquitted in the death of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee. The jury's decision angered many people online and elsewhere, and threats were made against Anthony's life.


Who wants to take bets on how long it takes for this cunt to get greased?

 Rep: 633 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

RussTCB wrote:


Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

I'm sorry, I disagree with this shit.  It's nothing more than some backdoor bullshit.  Regardless of how you feel about her being found not guilty, the fact is the justice system found her so.  So she was found guilty for check fraud and sentenced to like a year in jail and a year prohbation.  All the time she did in kail waiting for the results of her child's death case, should be counted towards that time served. 

If you believe in the American justice system, then you have to let people who you feel to be guilty, yet our found not so, walk the same as people who you believe are innocent.  This girl was found not guilty, so all that time she did in jail waiting for a trial and during, was time she shouldn't have had to serve due to her being foudn innocent.  That loss of time should count.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

buzzsaw wrote:

If you believe in the legal system, you have to accept they ruled she must begin that probation now.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

monkeychow wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

If you believe in the American justice system, then you have to let people who you feel to be guilty, yet our found not so, walk the same as people who you believe are innocent.

Totally agree.

Not quite the same but

I remember when I was studying law and my friends said to me "what if you have to defend a guilty person?" and then went on to say I was amoral if I'd defend anyone and help them get off if it was my opinion that they shouldn't.

They could never see the bigger picture. And the bigger picture to me is if you step back and think about the very concept of jail. It's a group of people (society) deciding that we have the right to take away the freedom of another person. That's a pretty massive thing. In some cases of course (especially violent crime) it's probably very necessary - but it's sure not something I want society to take lightly. If we're going to give people the right to take away another person's freedom - I want some safey mesures in place, and I want it to be a significant effort to make it all happen and not something that takes place on a whim.

Our legal traditions have that very saftey measure: Presumption of Innocence. It's not up to someone to prove they didn't do it - it's up to the state to show that they did. And it's in all our best interests that the state is skilled at that - and does a good job. As the day we start letting them throw people in jail for the hell of it is the day we become a little less free. It's about having a strong system overall not individual cases.

So if a lawer is helping someone make it hard for the state - while on the surface that seems shit - in the end we all benifit from the state being kept on it's toes - and learning how to prove things properly, follow proper procedures - making them work to prove things beyond reasonable doubt and overturn the presumption of innocence is actually a very ethical thing to be doing and upholds our freedoms.

In individual cases it's hard..cos everyone wants someone horrible who did some horrible crime to go to jail...but defending that persons right to a fair trial and proper procedure anyway is instrumental to making sure we're still living in a place that's worth living in.

Anyway...that's all a bit off topic and doesn't relate. But to me it's the same issue in a way. I don't know much about the specifics of this case...but if the American justice system says she's innocent, and everyone hates her, we'll sometimes that's just the brakes as they say, occasionally some people go free who shouldn't - but the value of the western legal tradition is that it's (theoretically) hard to put people away - one may not like that she's free, but one is better to live in a place where it has to be proven beyond doubt that she shouldn't be.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

Great post monkeychow.  I was completely ignorant of this case until it was over.  And even then, I only have a very casual knowledge.  Children die every day from bad parents, so I never saw anything special about this case. 

What I have an issue with in the theoretical concept of our legal system is how we implement the notion of innocent until proven guilty.  Innocent people aren't deprived of their freedom, yet someone on trial or awaiting trial are often held inside jail until the verdict is released.  So if I spend 15 months in jail for a crime I am ultimately found innocent of, what does that do for the 15 months of lost liberty I had to endure?  If we truly held to the notion of innocent until proven guilty, alleged criminals would be free to conduct their daily lives until a court has found them guilty. 

In this case, this girl was kept in jail for a certain amount of time ( I have no idea how long) only to be found innocent of the crime she was accused of.  Now for an unrelated crime, she is being asked to endure further loss of liberty, with no compensation for the loss she endured while on trial for child murder.  That does not sit well with me.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

Axlin16 wrote:

Come on Randall... this bitch was GUILTY AS HELL.

I get what you're saying, but seriously man, that whole "let the justice system prevail" BS completely failed here. As a matter of fact, I have always believed in it, and believed the way you do - I lost it with this case.

Far more people far less pretty and far less WHITE, have been convicted on far far FAR less.

Innocence and "not guilty" are two different things.

Just because she was found not guilty in a court of law, doesn't mean we should suck her ass, and provide her with all of these breaks AND it also doesn't mean that someone shouldn't kneel her down and put two slugs in the back of her head in an alleyway.

She was found NOT guilty. Doesn't mean she's innocent. Welcome To The Jungle, try to survive bitch.

That's my personal view on it, as someone who lived in the state and followed every aspect of the case from the very beginning. She was guilty, before Caylee ever stopped being "missing".

 Rep: 768 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

Axlin16 wrote:

And as for your thing about it being a farce to have her serve the probation for check fraud... she didn't serve it in jail.

She's already been credited with serving her counts of lying to authorities in jail, for which she received four years I believe. They accredited that for time served. The check fraud thing was something entirely UNRELATED, that she has yet to serve.

So I don't really see your point there. She actually has not served her time. The stuff in jail was a whole different thing.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

Like I said, I know very little of the details of the case.  I know she never reported her daughter missing and was out partying when any normal person would be overwhelmed with grief.  But those aren't crimes.  Sure, it makes her a shitty human being.  But I know plenty of those who aren't in jail.  They couldn't prove she drowned her daughter, which was the charge she got.

I personally think people get way to invested in some shit like this.  I've seen cars with homemade signs with prayers and quotes for the baby.  Maybe I'm a cold hearted piece of shit, but I have too much going on in my own life to shed tears over some trivial event in the grand scheme of things.

If people really feel in their hearts she was guilty, and have proof and just not a hunch, deal with it.  Take action.  Just don't get caught or be willing to pay the price under our legal system.  This isn't some child rapist who got off on a technicality because some cop forgot to read him his rights at one point in time, so the whole case got thrown out.  The judicial system exercised its full resources (more than they would on a normal case) and were still unable to turn a conviction.  I wasn't on the jury, so I don't know what was said, but people's interest and hardon for this girl is soely due to her alleged child murder.  She was found not guilty, so that's where it should end.  If you know something the jury didn't, feel free to go Dexter on her ass.  But this girl won't be living a normal life, and will never move on.  She's fucked, and if you believe in a God or karma, she'll get hers.  Eitherway, the legal system did its purpose.  Some people just don't like the outcome.  Nothing was fixed, no one cheated. 

So what we have is her being guilty of lying to police (who here wouldn't or hasn't - fuck the police) and check fraud.  She spent time in jail, I'm sure the money she stole was replaced so I personally so no reason to dwell on it.  I was just looking at this in the theoretical aspect of the legal system.  What will be, is what will be.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

Axlin16 wrote:

The jurors explanation for finding her not guilty was that the prosecution based pretty much ALL of their case on the testimony of George Anthony (Casey's father), of which the jury felt had zero credibility, considering it was virtually proven that George was actually having an affair with one of the "searchers" during the period that Caylee was 'missing'.

Problem was - they completely ignored the overwhelming evidence that basically proved Casey did it. Not to mention the defense entire defense was that Caylee accidentally drowned and they all panicked and covered it up - yet this reason was never ever even mentioned at all in 3 whole years of the case going to trial.

But I agree with you completely that the people with all of this "love" for Caylee and remembrance, and let's write cheesy ass country songs, and have fuckin' picnics at her graveside, and let's open up a damn memorial where her body was found, and let's put up bumper stickers, and the best of all - let's go to Caylee's graveside and celebrate the 6th birthday of a kid who doesn't exist, because they're dead.

It's all a bunch of fuckin' losers with nothing to do and trying to get attention.

You're not cold hearted man... Caylee is DEAD. DEAD. And she's not coming back - move the fuck on.

And all this "Casey will get her's, God will see to that".... if God wasn't asleep at the fuckin' wheel (like always) Caylee would've never gotten killed to begin with.

But then again, this is what happens with the town's gangbang slut is forced to not get an abortion and keep a kid. A kid that was never supposed to ever exist gets exposed to this kind of stuff, and sometimes - dead.

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