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 Rep: 200 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

apex-twin wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

-Axl lost his footing during Brownstone and ended up ripping his jeans in the crotch. During the solo he walked over to the side of the stage and pointed up at Lenny Kravitz and back down at his crotch and said "Penisgate" or somethin to that effect and they both started laughing.

At first, Axl feared he was too big for his britches with the new lineup. Glad he got over it.

-Godfather Theme was awesome! Before he started it Axl said "Heres a man that needs no introduction, but gets one anyways. Ladies and Gentlemen, Slash."

Cool of Slash to include his trademark solo from the Illusion days. Fitting.

-Better had a whole new intro. It was this really heavy riff that just kept building and we're in the crowd goin holy shit theyre playing a new song. The riff kept building until it somehow came to a crash with Duff starting "no one ever told me when..." It was epic and strange seeing Slash completely rocking out in the chorus. Again he did a killer solo and did a cool slide part in the last verse. Again Axl slayed the "i never wanted you to be so full of anger" section.

Will look forth to this (and CD). I always felt the lyrics at that breakdown (never wanted you to be somebody else) were Axl's intended message to Slash, as in, 'I hate to do this without you, but I have to'.

-before Michelle Axl and Duff were talking and into the mic Axl goes "im goin by your guys' list tonight. Im follwing your lead" Duff starts laughing and Axl goes "thats very rare for me. I mean you guys know im an agreeable kinda guy. Im like Trump, i consult with myself." Funny moment.

KOHD was most akin to a ballad in the set and that's a pretty elastic song. Obviously, Slash and Duff wanted a rocking club set, which meant axing mainstays like NR, Estranged, Maddy... Those songs would've been a bit awkward on a show celebrating their early days.

-Heavens Door was probably the most special moment of the show. Axl starts the first sing along section and then right when he looked like he was gonna start the 2nd he kinda stopped himself and looked around the stage and said "this is the first time in 23 years us 3 have been on stage together, 1993, July i believe it was" the crowd just erupted.

Yup. They came crawling back, if you look at it from a certain angle. The other way around, they are saving the band from diminishing returns and enabling Ax to reclaim the Guns legacy.

-another cool moment was Nightrain when they kicked into the first verse. It was "Look out" and both Axl and Slash started the foot stomp, gliding across the stage, stoping for a brief second in front of each other, and spinning off.

They've had many a talk, then. Axl likes to shoot his mouth and have one-on-one's with people. Quite long ones, even. The real break would've been when Ax finally had Slash in front of him and felt placated enough to articulate the grief he's been carrying. With any luck, Ax is maturing behind the scenes.

Olorin wrote:

Its good news for the vault if Slash is prepared to re-jig some of that material, bet Axl wont be half as apprehensive about releasing those songs if Slash has had his wicked way with them.

Axl's always been lenient on players bringing their own feel to established works. Brain ploughed through the Josh Freese drum tracks just because Iovine was complaining and at the same time, Axl was intrigued by the Brain&Bucket chemistry. There have been more blatant examples of re-jigging later on, but we can prolly let those fade away. Make room for the Real Top Hat.

elevendayempire wrote:

Also: interesting that it looks like Fortus took the slide solo on RQ. I really want to find out if he did the shred stuff on Better and Chinese Democracy, and if KOHD was the more recent Fortus "Mick Taylor-esque" version rather than the classic Slash arpeggios version, too – if both are true it lends weight to my theory that this really is Slash and Duff "plugging in" to the existing touring setup. The acid test is: does Fortus get one of the November Rain solos?

The Slash/Fortus dynamic is going to be interesting to observe. Slash is generally wary on his rhythm players and they've always been live only in Snakepit/Conspirators. There was also the unfortunate matter of Paul Huge. Fortus is cut from a different cloth, more than enough chops to handle his spot, a humble pro, and long-standing member. Technically, he's the best wingman Slash has ever had. As they got Axl to eschew the 3rd guitarist (thankfully), I bet he's going to be more attentive that Fortus gets his share of the limelight.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

polluxlm wrote:

They should just release this show asap. Might be the best overall performance by Axl in the new era from what I'm hearing. Do it raw and just put it out there, old school. Then later do some more elaborate package.

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

Lomax wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

They should just release this show asap. Might be the best overall performance by Axl in the new era from what I'm hearing. Do it raw and just put it out there, old school. Then later do some more elaborate package.

Great idea. They should just have slash draw the packaging on paper with a sharpie and use that for the packaging, the same way he drew the poster for their first ever show at the Troubadour. They had it on show at the Troubadour Friday before the show:
Source: … ullblondie

 Rep: 221 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

polluxlm wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Axl sounded the best he has since 2010. He had the fire in his belly and that look in his eye. Rasp was everywhere to be seen. The song i paid most attention to vocally was YCBM cuz i know thats one he hasnt done good on for the last 5 years and he nailed it. He slayed the "breakin down my back" section!

If he really nailed YCBM it's his best show in 20 years. He hasn't pulled that one off since 93.

-Better had a whole new intro. It was this really heavy riff that just kept building and we're in the crowd goin holy shit theyre playing a new song. The riff kept building until it somehow came to a crash with Duff starting "no one ever told me when..." It was epic and strange seeing Slash completely rocking out in the chorus. Again he did a killer solo and did a cool slide part in the last verse. Again Axl slayed the "i never wanted you to be so full of anger" section.

Already reworking CD songs? This is exceeding all expectations. 11

Can't wait to hear what Slash has done to some of these songs. That version sounds killer.

 Rep: 55 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

FlashFlood wrote:

The more I think of it the more surprised I am they played Better. One of the "newer" CD songs and a true Robin composition. CD doesn't surprise me as that's more of an Axl tune and older song. I guess songs like CD, SoD, TIL, and Maddy are all songs that I think would be easier for Slash and Duff to rework as they are all Axl songs, not written by someone who replaced them.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

Smoking Guns wrote:
elevendayempire wrote:
Olorin wrote:

I knew Slash wouldnt play that bullshit intro to Better, its horrendous. Its good news for the vault if Slash is prepared to re-jig some of that material, bet Axl wont be half as apprehensive about releasing those songs if Slash has had his wicked way with them.

Also interesting: as I expected, Slash borrowed the "tease" intro to WTTJ, as pioneered by Finck back in '01:

They really are taking the best bits of old and new.

Slash used to do that too....  Look at old footage... I think maybe Rio especially but he had done it before as well.

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

Lomax wrote:

Yeah I've heard live versions form the old days where slash teases the jungle intro and I know he did last year when I saw him

 Rep: 194 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

tejastech08 wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

If he really nailed YCBM it's his best show in 20 years. He hasn't pulled that one off since 93.

He nailed it in 2010 London gig for Duff's reunion.

My hope was that a Slash reunion would provide similar motivation for Axl to dig deep for his old voice and it seems that is what happened. He has a chance with this mega tour to shut up millions of doubters who think he can't sing anymore.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

Smoking Guns wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

If he really nailed YCBM it's his best show in 20 years. He hasn't pulled that one off since 93.

He nailed it in 2010 London gig for Duff's reunion.

My hope was that a Slash reunion would provide similar motivation for Axl to dig deep for his old voice and it seems that is what happened. He has a chance with this mega tour to shut up millions of doubters who think he can't sing anymore.

Was going to post the same thing. He stepped up his game when a legit member of guns was on stage. He did it again when Slash appeared. Slash is ready, looks like Axl is too

 Rep: 221 

Re: Secret show: April 1, L.A.?

polluxlm wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

If he really nailed YCBM it's his best show in 20 years. He hasn't pulled that one off since 93.

He nailed it in 2010 London gig for Duff's reunion.

My hope was that a Slash reunion would provide similar motivation for Axl to dig deep for his old voice and it seems that is what happened. He has a chance with this mega tour to shut up millions of doubters who think he can't sing anymore.

Was going to post the same thing. He stepped up his game when a legit member of guns was on stage. He did it again when Slash appeared. Slash is ready, looks like Axl is too

Wow. He stepped up his game massively there. Usually it's maybe one verse, then embarrassing. If that.

Agreed, looks to be a pattern with the old guys on stage. The CD era truly ended up as a cash grab, phoning it in.

Thank God this happened.

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