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 Rep: 485 

Re: to clear the air

Neemo wrote:

ok i took alot shit the other day fo my assessment of the RIO gig and my opinion of what i saw...first off i wanna clear the air that i have no ties to gnr AT FUCKING ALL, i email bumble from time to time with passing comments, like "get beter soon dude" or "askign for guitar advice" or whatever i havent even emailed him in about 3 or 4 months anyway...GNR is NOT touring Canada this time around so i have no "motivation" for "perks" and for you guys to even suggest the notion the other day frankly pissed me guys dont know me personally adn you dont know my motivcations, but i want to stop the idea that i suck at the teat of axl rose or however it was put forward in the rio thread

i think it was olorin that said that he has reached a point where he has no interest in watchign fan vids...

dude you guys make me feel like i'm no more than a passing fan of this band

I listen to a gnr album like once every 3 or 4 months, i rarely watch live vids...the odd standout that someone posts i will watch most of it...all of it if it is really good, i can prolly cound on one hand the amount of live shows i've watched on the internet (RioIII, Rio the other day, St Louis Riot) that is prolly the extent of the full shows i've seen online tbh...i've also see the ritz 88 show, the paris ppv and the tokyo vids...then the odd single track here and there, i havent listened to TSI in about, fuck i dunno, 5 years, i havent listend to live era since it came out...the extent of my Fandom is talking about gnr on here ... being perfectly straight with you now....anyway the point of the rambling is that, imo, you dont have to go balls deep to enjoy the band when you do pop a CD in or when they come round once every 4 years or so on tour, or watch the odd live performanc, or hear them on the radio or whatever

i've always thought that you guys who watch every concert, or listen to albums everyday are a bit obsessive...but hey if you like it who am i to say dont do it

but thats not me, thats not where my fandom comes from, i like GnR they are great and i can get enjoyment from most any era, i see positive aspects and negative aspects and stuff...i have jsut taken a stance lately of "why dwell on the bad" cuz even i n a bad gig there are still highlights...lifes too damn short to get worked up over trivial bullshit or to live in the past...done is done, live in the now...its nice to remenice (sp?) but i prefer to jsut go with the flow...if  that makes me an enabler or whatever so be it...every show i've seen the band play live has been entertaining...thats enough fo me, and live atmosphere at a gig is nothign to what you get on a video...internet HD or live stream or TV...i bet the rio gig was a great show if you were there live....scrutinizing at home yeah its easy to sit there and notice every single fuckup, but i dont work that way, i notice clips snippets and sections that were pulled off very well, by a couple guys or the unit as a whole, like i said i can enjoy a performance without it having to be spotless, i can enjoy and can pick out different instruments in the mix and admire that particular section or whatever "yeah that part sucked but watch this part its killer....did youhear that? at about 1:30 that was bad ass" it drives peopel i know crazy

as for hoping for 3 new songs and a few song never before played by the band...get a fuckign grip, we all know how the band works anymore, new songs will come out or be played live when it happens...sitting and bitchign about them not doing it or complainign about nostalgia tours or whatever isnt helping or changing anythign

my 2 cents love it or leave it, sorry for the long post

 Rep: 194 

Re: to clear the air

tejastech08 wrote:

TL, DNR. tongue

 Rep: 207 

Re: to clear the air

DCK wrote:

Wouldn't this post just start it up again?

 Rep: 485 

Re: to clear the air

Neemo wrote:

maybe but i'm not rising to the debate again...just saying...axlin, bono, -D- and whoever else can post whatever they want...i'm done with it...just needed to get it off my chest...maybe it shoulda went in the rant thread but thought it was gnr related

 Rep: 30 

Re: to clear the air

sandman wrote:

neemo - i was disappointed to see people taking cheap shots at you. in all the message boards i have ever visited, you have always been one of the coolest, fair-minded posters i have seen.

i've expressed my views about this board before. while its great that you can say anything, a number of posters just turn it into very boring board. and to see people giving you (of all people) shit for your opinions, well, it kinda solidified my opinion of this place. and it sure seemed contradictory to what this board represents itself as.

 Rep: 217 

Re: to clear the air

Mikkamakka wrote:

When even die-hard nu-band fans, like Russ, Olorin or DCK says Rio was extremely awful, then it was extremely awful. 90% of the posters saw a shockingly bad performance, while 10% saw 'the best show of their lives', a 'great show', or a 'not that bad show with some little mistakes'.

I felt sorry for you, Neemo, cause some of the attacks against you were mean - the only explanation is that the other 'blind and deaf' (sorry 19) members are well-known Axl cultist, while you are regarded as an open minded, 'positive realist', honest person. And it seemed that we'd seen such a different show that no wonder people started to speculate.

I came to the conclusion some weeks ago that this band doesn't deserve too much energy, time or passion. I take every little positive thing as a gift, cause there is no need to worry about a middle-aged, crazy and bitter spoiled child's actions and non-actions. He used to be my hero and the time came when I learnt to accept that he is not a person I wanted him to be. Not even on an artistic level. So I expect much less from him (don't care about the band at all, but Bumble is a great guy, almost to a hero level), but this performance was so FUCKIN' BAD that I can't set my expectation that low to even accept this. Even a band that I have never liked would shock me with something like that.

 Rep: 207 

Re: to clear the air

DCK wrote:

When even die-hard nu-band fans, like Russ, Olorin or DCK

I might be focusing on details, but "nu"????

Passive aggressive.

 Rep: 217 

Re: to clear the air

Mikkamakka wrote:

It's been 'nu' since 1999. Had been, at least. Not 'nu' at all now, I agree, cause the 'nu' guys were replaced (except Chris). 'New' will work for you? Post-classic? wink


Re: to clear the air

Sky Dog wrote:

Can we all just drop it now? Really, the show is done and over so let's just move on and wait patiently for the next disaster....:smile: Everybody kiss and make up.

 Rep: 207 

Re: to clear the air

DCK wrote:

New will be fine. Nu is in relation to some metal wave which GNR never touched at all. Nothing "nu" with any of it. Just another stupid way of passively make fun of whatever there is to make fun of. Like using the term "Sla$h" if that suits you better.

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