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 Rep: 77 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

TheMole wrote:

Obamacare is an abomination because it tried to implement something that didn't completely disenfranchise the 'small government' folks and is full of ridiculous compromises. So please don't look at that as an efficient approach to healthcare.

In Europe you don't pay for basic healthcare services (including dental), it just comes out of your income taxes, which contrary to popular belief aren't staggeringly high but on average about the same as for the state of California (there are exceptions though, like in France, Belgium, ... where you pay more taxes). And it's not like quality of healthcare is lower in Europe, on the contrary. And if you want more than basic healthcare you can still pay for that (or get private insurance on top of it). A typical monthly fee for private insurance, which gets you things like luxury hospital rooms and certain elective procedures on top of your basic healthcare will be around 50$ for adults and maybe 20$ for kids.

Insurance is the prime example of an economy that benefits from scale, and it's an example where a free market economy has little to no impact on the quality and price of the product. Every modern civilized country needs a single payer system for basic healthcare, it's that simple.

 Rep: 77 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

TheMole wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Bernie Sanders is a nice man, but his socialist line of thinking would destroy our economy. I like him as a guy, but all this free free free shit means I have to pay pay pay...

Not necessarily true, although it is something to be wary about for sure. But there are so many ways an honest left president (so not Hillary) can free up enough budget to bring the US on par with other modern civilized countries in the West. Someone already mentioned cutting on military spending, but if you're not willing to support that (even though it represents more than 500 billion dollars and more than half of the total budget), how about not exempting churches from paying taxes? That's 72 billion dollars right there, but something the right can never support since their base is typically more religious. How about closing corporate tax loopholes? That's another 100 billion dollars, but the right blocks it off because they fear loss of jobs ('cause you know, when it comes to business the US can't be isolationist, right?).

And whether you believe it or not, most studies indicate that single payer healthcare would be cheaper overall. This is from a study from 2013:

Thanks to a landmark study in 2013 by Gerald Friedman, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Economics at the University of Massachusetts, we have a solid financial analysis of the costs and benefits of a single-payer national health plan. With NHI, $592 billion would be saved annually by cutting the administrative waste of some 1,300 private health insurers ($476 billion) and reducing pharmaceutical prices to European levels ($116 billion). These savings would be enough to cover all of the 44 million uninsured (at the time of his study) and upgrade benefits for all other Americans, even including dental and long-term care. A single-payer public financing system would be established, similar to traditional (not privatized) Medicare, coupled with a private delivery system. Instead of having to pay the increasing costs of private health insurance, so often with unaffordable deductibles and other cost-sharing, patients would present their NHI cards at the point of service without cost-sharing or other out-of-pocket costs. Care would be based on medical need, not ability to pay.

So would you be paying more? I see absolutely no data that supports such a premise. The US simply has a horribly inefficient healthcare system with so much room for improvement that it will pay for itself.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

buzzsaw wrote:

The got cannot run Healthcare. They can't even enroll people in it.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

Smoking Guns wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

The got cannot run Healthcare. They can't even enroll people in it.


 Rep: 130 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

mitchejw wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

The democrats have created a whole society that relies on hand outs and that locks up votes for generations.  Generations of people that want free stuff.  Free food, free housing, free college, free cell phones, free health care.  Who pays for all that free shit? Only 47% of the USA pays taxes.  Let that sink in.  ONLY 47%.  Now, the other 53% do pay sales tax and also property tax if they own anything.  But no income tax.  I am in that 47% and sick of paying more and more.

And yes, I know health care can go up, but not at these rates of increase.  Pre Obama care I pay the same rate for 4 years straight.  Post Obama shit is going up big time EACH YEAR.  I soon wont be able to afford this kind of health insurance and will have to get a policy that has a $7,000 deductible.  So unless I get hit by a train the shit is worthless.

I find your posts in this thread to be passionate and they contribute to the conversation. However, this description of democrats is absurd. I am a democrat and I own a small business that has employed as many as 40 people at a given time. I also grew up on food stamps and free hot lunch. I've think I've more than paid my debt to the public.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

Smoking Guns wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

The democrats have created a whole society that relies on hand outs and that locks up votes for generations.  Generations of people that want free stuff.  Free food, free housing, free college, free cell phones, free health care.  Who pays for all that free shit? Only 47% of the USA pays taxes.  Let that sink in.  ONLY 47%.  Now, the other 53% do pay sales tax and also property tax if they own anything.  But no income tax.  I am in that 47% and sick of paying more and more.

And yes, I know health care can go up, but not at these rates of increase.  Pre Obama care I pay the same rate for 4 years straight.  Post Obama shit is going up big time EACH YEAR.  I soon wont be able to afford this kind of health insurance and will have to get a policy that has a $7,000 deductible.  So unless I get hit by a train the shit is worthless.

I find your posts in this thread to be passionate and they contribute to the conversation. However, this description of democrats is absurd. I am a democrat and I own a small business that has employed as many as 40 people at a given time. I also grew up on food stamps and free hot lunch. I've think I've more than paid my debt to the public.

I am all about help and enabling some body to improve themselves. I am NOT for people abusing the system and being a lifer. You are an example of the system working!  And that is awesome. But it is becoming more and more rare. Our urban areas rely so much on the government now they are hooked for life.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

Smoking Guns wrote:

As a society we must always protect the innocent victims. The children. They did not choose who their parents are. So we must help them no matter how irresponsible, unmotivated their parents may be. And also help those who fell on bad times. I love how you escaped that system, that is very inspiring.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

buzzsaw wrote:

I got reduced/free lunches at school as a kid.  We were on food stamps from time to time.  I am all for supporting the people temporarily that need it.  The problem is people haven't just used it as a crutch, they've used it as a way of life.  They drive their BMWs, they live in their houses that are nicer than some working people have, and they collect all the gov't freebies they can.  They live a better quality of life than many of the working poor that get nothing from the gov't either by choice (pride), not being qualified because they make too much money somehow, or just not knowing how to get access to it. 

That's what needs to change.  The lifers.  If you're collecting, you're working.  End of story.  You're cleaning the side of the road.  You're cleaning gov't office buildings.  You're doing something that is contributing to society, and if you don't want to do it, that's fine, but the freebies stop too.  I have no idea why this isn't already the law.  Almost everybody - even the disabled - are capable of contributing to society in some way.  Enough of the sitting around doing nothing.  Work for your freebies.  Then let's see if they would rather collect gov't assistance or get a job that might allow them to get out of the circle of poverty.

 Rep: 149 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

slcpunk wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Cramer, this isn't for American Muslims. He wants to put a pause on letting non American Muslims into the US. Has nothing to do with US Muslims.

Trump said if he was president he would consider creating a data base of Muslim Americans and make them carry a special ID.

AtariLegend wrote:

It's great news for the right they get to fear the crazies into thinking they need guns to defend themselves, while ignoring the 1052 mass shootings in 1066 days prior to last Thursday.

Not surprisingly the answer to everything if you ask the NRA (Guns salesmen) is MOAR GUNZ!!!!

TheMole wrote:

You must not be looking very hard... what about Hutaree, Army of God or SCA? Of course there are radical Christian terrorist groups (KKK anyone?), just like there are for instance radical vegetarian terrorist groups like the ALF, just like about any other religious or political group of likeminded people runs the risk of a small group of radicals misrepresenting them. That's no reason to villainize entire communities...

Bosnia was mass genocide of Muslims by Christians. Many on the right forget (or don't even know) that America stepped in to stop that and protect Muslims.

Radical Christians militias terrorize and murder Muslims in Africa as we speak.

buzzsaw wrote:

I believe in equality as much as anyone. I'm not a trump supporter. I'm just explaining why things are the way they are. Obama's dictatorship the last 8 years created the resentment that has allowed trump to be a force. There are a LOT of people fed up with the lies and deceit coming from the white house.

Dictatorship? Kinda heavy on the hyperbole there don't you think?

Likewise, Trump is "a force" inside the GOP primary only, one year out from an election. Hardly a "force" within America as a whole. He resonates with a small minority in this country, many of whom are bigots.

I find it funny that Obama has done more than Bush could ever dream of in regards to decimating terrorists, yet the GOP are acutely unaware of it.

Smoking Guns wrote:

The Mole clearly feels Climate Change is our biggest threat to national security.

No, that would be the Pentagon who said it's an "urgent and growing threat" to our national security.

buzzsaw wrote:

Here's why I lean republican even though I disagree with them on most social issues: the Republicans just ignore the middle class; the Democrats try to bring the middle class into the poor. Given the choice, I'd rather be ignored.

Give examples.

buzzsaw wrote:

The got cannot run Healthcare. They can't even enroll people in it.

Great bumper sticker I guess, but hardly true.

I guess if you leave out the VA, Medicaid, CHIP, and Medicare, you may have a point.

 Rep: 149 

Re: Donald Trump running for President

slcpunk wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

I got reduced/free lunches at school as a kid.  We were on food stamps from time to time.  I am all for supporting the people temporarily that need it.  The problem is people haven't just used it as a crutch, they've used it as a way of life.  They drive their BMWs, they live in their houses that are nicer than some working people have, and they collect all the gov't freebies they can.  They live a better quality of life than many of the working poor that get nothing from the gov't either by choice (pride), not being qualified because they make too much money somehow, or just not knowing how to get access to it.

I can read an almost identical diatribe about poor "takers" almost anywhere online. It's always the same about their cars and nice homes, buying lobster in the grocery store etc. Pretty lame, and hardly true.

I also think it's interesting that what was good for your family, is not OK for others. This also seems to be a re-occurring theme within the conservative mind. Paul Ryan advocates the same thing (reduction of "entitlements"), while having benefited from social security growing up.

You only have anecdotal (and not very original) stories to support your position. It's easy to look down the ladder and demonize those less fortunate than ourselves, with nary a shred of understanding of their predicament I guess. The reality is that corporate welfare takes more (and drive nicer cars btw) then any welfare cheat you could dream of. They drain our revenue as the debt builds up and our schools crumble. But those on the right side of the aisle never shake their finger upwards...only down at the poor people. That's the new trend in this country, brought to us by the GOP: demonizing the poor. For shame I say.

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