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 Rep: 205 

Re: Is This Forum Dying?

PaSnow wrote:

I dunno.  I just checked out mygnrforum a bit.  TBH I don't know any of those people.  I'm too old to make new friends.  I feel like I know you all by your names.  Alot of the names I recall don't even seem to post much anymore, if at all.  I feel like some people are chasing a dream, trying to relive and revive what we had in a different time. The biggest change is the lack of news/interest/anticipation in GnR, the second biggest change is we're all older.  I'm 40 no. It's time may come & this place revive with action, but don't plan your life for it.  Live it to the fullest, we only get one shot at this.

Re: Is This Forum Dying?

AtariLegend wrote:

I think we've reached the point now. If you took the politics thread out off the equation nothing would be left.

It's sad, I almost miss the Internet pre-2007 now and it's not just because of Guns N' Roses.

 Rep: 69 

Re: Is This Forum Dying?

esoterica wrote:

I like forums over social media for a lot of reasons but when people get older these things happen. The subject of your forum not releasing any form of art is pretty much a death knell.

The Chinese saga is a box of riddles so I enjoy talking about that and the interesting music it produced but talking AFD-UYI is like a musical xanax for me.

I'll hold my breath for Jesus for the remainder of the year but then I'm onto whatever my guy Buddha is up to.

Re: Is This Forum Dying?

johndivney wrote:

Praise be I, writing, dead already and dead again.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Is This Forum Dying?

PaSnow wrote:

I agree with Atari that sans-politics this board is unfortunately gone. I'd like to resurrect it, post more informative general topics & articles. Ultimately tho I think the lack of GnR news is a big factor, but I think forums in general are losing steam & memberships. They were fun, and alot of us in some ways were 'friends'.  Whether closely or not, it is sorta like people you went to high school with, we still have this in common.

That said, I think the anonymity and habits of coming here to post prolly leads to the fierceness of the political thread. I'll admit I post more politics here than social media. I'm sure I offend some of you & maybe go too far. Although, I feel its an outlet for us, maybe in 2-3 years we'll be able to look back & read some of our statements and chuckle at how carried away we got, or how wrong we were.

Anyway let's just make out of it what we can. Maybe Guns will do something. Plus there are more shows this year for people who haven't seen them, and another US trip. We'll see.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Is This Forum Dying?

Neemo wrote:

Seems people mostly lurk

I've posted a few threads with zero response

I don't like discussing politics

But yea would be awe some ignore people posted more...I just dunno how to make that happen

 Rep: 149 

Re: Is This Forum Dying?

slcpunk wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

... but I think forums in general are losing steam & memberships.

I think social media killed a lot of forums. I know about a dozen peeps who went to facebook and never came back. I went to FB, but then returned to forums deleting all social media I had.

I don't like FB for a lot of reasons, mostly though because it's too broad. If I have 60 "friends" but the FB algorithms decide only 6-12 of them see my posts in their feed. Of those how many are really interested in the topic I may have brought up? It's way too various to have any interesting conversations with people you know. I also despise the narcissistic qualities of social boring and vapid.  Forums are much more specific, and people are there to talk about that particular subject. Not post pictures of their kids, what they ate, where they went on vacation, repost memes all day, post the same clips that everybody else did etc...But I think that's why people are drawn to social media, it makes it all about them and their lives.

Reddit is a great forum, if you want to call it that. I was turned off to it for years simply because of the layout, but lurk there often and enjoy it much more now. In fact I primarily post here and that's about it these days. I read more than anything believe that or not.

My place has circled the drain for a couple of years now. Some great posters, many quite bright and interesting went to FB...and that was that. I've seen many forums die off over the years: Music, cars, name it. And once they're dead they never come back, sorry to say.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Is This Forum Dying?

mitchejw wrote:
slcpunk wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

... but I think forums in general are losing steam & memberships.

I think social media killed a lot of forums. I know about a dozen peeps who went to facebook and never came back. I went to FB, but then returned to forums deleting all social media I had.

I don't like FB for a lot of reasons, mostly though because it's too broad. If I have 60 "friends" but the FB algorithms decide only 6-12 of them see my posts in their feed. Of those how many are really interested in the topic I may have brought up? It's way too various to have any interesting conversations with people you know. I also despise the narcissistic qualities of social boring and vapid.  Forums are much more specific, and people are there to talk about that particular subject. Not post pictures of their kids, what they ate, where they went on vacation, repost memes all day, post the same clips that everybody else did etc...But I think that's why people are drawn to social media, it makes it all about them and their lives.

Reddit is a great forum, if you want to call it that. I was turned off to it for years simply because of the layout, but lurk there often and enjoy it much more now. In fact I primarily post here and that's about it these days. I read more than anything believe that or not.

My place has circled the drain for a couple of years now. Some great posters, many quite bright and interesting went to FB...and that was that. I've seen many forums die off over the years: Music, cars, name it. And once they're dead they never come back, sorry to say.

Is Gn'R still touring? That's how little I know about them right now...I can't keep talking about ChinDem...Axl and Co don't even want to talk about it.

The reunite tour wasn't disappointing...but it wasn't surrounded by the buzz or attention or new stimuli that I was hoping for. The most new thing they did was play the seeker...which doesn't seem to excite anyone...

 Rep: 11 

Re: Is This Forum Dying?

Yamcha wrote:

Yes, Facebook, Twitter and now Instagram, SnapChat etc are slowly finishing off the forums as we know them...

What also kills some forums is spam and overprotective measures against spammers. I registered at a site sometime ago... I was really keen on posting there at first. I was told my account was to be approved... I waited, thinking it would be like in the old days, you wait a few minutes/hours and tada! You've been approved and you can start posting. But it never happened. Days and weeks passed. My account was never approved. I thought, no wonder you got little to no activity. How do you expect people to post if you take 6 months to validate accounts? You should at least give a chance to posters. You can still ban them later if needed.

The only boards that I see as still active are support forums (with a lot less traffic than in 2007) and I think that's about it.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Is This Forum Dying?

Aussie wrote:

Yeah I think there is not much to talk about with GNR - I say that and I am seeing them in Feb when they are down here.

New music would certainly spice things up, other than that it just seems like they are doing a good tour with nothing really of note.  Not controversy whilst at the same time noting earth shattering either. 

Agree with other comments too about social media destroying forums.  Facebook groups etc have seen a lot of people move away from the forum format.

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