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 Rep: 23 

Re: Advice on books about GN'R

Bro-mero wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Either It's So Easy or Watch You Bleed then?

Do both cover from the beginning through the UYI tour/break up?

Watch You Bleed shows an in-depth perspective of Guns N' Roses from before their assemble to the Early CD era

 Rep: 286 

Re: Advice on books about GN'R

Aussie wrote:

Read the Paul Stenning book The Band That Time Forgot, that ones a little different..

I cannot believe some of the stuff he got away with writing in the book about Axl tieing up Erin Everly naked and keeping her in the closet, even while a friend came over for an hour she was kept in there.  Then when they left he anally raped her really hard etc etc.

 Rep: 83 

Re: Advice on books about GN'R

otto wrote:

Do these books actually ADD something or are they just speculative?

 Rep: 30 

Re: Advice on books about GN'R

jimmythegent wrote:

Perhaps i'm in the minority but I found the Slash book infinitely more enjoyable than Duffs. Duff might be a more eloquent writer but I found it safe, reserved and ulitmately a little skimmed over. One thing I really enjoyed about the Slash one was the sheer love of music that came through - so many rock bios seem to treat the music as an almost secondary distraction from the whole lifestyle (the Kiedas one being a case in point).

Other than that, Watch you Bleed is very good - especially it's coverage of their early club days.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Advice on books about GN'R

monkeychow wrote:

I'm probably in the minority about this.

But I found Mick Wall's unauthorised bio of Axl quite an interesting read.

Disclaimers: Mick Wall has an axe to grind and so is very negative about Axl. Mick wall has been out of touch with Axl for a long time and so is a bit out of line saying he actually knows what goes on in GNR.

But those things said, I find his point of view interesting as an alternative perspective.

I guess I like to piece things together court room style, so you read the PC versions like Duff's Version, Slash's Version, and to a lesser extent Adler's Version. Then you read watch you bleed for an overall grasp..., then some of Axl's lengthy posts online about the break up of the old band and the name to get his perspective,  and then you introduce a hostle witness Mick Wall and hear the side of the story that blames Axl....

After a while I ended up realising that they're all at fault and just doing what they could to stay alive.

Re: Advice on books about GN'R

AtariLegend wrote:

Mick Wall's is trash.

Even the line about Slash said he didn't visit Axl's house, reads like something Smoking guns would wrote. There's this 1/2 page on it in the middle about evil crazy Axl lies. Then about 70 odd pages later or something, Slash said he did briefly in 1 line.

The tone of it might as well be, Axl wields chainsaw kills nursey children  and rocks out sometims.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Advice on books about GN'R

RussTCB wrote:


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