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 Rep: 80 

Re: Suggest a marketing plan for CD (just for fun)

Backslash wrote:

With recent developments in the GNR world, it seems like marketing issues are holding up the long-awaited release of new material from the band.  Perhaps it's a disagreement between the label and Mr. Rose about how to market the product to fans so to earn the greatest returns.  Declines in CD sales over the past few years have certainly caused record execs and bands to come up with creative ways to promote products and to encourage consumers to buy rather than download for free. 

Out of interest and maybe a little boredom with the lack of recent news, I'm curious as to what you'd all suggest to the band or label to unleash this sucker.  The idea here (just for fun, of course) is to find out what approach the band and label should take to reach necessary sales in order to break even or (maybe) turn a profit.  Creativity is encouraged and feedback on ideas is always welcomed.  And if you have a few ideas, hell, share them all!

My idea is to include a bonus booklet and maybe DVD with the album (as a special edition) to encourage people to buy.  The booklet could be some sort of a biography of all the members or a summary of the complications encountered from the beginning to the end of the project.  The DVD could be concert clippings of new songs as played by the new band.  While the extra items may increase the cost of the final product, I think the hardcores will all want their hands on the booklet, reducing lost revenue from piracy.  The DVD and album are easily pirated, but the booklet at least gives an incentive to buy.

As for promotion?  How about milking the media?  Rolling Stone and Classic Rock aren't ignoring the band, and they each reach large potential consumer groups.  Pop a few interviews (and maybe cover stories) in those magazines about the long awaited album finally coming out (no, really!) and suddenly a number of people are interested.  It's also cheaper than paying for advertising space.  With that said, it wouldn't hurt to shove the band down our throats with public appearances, a full tour (only after a release date is firmly in place), and meet and greets with the fans.

What does everyone else think?

 Rep: 485 

Re: Suggest a marketing plan for CD (just for fun)

Neemo wrote:

how about special things inside the booklet? like the pack of cards thing that Pearl Jam did on that one album? buy a copy get 2-3 cards featuring pics of people who've worked on the album? maybe a snippet of a studio recorded track, or a peice of a vid in the studio of that person or portion of a live video available for DL via a special code on the back of the card...also a peice of the story of the recording of CD is told on the back of each dont know what you get until you open the packaging

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