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 Rep: 664 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

James wrote:

The way the band's public image has been handled for the past two decades is atrocious.

This is the most frustrating aspect of the CD years. It wasn't treated as something for people to take seriously. From top to bottom.  Even hardcore fans mocked the damn thing.  Fans split into a ton of different factions, rotating cast of managers that appear to not know their elbow from their asshole, years between updates, and last but not least CD itself.

Now its going to be different. If new music is coming they will say its coming and guess'll come. If they mention rotating set lists that is what we'll get. List goes on and on.  GNR can now be up there with the likes of U2 and Metallica and its where they always belonged.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

Smoking Guns wrote:

Slash and Duff typically always come through on promotion, new music, etc. they won't let this fail.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

misterID wrote:

There could be a Kimmel performance next week. Again, big time rumor and it could involve Steven... Maybe.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

Smoking Guns wrote:

Whoa, so now you saying Steve in da mix?

 Rep: 475 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Whoa, so now you saying Steve in da mix?

For a little bone? That's a possibility. Just have to watch Kimmel Wednesday. Tues should be an announcement.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

James wrote:
misterID wrote:

There could be a Kimmel performance next week. Again, big time rumor and it could involve Steven... Maybe.


Mitch Lafon @mitchlafon  2h2 hours ago
Do you Know Where You Are @jimmykimmel ? Next week, right

Mitch Lafon @mitchlafon  2h2 hours ago
For those of you that missed 1986 the first time around - have no fear it'll be back in 2016 on so many fronts.

Mitch Lafon @mitchlafon  14m14 minutes ago
You're Crazy if you don't circle this day in your calendar


Wow. This is getting crazy. Sounds like they are going all out with this. 2016 is going to wind up being the biggest GNR year since 1991.

This line....

For those of you that missed 1986 the first time around - have no fear it'll be back in 2016 on so many fronts.

Makes me think it might be AFD.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

misterID wrote:

Yeah. I'm still on the fence about Steven's participation. The people who know have been adamant Steven is not going to be involved outside something small. So, this makes sense for a little publicity/not causing him to OD thing, but Mitch's trying to insinuate a long term gig, and that goes against everything I've heard.

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

johndivney wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

The way the band's public image has been handled for the past two decades is atrocious.

This is the most frustrating aspect of the CD years. It wasn't treated as something for people to take seriously. From top to bottom.  Even hardcore fans mocked the damn thing.  Fans split into a ton of different factions, rotating cast of managers that appear to not know their elbow from their asshole, years between updates, and last but not least CD itself.

Now its going to be different. If new music is coming they will say its coming and guess'll come. If they mention rotating set lists that is what we'll get. List goes on and on.  GNR can now be up there with the likes of U2 and Metallica and its where they always belonged.

Haha I wouldn't get my hopes up how well handled this thing will be, or even going forward from it - let's not mistake this for another nonexistent masterplan, esp before it's even launched.

& I know what you're saying re U2/Metallica but I think we all know that GnR have never been competing with those bands, however annoying their blueprints for success were during the lean GnR decades.
My point is that tho they can be seen as peers to GnR they shouldn't really. Guns were so much more (& better) than either of those two bands (but especially U2) that they're kinda operating on a different level. People might not realise it, but that's their loss. We know the value of it. They can have their 15 U2 special limited edition albums & tours & tv shows & adverts & whatever else the fuck U2 do, what we've got is just worth far more than any of that stuff. Different level.
I guess I'm saying is, I don't really mind when it's not sold as professionally as it should be. But also, I do think it's neat when they do get something right like that Star Wars trailer, & yea, on a scale they deserve to be on (bigger than U2!). But if it all collapses tomorrow, or today, that's kinda ok too cause of what it's built on, something that will last..

 Rep: 57 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

supaplex wrote:
johndivney wrote:

Haha I wouldn't get my hopes up how well handled this thing will be, or even going forward from it - let's not mistake this for another nonexistent masterplan, esp before it's even launched.

Actually, i think it might get handled properly.
I don't see Slash and Duff just give up their own management teams in favor of Team Brazil.

 Rep: 39 

Re: Coachella Festival profile and rumours

-Jack- wrote:

Damn GNR on Kimmle whaaa. Amazing!

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