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 Rep: 485 

Re: US Presidential Debates

Neemo wrote:

from what i saw they were pretty much saying the same shit...just saying it differently

also Obama basically juts picked at a flaw in romney's platform and kept digging at the wound

i admit though i didnt watch all of maybe a half hour to 45 minutes ... but i'm not american so whatever...good t o see they both seem concerned about the middle income families...whether or not they will do anythign for the working class is another issue tho

as an outsider obama seems to have done fairly well given what was handed to him...a mess like that takes longer than 4 years to figure out, he's very charismatic too, if i had the choice i'd likey vote for him again

still weird to me to see only 2 candidates...up here there are like 8 parties (5 major ones) that run for power 16

 Rep: 768 

Re: US Presidential Debates

Axlin16 wrote:

I don't really know how the taxing issue works up in Canada, but I know that several years ago Canada's economy was one of the worst in the world.

Eventually it became the strongest, and today their dollar is higher than American, or at least last I checked.

The biggest reason was because they BOTH embraced Republican and Democratic policies. Canada scaled back the regulation, but also raised taxes on the rich, and watched the economy repair itself. It took time, but still it happened.

Which is pretty much what I believe. But right now in America, I have never ever seen the political system MORE partisan in my life. Both cling to DEAD ASS idealogies, because no one wants to give up "the dream" to actually fix the problem.

Neemo wrote:

from what i saw they were pretty much saying the same shit...just saying it differently

That's kind of what's burned me out on the political system.

And this goes for both of these douches...

I know you didn't watch most of it, but pretty much this was the argument...

Romney: I'm for less regulation!

Obama: I'm for taxing the rich!

Romney: I'm for cutting taxes!

Obama: I'm for a balanced budget with taxes!

Romney: I'm for small goverment!

Obama: I'm for big goverment!

Neemo, this country has literally been arguing this platform since it was Republican-Democrats vs. the Federalists at the foundation of this country in the 1770s.

Nothing has changed. We argue about the same shit over and over.

That's why it's become so incredibly stupid. Neither of these jokers brings ANYTHING new to the table. Nobody has any original thought anymore.

Romney: I liked Reagan!

Obama: I liked Kennedy!

Romney: I liked Lincoln!

Obama: I liked Franklin Roosevelt!

Same old, same old, same old, same old...

Neemo wrote:

i admit though i didnt watch all of maybe a half hour to 45 minutes ... but i'm not american so whatever...good t o see they both seem concerned about the middle income families...whether or not they will do anythign for the working class is another issue tho

Here's the problem with Romney's platform.

He doesn't want to tax the rich.

But at the same time he's not gonna burden the middle class.

Who's he gonna tax?

The poor, who have no income to tax?

Romney is full of shit on that. Everyone here can agree -- SOMEONE HAS TO BE TAXED! The country doesn't run otherwise. Somehow I think Romney is more likely to "burden the middle class", than he will ever tax the rich.

 Rep: 231 

Re: US Presidential Debates

-D- wrote:

My Mom and I were talking about that tonight, she has been and voted Democrat for almost 40 years and she mentioned how bad Obama did last night.

He seemed off his game for whatever reason.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: US Presidential Debates

I'm sure he was tired. Being President is a full time job. Romney had nothing to do but prepare himself, whereas Obama probably had to fit his preparation into days of dealing with state affairs and campaigning. It's not an excuse, because every incumbent faces that difficulty, but that job is a killer. Obama looks way older than 4 years ago like all of them do.

If I was Romney, I would be going after Obama's awful record on transparency, his failure to close Guantanamo or repeal any significant portions of the PATRIOT Act, NDAA and the indefinite detainment of U.S. citizens, the expansion of executive powers, such as the assassination of U.S. citizens abroad without any oversight, the drone war that's creating the next generation of terrorists, and the massive electronic surveillance of the American people.

But Romney and Obama agree completely on all of that stuff, unfortunately.

No choice for me!

 Rep: 423 

Re: US Presidential Debates

buzzsaw wrote:

I think that's the point though.  He ran on changing all these things, yet at the end of the day, he changed nothing other than Healthcare was done unconstitutionally and we can't pay for once it's fully implemented.  So now he's running on...change?  And people are going to vote for him?  WTF?

 Rep: 205 

Re: US Presidential Debates

PaSnow wrote:

Yeah, no doubt Romney cleaned his clock.  Obama really seemed unprepared.  I saw some news yesterday & his camp said they expected him to go & speak about his vision for America over the next 4 years..  Ok, I suppose, but still you gotta prepare for some attacks & comebacks, or at least be aware they might be coming. 

I felt Romney handled it near perfectly, walked a fine line of being on the attack, without looking like a jerk or someone desperate to become President. If I were him I would hammer Obama on being "Unprepared" (implying unprepared for the debates, unprepared for the Presidency). 

Still don't think he'll win(Romney), he'll manage to F this up somehow, but that what I would go with.

 Rep: 205 

Re: US Presidential Debates

PaSnow wrote:

It's a little bit shoddy, but a video I made re; the Big Bird statement.  (uses Inglorious Bastards for those wondering)

 Rep: 633 

Re: US Presidential Debates

RussTCB wrote:


Re: US Presidential Debates

johndivney wrote:

So who is going to win?

As a casual, distant outsider I can't understand why it's so close, or meant to be close. But yea is it really like 50/50 atm??

 Rep: 231 

Re: US Presidential Debates

-D- wrote:

I am voting for Obama.

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