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 Rep: 221 

Re: Ron Paul proposes saving $1T by scrapping five federal departments

polluxlm wrote:
Cramer wrote:

If that were true then where are all the jobs? DEMAND creates jobs not tax cuts. You're advocating repeating the same thing with a different result while ignoring fundamental aspects of economics.

Furthermore government regulation was MIA when rating companies gave out AAA scores to these bundled jack shit securities and how did that turn out? It was instrumental in taking our country to it's knees. The last thing we need it less government regulation at this point, it's what got America into this mess to begin with.

They would never give AAA ratings if the government hadn't stood back with the promise of bailouts. Corporations are greedy but they are not stupid. Government made this happen.

For all the trillions the government has sunk into this crisis, where are all the jobs? There aren't any jobs because companies can't get loans to expand in the current psychological atmosphere. The rest are in China who can offer cheaper labor. That's never coming back and we just have to deal with it.

If anybody sucks on the government teet, more than any welfare momma you could ever dream of, it's corporations. Their socialism is from the bottom up, not the top down.

Yeah, we pay for their tit. Apparently the politicians are powerless to this corporate influence. But you still want to trust them in the future? How are you going to make it top down?

 Rep: 221 

Re: Ron Paul proposes saving $1T by scrapping five federal departments

polluxlm wrote:
Cramer wrote:

Did the Fed also lower the lending standards? Did the Fed also set up "home lending" companies produced by Wall Street to provide loans that were immediately sold off into bundled securities? Did the Fed also cause housing prices around the world to puff up?

It would never have happened without the FED. I know that much. Free money is a hell of an incentive.

What in the world is this based on?

History, logic, the human condition and self admittance.

What tyranny? What in the world are you talking about?

Your President is now an Emperor. Congress made him so. He can imprison and kill any US citizen without due process. He can start any war he wants without consulting congress, a privilege he has already used multiple times. All your electronic communication is surveiled and filed. The FEDS can come take you away in the night, no explanation. We don't know if they have, being secret and all, but we know they can. That's law. TSA are setting up checkpoints all over the country to search your car and bags. Political opposition is labeled as "hate speech" and they're already trying to get guys like me for terrorism if we have government critical blogs. If you leave the US you still owe them tax. Funnily there's no law for that.

Where is the freedom is ask? The freedom to do as they tell you?


As in above average.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Ron Paul proposes saving $1T by scrapping five federal departments

polluxlm wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Funny, all i've seen is Obama busting his ass to try and get stuff done. I haven't seen ANY slack ass.

What I have seen is the GOP refusing to listen to ANYTHING that he has said or presented, because corporations aren't getting their taxes cut.

Does anybody understand the severity of that and how much power the corporations have run amok with, especially in the Republican party? That they can actually can BLACKMAIL the country with the threat of NOT creating any new jobs, because their profit margin has been cut into.

And they don't find anything wrong with it.

I called for nationalization three fuckin' years ago, and frankly I had a huge laugh when 9 out of 10 Occupy Wall St. supporters said the same thing.

I practically created that movement years ago when this whole bullshit started. I never thought little 'ole me, just a dumb redneck from the swamp would ever be smart enough to prophecize a worldwide movement years before it happened.

I am totally pro-capitalist (so is Socialism), but these fuckin' lightweights put us here in the first place, and now they're begging us to give them back the same power they had that fucked us to begin with?

If we do that, mark my words... it'll finish us for good. FOR GOOD. I hope all of us enjoy becoming a part of history with the Romans.

This is what they want. The US have been a thorn in the European nobility's eye for 300 years. They want you to be just another country in the UN system, taking orders, waging war against rebels in the new provinces. And that's what you've been doing since helping them get rid of the german upstarts.

Rome is coming to get you.


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